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Draw Brawl Challenge 6


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Well, for challenge 6 I wanted to include my favorite sport: soccer. The world's most popular sport deserves a spot in the Draw Brawl, and with the World Cup coming up next summer, I figured now would be a good time to do that.

So, here is your task: take any national team that has qualified/will likely qualify for the 2010 World Cup, redesign their crest tastefully, and come up with a pair of uniforms (kits, they're called). One primary, and one clash (similar to an away uniform, but they're only worn when the team's primary kit "clashes" with the other team's). Look into past team's crests, their kit history, etc. Do you want to go classic, or modern? It's your call.

I initially wanted to include an aspect of creating a whole marketing slogan and such (i.e. the USA's Don't Tread On Me), but figured that would be too much to put on each individual.

So, what's required:

-A new crest for any national team

-2 sets of uniforms for that team

The deadline will be Friday, November 20th at 11:59 PM Est.

This site has virtually every national (and club, for that matter) team logo in vector format.

The World Cup 2010 logo can be found in .eps format here.

Good luck!


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I haven't been able to particpate yet, but I really like this challenge. I'm going to try my best to get some free time committed getting a concept together for this one.


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I am new to the forum, and have virtually no training in design, photoshop or illustrator but I am very interested in trying to create some kits and a new look. Am I allowed to enter something and if so, do we have to call 'dibs' on a country or is it ok if people re-do the same country?


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xBJx: welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here. No, you do not need to call dibs on a country, pick any one you want. And yes, you're allowed to participate in this contest. I encourage you to enter into Tier 2 since you're new to design, and check out the Rules and Leaderboard thread for more information on what to do to enter. Good luck!


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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xBJx: welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here. No, you do not need to call dibs on a country, pick any one you want. And yes, you're allowed to participate in this contest. I encourage you to enter into Tier 2 since you're new to design, and check out the Rules and Leaderboard thread for more information on what to do to enter. Good luck!

Hey I appreciate the welcome. I literally just got PS3 and I have been watching online tutorials. I also have Illustrator but am lost in that program, but I can draw very well with a pencil and have a (at least I think, haha) a good eye for design. I need to figure out how to translate that into a computer program though. Thanks for the recommendations, I will check those out and get started.

This may not be in the spirit of the competition, but anyone want to give me some direction on how to find some of these awesome templates I see you guys using, or do you create your own for each contest? Is it a faux pas to use someone else's template they have posted somewhere on the forums as long as you credit them? New to design AND design etiquette B)

Thanks for any help in advance, looking forward to entering!

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