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Nll Bracket

Ez Street

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Go Buffalo Bandits :D

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Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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That Mammoth logo has always bugged the crap out of me. Why do the two tusks curl in opposite directions? One curls in, one curls out... *sigh*

I'll go with the Rock, though I know nothing about Lacrosse, but am starting to learn a little bit after applying with the ULL. Toronto is a 4x Champion, and the defending champ, so... that seems natural.

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Actually, I think the one tusk is meant to be a C for Colorado, but doesn't read/look very well. I'd say the Philadelphia Wings have the best pure logo in the league, but they didn't make the playoffs this year. Oh well, guess I'll root for the Knighthawks, although it'll probably be Toronto - Colorado.

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Lacrosse seems like a mix of hockey, basketball and soccer to me... but it does seem cool. I may try to get into it more whenever it's on TV

Seems to me I saw a game last year on ESPN2 - might have been Fox???

Nitro-when I teach Lacrosse to my P.E. classes; first my kids love floor hockey & we play alot of Basketball in Raytown (4 state Championships) and we have a strong soccer program in Kansas City. So the game fits nicely with what my kids love, as those sports you mentioned. The book I have also describes the game much like those 3 sports.

I hope you get into the ULL - I would support your entrance into the ULL.

Have you seen the Toronto Logo? Of all the NLL logos, most are pretty good - Toronto's is too cartoony. It has the "Toronto Tower" (not sure of the name) playing a guitar like a Rock Star - it's of poor quality.

Anyway - lacrosse is cool.

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Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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i remember when espn2 showed the MILL, somehow the Wings became my favorite team. since the deuce stopped showing those games, i have to wait til memorial weekend to see any lax (and then its the college variety)


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I went to the Mammoth game were they beat San Jose, clinched home field, and Gary Gait scored 6 goals and his 1000th point. What a great game.

Toronto's good, but the Mammoth are going to be tough to beat this year, IMO.

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The Mammoth really are a talented bunch and there is no stopping Gait. He is a monster of a man and probably the best player to ever step on the floor and bless a stick. He is incredible. Even if you have never seen lacrosse before, when you see this man you can tell he has talent. I encourage everyone to watch some lacrosse or go check out a game if you can. It's relatively cheap, only like 10 bucks a ticket. It grows on yo, kinda like the AFL. You'll be a fan in no time!

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There have been murmurs here in St. Louis for a few years about getting a LAX team. It's a very popular sport among the suburban high schools and we're getting our very first lacrosse-only specialty store sometime this spring. I'm also shooting for a ULL team and watch the indoor game occasionally on FSN. It's certainly an exciting game to watch and think it would catch on pretty well here in St. Louis.

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With the Vancouver Ravens going up for sale, it is very likely. I think it was rumored either St. Louis or Atlanta.

I highly doubt they would sell to Atlanta. They have enough trouble filling seats at Braves and Hawks games. Plus, lacrosse is virtually unknown here in the southeast. I would think they'd have problems finding a fanbase.

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The Owners of the Vancouver Ravens sold the majority ownership to an Atlanta business man - who is from Canada. See article marked March 23rd.

Vancouver Ravens Ownership Article

Ez Street has informed me of the possiblity of the NLL adding two teams next year. The Ottawa Rebels and NY Saints suspended operations last year, they could come back this year or next. I'd like to see the NLL expand - St. Louis would be good for the Midwest exposure. There has been petitions from various Missouri H.S. for the Activities Association to santion Lacrosse as an offical State Sport. With school budgets the way there are - I highly doubt it but it would be good for the game and the kids who play.

I contacted a friend of mine who works for the KC Comets indoor soccer team and to use his influence to get the Kansas City Sports Commission to bring an NLL exhibition game to Kansas City's Kemper Arena. I also emailed the commissioner with the same request. Couldn't hurt to try. :rolleyes:

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Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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I can attest to the lack of fan base to lacrosse down here in Atlanta.

I am a huge soccer fan/player/coach, a big hockey fan... and have never in my life ever had one single opportunity to involve myself with one lacrosse game.

I didn't even know, until this very post that there even WAS a pro league for it.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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