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Minnesota Wild Miniature Time Warp


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Giving them a barberpole look from the early days of hockey. I replaced the red with brown since brown back then was like the powder blue of today.


This one is based on the aesthetics from the early 1980s. Keep that in mind as I'm aware that this would not go over well today. Gone are all traces of the Wild's beige color and all secondary logos.

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I really like your early "barber pole" sweaters.

You should try making their primary logo (which I love, BTW) look "old," you know, make it look like something first designed in the 1920s or w/e.

habsfan1. I also like your barberpole look. I've been working on a pseudo-throwback logo for the Wild, I was going to do a winter classic set for them. Would you mind if I posted the logo here? You'd be free to use it as is or as just an example.

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I really like your early "barber pole" sweaters.

You should try making their primary logo (which I love, BTW) look "old," you know, make it look like something first designed in the 1920s or w/e.

habsfan1. I also like your barberpole look. I've been working on a pseudo-throwback logo for the Wild, I was going to do a winter classic set for them. Would you mind if I posted the logo here? You'd be free to use it as is or as just an example.

Okay. I don't mind. I'd like to see it.

Also, anyone have anything for the 80s set?????

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I'll start off with the 80's set. It's bright, it's bold, it only needs a time traveling phonebooth and two most excellent time travelers to finish it off.

I'd like to see a 90's set, maybe something along the lines of the Ducks miserable alt. from way back when. Some trees along the bottom hem, a shooting star and numbers in the moon, go crazy. I think if you're looking to do a time warp you should go as stereotypical as possible with the eras, so for the 90s you're going to need something that might inspire vomit while at the same time becoming an instantly recognizable piece of hockey history.

Anyways, here's the rough idea I had for a Wild throwback. Do with it what you will.


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Anyways, here's the rough idea I had for a Wild throwback. Do with it what you will.


Here's an updated version of the jersey with the logo you designed. Thanks alot, it looks even better now...


I'd like to see a 90's set, maybe something along the lines of the Ducks miserable alt. from way back when. Some trees along the bottom hem, a shooting star and numbers in the moon, go crazy. I think if you're looking to do a time warp you should go as stereotypical as possible with the eras, so for the 90s you're going to need something that might inspire vomit while at the same time becoming an instantly recognizable piece of hockey history.

Well, guess what? I've already designed one some time ago! ^_^ This is what I came up with. I didn't go WildWing crazy over it though, it's more around the lines of a team like Phoenix Coyotes, with a sketched land design at the hem.


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What you've done is pretty cool. Like others have said, the barberpole jersey looks a little too dark. The 80s jerseys are fantastic. Reminds me a lot of the North Stars with the yellow and green you used. And the 90s jersey is also something I could see being used at the time. It's not too over the top like some of the alternates, but it's different enough.


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I think for the 80's style, you should have a logo reflective of that period. I'm thinking either a full bear/wolverine, or a cheesy W made into a claw.

I made this one myself. I don't make logos very often, so consider it my first...


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I think for the 80's style, you should have a logo reflective of that period. I'm thinking either a full bear/wolverine, or a cheesy W made into a claw.

I made this one myself. I don't make logos very often, so consider it my first...


It's a start. For one thing, it needs an eye, and to really make it relfective of the period, I'd try and get rid of the trees. I can't really think of any other way to keep the same basic shape of the logo and make it 80's style, but I'm sure there's ways.



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  • 2 months later...

So Dallas got the North Stars, and Minnesota got the Mooterus?

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2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 & 2015 CHL East Division Champions!

Niagara Dragoons- 2012 United League and CCSLC World Series Champions!
2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 UL Robinson Division Champions!

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Pretty good all around, but I think the 20s style jersey should say something along the lines of "St. Paul Wild" or "Wild Hockey Club." Teams didn't identify themselves by their state until the Twins came along in the 60s... hence we had the Minneapolis Lakers and not the Minnesota Lakers.

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I've decided to give logo making another try and I came up with something else for the Wild.


Some helpful C & C would be appreciated.

I would just try a regular block-M with trees filling in the negative space at the bottom of the M. Maybe put some stars inside the M to tie it all together.

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So Dallas got the North Stars, and Minnesota got the Mooterus?

Part of the divorce settlement. Anyways, I think the main issue with the logo is the choppiness. Also, I think you are going for the bear paw, but it look like a duck's foot. I'd study a bear paw more, or take the easy route and put some cheesy slash marks over an over-stylized M or W.

EDIT: Love the barberpole!

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  • 3 months later...

Yet another update to try to make a fine 80s looking Minnesota Wild crest. I think the 3rd time's the charm.

I was unable to think of a clever enough idea that I would then reproduce on screen, so I just made the current logo alot more vintage looking.


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