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NHL Red Line


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Since the two line pass has been legal

the last few years, does the red line need prominence through the

center ice circle?

I know icing is based on the red line,

but can't the linesmen, who make so many close

offside calls, be able to judge if a skater

gained the red line?

I think they can.

Refs in the NBA have no issue with back court violations

in the NBA with team logos covering

the half court stripe.

I'd like to see the full logos return,

and eliminate issues

like the poorly skewed Maple Leafs logo.

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The NBA center line (and all lines) is - by rule - allowed to be broken by a logo or design but the edges of the line must still be visible. In other words, you can cover the center line with a logo but an outline of the line must still be visible from end to end. Sometimes it doesn't show up on tv but you can see here how the line stays intact all the way through. I agree that I wouldn't mind them doing this same meathod in Hockey so the center logos look a little cleaner.


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Still needed for determining icing

Right, but my point is that

linesmen, through 8-10 skates can judge an offside

in a second.

Isn't it easier to determine if one skate out of two has gained the

tip of the red line for icing? That to me is an easy judgement,

and could eliminate the prominence of the red line through the logo.

Goforbroke - I have noticed the striping for NBA midcourts is there

in outline fashion.

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Still needed for determining icing

Right, but my point is that

linesmen, through 8-10 skates can judge an offside

in a second.

Isn't it easier to determine if one skate out of two has gained the

tip of the red line for icing? That to me is an easy judgement,

and could eliminate the prominence of the red line through the logo.

Goforbroke - I have noticed the striping for NBA midcourts is there

in outline fashion.

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Isn't it easier to determine if one skate out of two has gained the

tip of the red line for icing? That to me is an easy judgement,

and could eliminate the prominence of the red line through the logo.

Most of the time icings occur by a winger dumping it down the sideboards instead of straight through the middle anyways.


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So just have thin red lines along the edges of the dot and up through the faceoff circle.


It doesn't interrupt center ice logos as much and it still gets the point across.

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