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NFL Third Jerseys


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This is an idea I've had many times before, and I'm sure it's probably been attempted by some other members on here as well. Basically, I'm just going to create third jerseys for NFL teams. My problem with the NFL's current alternates are that they are usually just recolors and/or throwbacks. Where's the originality? I like how the NHL uses completely different designs and usually has them in a different color. That's what I'll do here. Completely different designs that any of the team's other jerseys (although some may be based off throwbacks). Another thing you'll notice is that these aren't the teams regular helmets either. I believe the NFL currently has some rule against it but hey, why not? Just a little something to change it up from the other uniforms. An estimate to how much these would be used would be about twice a year most likely. I suppose it would be up to the team to how much they want to wear them. Anyway, I plan on doing all 32 teams by the end of the summer. I really like making these and hope you guys enjoy them! I'll post links to each concept beneath this paragraph--

Cardinals | Falcons | Ravens | Bills | Panthers | Bears | Bengals | Browns | Cowboys | Broncos | Lions | Packers | Texans | Colts | Jaguars | Chiefs | Dolphins | Vikings | Patriots | Saints | Giants | Jets | Raiders | Eagles | Steelers | Chargers | 49ers | Seahawks | Rams | Buccaneers | Titans | Redskins


I'm not really a fan of their recently unveiled black alternate. I like the black, but it's just another recolored alternate jersey. I debated making the jersey yellow here, but I just couldn't get anything to look right. I did, however, use yellow in the uniform. And I know it's been done before a few times, but I really like the Arizona state flag, and i think the Cardinals need to incorporate it more into their identity perhaps. So it is sublimated on the back of the jersey (something I may do often in this series). I've always wanted the Cardinals to use an alternate red helmet, so that's what I did here. The yellow facemask might be too much though(?). If you notice I put Arizona beneath the collar rather than Cardinals, I guess because this jersey represents the state more than the bird.


Alright, thanks for viewing. I would like some criticism on these, too.

BTW these will go in alphabetical order, so the Falcons are up next. Feel free to suggest ideas for the next concept.


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so you arent even doing just third jerseys, but third uniforms. I like this! I would take this concept even further and imply that official home and road uniforms for teams must stay the same...since most nfl teams mix and match pants and jerseys.

and then carry it out by unveiling 3rd uniforms. Great idea!

but, I'm not feeling this Cardinals concept at all. The back is just too busy. I dont like the execution of the color scheme, and the helmet logo with the white outline bothers me. You should keep a black outline and then add a thin white stroke.

Anyways. Good stuff. Great idea for a series

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I really like what you did for the Cardinals here. I love the black jersey with that sublimated pattern on the back! The one thing I would say is that there is a bit too much yellow. It is used well and it compliments the other colors well, but when you add up the facemask and sleeves and everything, it just seems like too much. Also, I agree with Brave-Bird about the helmet logo. It would look better with the regular black outline, then a white outline. Nice job, I can't wait to see more.

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I'm not a fan of the colors at all, the yellow and red paired together on black doesn't look too great IMO. I like the flag pattern on the back, kinda similar for my Phoenix Skyhawks concept. The cardinal does need that black outline, but it's been said before so I think you get it.

I love the idea for this series, can't wait to see the Panthers

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I like that you tried to include some yellow, but I just don't think it works too well with what you are trying to do. I do like the idea of red numbers with yellow outline though. What I would personally do is make the entire jersey black, and keep the red numbers with yellow outline.


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Okay thanks for the comments guys. Now that I look at it, there probably is way too much yellow, so I cut back a little. Yellow will just be used as a trim color. I changed the helmet logo and facemask as well.




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Okay so moving on to the Falcons. There was two things I wanted to do here: 1) use silver and 2)use the falcon's "wings". I've always thought it would be cool for them to have an Eagles-esque helmet using the abstract wings from the logo. It obviously doesn't look like real wings, but I think it's good enough to be on a helmet. I even liked it enough to go with the wing motif on the pants as well, sorta like Florida State's feather on the Pro Combat pants. Ummm, not too much else to say here, hopefully it speaks for itself!


C&C please, and Ravens up next.


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As a life long Falcons fan I must say no to these. I love the idea of wings/feathers. But you must realise that the logo doesn't have real wings on them. Prob should design some wings inspired by the logo but dont just crop the logo. I dont even know whats happening with the stripe triangles.

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I've gotta agree with Blazer. The logo isn't designed to be used this way, its more of a design than it is wings. The pants, however, look spectacular. I'm not sure whats going on with the shoulder stripes but I'm not liking them. I'd try to follow the same path you went with for the pants.

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first off the pants are amazing. the helmet with wings, i feel, could be better if you turn the wings to look more like the eagles winged helmet. though i dont know if the falcon wing can get that way, there wing is weird. the jersey needs something way deifferent then those triangle things. i have a feeling you can get this to were it needs to be

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Thanks for the suggestions gentlemen. For the update I'll definitely change the helmet and sleeve stripes. I guess they looked better in my head than on the computer. I may just leave the sleeves plain since the helmet and pants are both pretty wild. The new helmet will be a more realistic wing like the Eagles, but stylized to look like the Falcons logo...or at least I'll attempt to do that. Before I do, does anyone have an image of what the Eagles helmet wing looks like just laying flat? I'm gonna need something to base this off of.


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