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Activists call for 2011 MLB All-Star game to be moved


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I think it's more appropriate to keep sports out of politics. I don't think the game should be moved, but if any players wants to boycott the game, then I don't have a problem with it.

Exactly, no need to punish a metropolitan area because of some controversial issues. MLB can state their stance on the issue in other ways if necessary. Leave it up to individual players to put the decision to boycott in their own hands.

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Wouldn't be the first time. Super Bowl XXVII was originally given to Arizona, but was withdrawn when they refused to recognize the MLK holiday.


seems somewhat different to me. The first time was ignoring a national holiday, this is just because people are worried about how a law will be enforced but are too (excuse me) stupid to do the research to see their worries have already been addressed and corrected.

You say its opponents are stupid, I say the law is irreparably racist.

Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to. :P

And why not hold the metropolitan area responsible for its own public policy? Arizona is free to try to pass whatever manner of crazy laws it likes (until they run out of appeals). Doesn't mean that any organization must offer de facto support of those laws with their business.

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Keep politics out of sports.



Fourthed (or Fifthed?)

The MLK holiday is one thing (civil rights), but this is another (illegal immigration).

Though I still don't quite like the guy, I think Phil Jackson put it best during the Suns-Lakers series this last year by saying that sports organizations shouldn't pick sides in something so divisive. Link. (I know)

I'm also sure that there are plenty of baseball fans in Arizona that oppose this law and don't want to lose the All-Star Game over a political stance. As far as I'm concerned, these activists are playing a game of How Loud Can We Be?® in moving the All-Star Game.

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Dont mind a Canadian jumping in on this but...

MLB needs to move the game the minute this bill passes... nuff said...

The law is racist, not borderline, not kinda, not seemingly, its 100% racist... I dont know how anyone can look me in the eye and tell me that this will not allow racial profiling. They are looking for illegal mexicans, thats it. I want to ship a bus load of illegal canadians and mix them with legal mexican-americans and see how many people get their papers asked for.

Arizona's latest argument says that no one will be asked for their papers unless there is reasonable suspicion...Can someone explain to me what "reasonable suspicion" means when it comes to figuring out if someone is an illegal immigrant or not? Do all Mexican-Americans have to go around humming the "star spangled banner" to avoid harassment. Maybe they can be like Apu have the "Ni Mets as their favourite squardron"....

Plus while you cannot be arrested for not having your papers, if you do not produce your papers when asked you can be detained till they can be produced. So really, half a dozen of one, six of the other... just with out the extra paperwork...

This isnt a "political" issue as much as its a human rights issue. And if the NFL and NBA can make stands, as americas game baseball should probably make some kind of statement when it comes to its players and fanbase

GDB... Brothers from other Mothers


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This isnt a "political" issue as much as its a human rights issue. And if the NFL and NBA can make stands, as americas game baseball should probably make some kind of statement when it comes to its players and fanbase

Couldn't agree more on both counts.

I'm also sure that there are plenty of baseball fans in Arizona that oppose this law and don't want to lose the All-Star Game over a political stance. As far as I'm concerned, these activists are playing a game of How Loud Can We Be?® in moving the All-Star Game.

Not surprising - that game is the only way society's inequities get addressed.

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This isnt a "political" issue as much as its a human rights issue. And if the NFL and NBA can make stands, as americas game baseball should probably make some kind of statement when it comes to its players and fanbase

Couldn't agree more on both counts.

I'm also sure that there are plenty of baseball fans in Arizona that oppose this law and don't want to lose the All-Star Game over a political stance. As far as I'm concerned, these activists are playing a game of How Loud Can We Be?® in moving the All-Star Game.

Not surprising - that game is the only way society's inequities get addressed.

We have the benefit of hindsight now, but I'm sure there was a very large swath of respectable society that didn't want Jackie Robinson allowed in baseball. Not saying the two issues are exactly equivalent, but this does strike me as a "the way it is vs. the way it should be" kind of thing.

And, as you say, sports can be tremendously useful in moving the needle on issues like this. Not many people "knew" someone with AIDS before Magic. The first openly gay sports megastar will be very influential in pushing American acceptance for extending basic civil rights for gays. Baseball taking a stand here could be helpful in moving us past the politics of fear and anti-Hispanic legislation.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Seizing and deporting the All-Star Break would really hurt Jerry Reinsdorf's Phoenix-area business interests, so I'm guessing he's, as he often is, the tail wagging the dog wth respect to Selig's reluctance to act. I joked about not liking Chase Field, but it seriously would be a good move to take away their All-Star Game. I should think that baseball, of all sports, has a special responsibility to take action against anti-Hispanic legislation. You dun like them there people what talk in Spanish? Okay!

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MLB needs to move the game the minute this bill passes... nuff said...

It's already law, just hasn't gone into effect yet.

The law is racist, not borderline, not kinda, not seemingly, its 100% racist... I dont know how anyone can look me in the eye and tell me that this will not allow racial profiling. They are looking for illegal mexicans, thats it. I want to ship a bus load of illegal canadians and mix them with legal mexican-americans and see how many people get their papers asked for.

Ahem. Are you ready for the proof or do you ant to go off on another rant that's founded in ignorance (not that your ignorance is on purpose). And no I'm not trying to personally attack you or anyone that opposes this law on here. I have another forum for that.

Here. Just out of plain curiosity when was the last time you read up on the news about the law?

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Quizás una idea buena es de jugar el juego en México.

But seriously, one life lesson we could all take to heart is that there are always "activists" coming out of the woodwork for any cause. Most need to get a life or at least a job. How many Americans would love to go to the game if they could to support the new law?


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I am reading it now thank you... but I ask you again how does one determine who is an alien and who is not...

I guess it's subjective. Not racism. Kinda the same way you work a case, investigate. I'm not saying racism won't happen, but if it does it's at the fault of that particular person, not the law.

Simple. You profile. Just don't admit it.

*facepalm* quit being such a pessimist.

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Ya know... This whole immigration law pisses me off. It is NOT unconstitutional. It is completely within the state and federal constitutions and laws.

The MLB should KEEP the game in Arizona. There should be no reason to boycott it. If you are here legally, then you have nothing to hide.



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Ya know... This whole immigration law pisses me off. It is NOT unconstitutional. It is completely within the state and federal constitutions and laws.

Oh, ok, well if YOU say so I guess it's settled.

The MLB should KEEP the game in Arizona. There should be no reason to boycott it. If you are here legally, then you have nothing to hide.

Yes because no one who actually is here legally will get hassled over this oh wait it's already happened to people.

Major League Baseball is going to ignore this for as long as possible and hope it goes away by itself before the game actually happens. They probably won't listen to anyone unless and until players who would be selected for the game get serious about a boycott.

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I think it is wrong to treat anyone different because of race. I understand that this law comes across as simply allowing the cops to single out a group of people because of their race. But the question people should be asking themselves is what can be done to put a dent in illegal immigration. This law does not sound constitutional to most but it is designed to help thwart this sort of thing in a state that gets a ton of them every year. The vast majority of illegal immigration in the United States comes from Mexico. This isn't singling them out. That is just a fact. It is a problem that needs to be solved and I have no idea how it can get solved. But every bill passed down to help prevent illegal immigration is going to appear racist to a lot of people. It doesn't really matter what the actual law is. I read the bill (thanks 1990hornet) and it's not as bad as the protesters make it out to be. But then again it never is. It is illegal to come into this country without going through the proper channels. This bill is going to help send more illegals back to where they should be. I know it doesn't sound right to some but the fact of the matter is there is nothing else I can think of to slow illegal immigration in the United States. To be quite honest, I wish California would have the balls to try something like this. Maybe Texas should do it. I'm married to a Mexican woman and her family came over legally. So it's not like it can't be done the right way. The law sounds harsh and racist but it is designed to help the State combat a big problem they have.

Not all illegals are bad people. Hell, most of them are very nice people. But it doesn't take away from the fact that if they want to live in America they should abide by the rules. The protesters will get mad about that bill but have nothing to say about the fact that is it difficult for me to even get a normal job in southern California because I don't speak Spanish. Isn't that profiling as well? I think so. I am an American that was born and raised here. I served my country in the Marines for 6 years. But since I don't speak Spanish I would have a hard time getting a job at GameStop or Target. I am lucky I have a government job that requires a security clearance. Where are the protesters for me? The priorities are a little mixed up when it comes to stuff like that. Would there be protesters sticking up for white Canadians? No. But because we are dealing with a 'minority' (and I use that term loosely) that means people have to grab their picket signs and fight for a cause they really don't know much about. Arizona may not have everything right but the D-Backs have nothing to do with the law there.

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"Hey, you have nothing to hide, right?" is generally a pretty bad defense of anything.

I'm also iffy about condemning immigrants because of some unwavering faith in The Rules. Sometimes rules are unbearably byzantine, or just plain stupid. It's not easy for Mexican citizens to become U.S. citizens. On the other hand, you should see what The Rules do for Cubans.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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"Hey, you have nothing to hide, right?" is generally a pretty bad defense of anything.

I'm also iffy about condemning immigrants because of some unwavering faith in The Rules. Sometimes rules are unbearably byzantine, or just plain stupid. It's not easy for Mexican citizens to become U.S. citizens. On the other hand, you should see what The Rules do for Cubans.

I get that some rules and laws are stupid. There is no doubt about that. But we can't ignore a law just because we don't like it. Believe me, I would love to be able to ignore some myself. But they are still there. Mexicans do not have an easy road to become American citizens. Perhaps if the process was easier, there would be more doing it. But that is not the case right now and still thousands of people enter the country illegally every year. It is a topic of debate in my house because my wife is Mexican and has illegal family members in the States.

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Wait, jayjackson, isn't passing state immigration law prohibited (Article 1, Section 8 gives Congress the power to regulate naturalization and immigration)? Aren't Arizonans the illegals here? I understand that Arizona has been ignored by Congress in each attempt to get some immigration laws passed, but isn't taking the law into your own hands...against the law?

Arizonans, you should get mad at murderers and racists, but getting angry at people who trudge through perhaps the most dangerous countryside in the world to get the chance to work for you, is bad taste. Economically, get angry at Bush for starting those wars, not Obama for passing healthcare.

Remember the Bataan Death March story? The march wasn't supposed to become a "death march," in fact, the Japanese soldiers assumed that the Americans were playing dead! The average Japanese man at that period in history walked about 1,200 miles per year, but because of technological advancements, Americans only needed to walk about 300 miles per year.

Every desert civilization in history and the majority of illegal border-crossing deaths fail from one cause: lack of water - so better enjoy those swimming pools, Arizonans!

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