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Colorado Rockies Logo Redesign


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So, since this is my break week from our NHL rebrand, i got bored, and decided to take on the Colorado Rockies. I don't really like the execution of the current logo, but I dont feel as if the concept is too bad. I don't like the black in their, so i changed the scheme to just purple, silver, and white. The sleeve patch is just the mountains, and the cap logo is the C. I dont have much too say as I didnt do anything to drastic, so i look forward to your c and c.


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I like where this is going, great start! Along with the suggestions of others, I'd also like to add that I think the ball should still be shooting towards the right like the original. An original logo with the ball in the middle of the mountains was turned down before the team began play because it "looked like a pop-fly", and was tweaked to give the ball a more forceful streak and moved the trajectory towards the right to give it a look more reminiscent of a home run (or at least a well-hit ball). I think that's the same need that needs to be adressed here. Change that, and I think it'll be a fantastic logo. Keep up the good work, I like this alot! :)


The opinions I express are mine, and mine only. If I am to express them, it is not to say you or anyone else is wrong, and certainly not to say that I am right.

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OK, heres an update. I left the ball in the middle still, but if enough of you think it shouldnt be there, i'll change it. I also didn't change the colorado, as I wondering what you guys think i should do with it... should i just move them in closer to the middle, make the letters a bit bigger? The thing im thinking is either way theres going to be empty space underneath the C and O, or theres just the empty space above the mountain.


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I don't like the separation of COLO and RADO. If the second O is slightly obscured by the peak of the mountain, so be it. It looks a bit awkward otherwise. On a related note, the word COLORADO doesn't appear to follow a circular path. Rather, it looks like you rotated each letter individually, leaving some of them looking a little too rotated or a little under-rotated.

There's nothing wrong with the snow-caps/highlights. Frankly, I don't even know if they should be interpreted as snow on the mountain tops as opposed to simple highlights as during most of the Rockies' season, there's no snow on the first ridge of the Front Range which are visible from downtown Denver anyway.

The ball could stand to be bigger.

Lastly, I think this thing still needs black or another color. Otherwise, it's a team that's only got one color outside of grey and white. I realize that grey (or silver) would be your second color, but I guess when I see grey in a baseball logo/concept it's almost like seeing white in a football concept. It's sort of a color that has to be there because that's what the away uniform will be. While I think that the Rockies have gone way overboard with their use of black, when it's used as a trim color with purple and grey (silver), it works well. I don't know where exactly you'd put the black in the logo though, because over-outlining should be avoided. (You've got two outlines on ROCKIES already, and that's certainly enough for example.) Maybe the stitches on the ball or shadows on the mountains? Just suggestions.

It's solid, well-rendered work. Keep going.

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