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Ladies and gentlemen, your New York Nets

Ferdinand Cesarano

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The Universe was a little more coherent last night, as the New York Nets were back, for the first of six games this season.

The game itself was a mess; but the uniforms were beautiful:




In celebration of this, I picked up my Dr. J road Hardwood Classic jersey at the NBA store last weekend.

It is worth a reminder of the home version of this uniform:


Here is Julius with varsity numbers, on that famous "One Big League" Sports Illustrated cover -- which is so sad, because he never ultimately played for the Nets in the NBA:


Even though we know that it won't happen, it would be so beautiful if the Nets re-adopted this uni for next season, after they wisely decided to retain the nickname. Anyway, I am thankful that we at least get to see this beautiful set a few more times this year.


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place on the blue one as an alternate for next year brooklyn! this needs to be done. those look awesome and deserve to be around.

In the last game against Detroit, the time from ten minutes left to one minute left was probably the longest nine minutes of my life. But from one to zero was probably the greatest time I've ever had. I didn't want the clock to run out. It was such a great feeling: people crying in the stands, people jumping up and down, people cheering. Guys couldn't even sit up on the bench. It was probably the best minute of my life.

Ah, the "I'm kidding" - the universal internet excuse for saying something that others perceived as dumb.

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Normally I'm not one for bringing back old looks en mass, but the Nets should really slap "BROOKLYN" on those and call it a day. No way could they ever improve on those, and this is coming from someone who likes their current look.

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I wouldn't mind those uniforms if they used some sort of off-blue, black, silver and white in the design. I think it would look nice. It would still be a modern throwback, and still have some uniqueness to them.



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Normally I'm not one for bringing back old looks en mass, but the Nets should really slap "BROOKLYN" on those and call it a day. No way could they ever improve on those, and this is coming from someone who likes their current look.

I also like their current set, which has been around for 15 years. And I would be happy if they kept it (with the blue and grey road versions, not with the red one.)

But nothing beats their real unis, which they had in the ABA, and for many years in the NBA...



...though with "Nets" on the road jersey.



Here is a mock-up of the road jersey with "Brooklyn" (but not with varsity numbers, as the original I worked from had the sans-serif version) :



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So the team moved (is moving), the team namis different, and the team reverted back to an old uniform but kept the nickname?

Seriously who is in charge of this team?

What was wrong with Brooklyn Knights?




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So the team moved (is moving), the team namis different, and the team reverted back to an old uniform but kept the nickname?

Seriously who is in charge of this team?

What was wrong with Brooklyn Knights?

They aren't moving far, so they want to keep the current fanbase (or what's left of it) by showing some continuity and keeping the nickname.

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The Nets is a better name than any generic one anyone can could up with. Knights? What the heck does that have to do with Brooklyn? Why not just call them the Lions or the freaking Wizards. /sarcasm. The Nets name has history with it and it fits with the other NY teams. Mets and Jets.

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They have a fanbase?

Dumb name, the move was the perfect time to change it. In a year they'll have exponentially more fans than they do now.

Yes. They have a fanbase.

Brooklyn does not guarantee tons of new fans, because they still are competing with and overshadowed by the Knicks. They need to keep as many existing fans as they can first and foremost. New fans aren't going to care if they are called the Nets or the Knights, just that they have "Brooklyn" written across their jerseys.

Anyway, the only complaint I have with the recent retro sets (both the whites and the blues) is that they have the name and number centered on the jerseys. The jersey is famous for being asymmetrical, and the stars and stripe is a important element to the design that runs across the right side of the front of the jersey, while the name and number are offset to the left.

The new retro jerseys center the numbers, and the stars and stripe seem to have been tacked on the right side of the jersey as an afterthought.

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Last time the Nets were in the Finals, I bought same-day tickets to a game and sat in an half-empty section.

For the Finals.

If they have a fanbase, they hide it well. :P

NJ really shouldn't have "their own" pro sports teams. North Jersey sports fans linked to the NYC teams. South Jersey sports fans are linked to the Philly teams. Soon the Devils will be the only pro sports team in the state with NJ in their name... but guess what... they are on the brink of bankruptcy. When someone mentions NJ as a possibility for MLB expansion or relocation tell them their crazy.

I've lived minutes from where the Nets have played most my life.. I have never been to a Nets game before.

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The Nets is a better name than any generic one anyone can could up with. Knights? What the heck does that have to do with Brooklyn? Why not just call them the Lions or the freaking Wizards. /sarcasm. The Nets name has history with it and it fits with the other NY teams. Mets and Jets.

I agree. Brooklyn Nets isn't a bad name at all, its just that our opinion of the name is a little clouded by Nets being associated with NJ and it's lack of success. If they can put a winning product on the floor then that'll change with time. See Knicks and Lakers.

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the Nets should really slap "BROOKLYN" on those and call it a day.

Agreed. So long as they're going to keep the awful name, they couldn't do better than these.

Yup. They look great. Best basketball uniforms ever in my opinion.

I disagree. At the very least, make the uniform symmetrical. This isn't the 1990s.


If you hadn't noticed, Chawls loves his wrestling, whether it be real life or sim. :D


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the Nets should really slap "BROOKLYN" on those and call it a day.

Agreed. So long as they're going to keep the awful name, they couldn't do better than these.

Yup. They look great. Best basketball uniforms ever in my opinion.

I disagree. At the very least, make the uniform symmetrical. This isn't the 1990s.

Ok. Why? Serious question. Why is it so important that the uniform be symmetrical?






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The Nets is a better name than any generic one anyone can could up with. Knights? What the heck does that have to do with Brooklyn? Why not just call them the Lions or the freaking Wizards. /sarcasm. The Nets name has history with it and it fits with the other NY teams. Mets and Jets.

Firststly Knights fits with Brooklyn, as the Brooklyn Bridge's main structures resemble Castle Towers and even London's Tower Bridge.

Knights and Brooklyn go way back with the settlements of the first Europeans the Dutch and the English both fighting for the land in America and overseas, also there were many Knights at Fort Brooklyn protecting the Kings intrests (not all knights wore armour).

I realise the Nets have a history in NJ but they will be in Brooklyn and don't have a history there it should of been a time too change and be accepted by their new area and supporters.

Dexter Learn the history before you pipe up with sarcasm BUDDY cos it aint worth getting cut down.




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