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Iowa Impact


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I really like where this is going. The script is great, and so is the positioning of the ball in the circle. I just think that the ball needs to look a little bit more round and, well, like a basketball.

This is very, very promising, though.


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I really like this. It's clean but dynamic, the script fits really well with the overall theme, and the tie-in to the Pacers scheme works well.

That said, everything about this says tennis club to me. The word "impact", the yellow, the way IMPACT looks like a net and the ball is being slammed over it.

I'm definitely a big fan of this design. I just think that the basketball aspect is being overshadowed a bit right now.

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thats a solid start. you should try to define the ball as more of a basketball though. its a bit abstract, kind of looking like a blob. maybe try to integrate in with the circle, so its like the ball is following the path of the circle.

im not liking the type you dont need those awkward yellow slices. if you do something like that though you should treat each letter fairly, the "P" was ignored in this treatment.




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Heres an update:


I usually dont like teams that use "Iowa" or nicknames that are singular, but this is very fitting since Iowa is home to one of the biggest impacts the earth has ever experienced http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manson_crater. If this was cleaned up it could be a legit team/logo, I like it more than than the Iowa Energy name and logo.

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The first post is the update right??? Everything is nice and thick and clean. The top version is better with the blue as an outline for the words and the damaged cirlce.

just a quick idea: if you were to extend the streaking tail to sort of flip over and form the outer edge of the top left circle, it wouldnt be a boring cirlce anymore (It'd still be a cirlce but now the circle is something). You'd have to move IOWA, but there's plenty of room for it somewhere else.

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I know there's only so much that you can do when you're making a basketball into a meteor, but this looks an awful lot like the Florida Flame logo.


On September 20, 2012 at 0:50 AM, 'CS85 said:

It's like watching the hellish undead creakily shuffling their way out of the flames of a liposuction clinic dumpster fire.

On February 19, 2012 at 9:30 AM, 'pianoknight said:

Story B: Red Wings go undefeated and score 100 goals in every game. They also beat a team comprised of Godzilla, the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, 2 Power Rangers and Betty White. Oh, and they played in the middle of Iraq on a military base. In the sand. With no ice. Santa gave them special sand-skates that allowed them to play in shorts and t-shirts in 115 degree weather. Jesus, Zeus and Buddha watched from the sidelines and ate cotton candy.

POTD 5/24/12, POTD 2/26/17


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I love the design, I think the comet/ball is fine and the wordmark is great. My problem is the amount of flat space in the center. My possible suggestions? Lose the blue outer circle (or thin it down to a trim outline instead), put the ball in the center of the gold 'impact' circle, just above the wordmark, and maybe slip 'Iowa' underneath the tail like before, instead of along the perimeter.


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