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Tournament Challenge Time


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I think it's safe to say I won't be winning....I had Mizzou winning the whole damn thing.

On the plus side, the Angels signed Albert Pujols :D

I didn't have Missouri winning, but I did have them in the Final Four.

Oh well, at least the Angels have Albert Pujols. B)






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Just thought I'd point this out... My girlfriend is kicking most of our asses in this thing and she's knows absolutely nothing about college basketball. I'm not sure what that says about our sports knowledge, but I'm reasonably sure it ain't good. B)






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OK, so much for my girlfriend. She dropped to 12th place. In other news, how the hell did I go from 40th to 8th? Did UNC losing screw that many people?

FAKE EDIT: Never mind, I just looked at my bracket. I had Kansas knocking off UNC.






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I'm in first for now, but I think my only chance of holding on for the win is Louisville or Kansas winning the championship.

I *always* pick Syracuse and this is why I never win these things. However, I'm very proud of picking the East bracket entirely correct...up until Syracuse got knocked off by OSU.

Wrong thread, but it goes to show the selection committee got the seeding wrong: OSU was the clear #1 and MSU should have been #2 in the East.

1 hour ago, ShutUpLutz! said:

and the drunken doodoobags jumping off the tops of SUV's/vans/RV's onto tables because, oh yeah, they are drunken drug abusing doodoobags

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Correctly picked only one Final Four team, Kentucky. I have the Cats winning it all so at least my champion pick is still in. My other 3 Final Four teams were Missouri (round of 64), Florida State (round of 32), and North Carolina (Elite 8). I picked 7 first round upsets and only got 1 right (Xavier). It was a rough year

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