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Concept Collective Tumblr


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Does anyone know what the deal is with this site? While filtering through some Google images, I came across a concept I had created not too long ago (all four of my soccer concept project I did for a class). I was curious to see who hosted it as the CCSLC was the only site I had uploaded my files to. After looking at the site, it's very apparent that some guy is simply gathering most CCSLC concepts and uploading them into one central place. That's cool and all.

However, nowhere does he credit the source or owner of the material. I know the internet inherently lends itself to images floating from one source to the next, but what does seem bothersome is that there is a "Terms of Submission" page which means the submitter must agree that they have permission to post it and that the site now has "unlimited license" to distribute the content. Sorry, but I didn't submit, nor do you have my "permission" nor "unlimited license" to distribute my content. Post it, sure. But please source it, as it is MINE.

I'm POSITIVE many of you will click the link and find plenty of your own content. I wasn't sure what else to do than to come straight to the source of it all. It's not so much the posting of the material that bothers me, but simply the lack of sourcing and that they think they have "unlimited license" and "permission" to distribute our stuff.

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Wow, this is actually a bit shocking to me. I am not overly anal about my work, but it bothers me that someone would collect material (mine and others) and host it on an outside site without permission. I checked it out and noticed a bunch of my stuff, just as you suggested one might.

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I'd be cool with it if it were a source where people were getting recognition for their work, but it just feels like this person is yanking stuff off CCSLC and (whether they feel like they are or not) taking credit for it-- because people on Tumblr are going to assume that that page is the source of the images. I'm preaching to the choir, obviously.

Andrew, have you tried to contact the page owner?

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People posting concepts should probably expect them to be re-posted in various places. If you are so anal that you are only willing to see them posted in a context that you control, you probably shouldn't post them at all.

That said, this dude is a jerk for not giving any credit. He should link back to where he found the concepts (the CCSLC, I imagine) and also credit the designer who created it.

Would people have a problem with his site if he was doing those two things?

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Like the others have said, reposting is no problem. That's to be expected in today's internet world where various media can move from site to site in a matter of seconds. Just credit and link back to the source material. And don't try to require some terms of submission when clearly, no one has authorized his permission or given him "unlimited license" to distribute the content.

And unfortunately, I have not contacted the author. I've been busy. What should a message like that say? Obviously we're not the only people from this board whose content has been reposted. I think it should be a collective message.

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Yeah, I don't see a major issue with reposting content, it's the fact that no credit is being given that's making me angry (and none of my work has even been posted).

I would say that whoever runs that Tumblr is probably on here already, based on how much they have on there. That being said, it's probably best to just bring up the fact that this person is redistributing others work without proper attribution. Really, looking at the page, most people reblogging/liking content would assume that Concept Collective is the source of the work, no?

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This is why you should always include some sort of personal tag on your work. While it may be ugly or whatever, at the very least, if someone does repost it, it can link back to you/your website.

I started doing this after I had someone rip off a Kevin Durant wallpaper I had done and was trying to show it to KD on twitter as his own.

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Yeah, I don't see a major issue with reposting content, it's the fact that no credit is being given that's making me angry (and none of my work has even been posted).

I would say that whoever runs that Tumblr is probably on here already, based on how much they have on there. That being said, it's probably best to just bring up the fact that this person is redistributing others work without proper attribution. Really, looking at the page, most people reblogging/liking content would assume that Concept Collective is the source of the work, no?

Now it looks like the author is backtracking and trying to put sources on the individual art piece's page. Hmm.

Now, I wonder who it is...

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I've seen quite a few stuff from here on there I've seen a few being credited, but everytime I log onto tumblr I get a headache, apparently I'm not adept at the site yet :)

I am a member of a couple screenwriting sites where you can read other people's scripts, novels, short stories, etc. One of them has a little trouble with high school and college students using a members script to film a project w/o first asking permission even though it specifically says to ask permission first in like 100 different places. The other site uses a software specifically designed that deactivates the ability to right click and download or highlight text. While it's not impossible, those precautions make me feel a little better, not to mention saying it's copyrighted helps deter people. While saving to a computer is one way to prove you did or did not create it first. Sometimes the US Copyright office is pretty good deterrent, though film scripts are a strange breed in that I've so many similar movies where the names and locations were changed but the entire plot was the same and there's not a whole lot you can do.

I know watermarks are ugly, but sometimes they're necessary. I've started to notice quite a few concepts that have watermarks on them and they're faint enough they don't bother the concept, but visible enough that one would know that if someone tried claiming them as their own people would know if it was or not.



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None of my work got used :(

But yeah, lets find this guy and kick him in da penis

Thats the spirt!

From blog:

A blog dedicated to bringing you the abundance of sports design concepts avaliable on the internet avaliable in one easy, quick, avaliable source.

The only two sites the creator of this blog was getting "his" concepts from were here and Puckdrawn. So, now since Puckdrawn is no longer live, I guess there's no point in this blog anymore.


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