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2012 Spengler Cup Team Canada jerseys


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Yeah I came across that after I had posted it... The only reason I posted it was because your jerseys were on the Hockey Canada website. The way I see it is 1 of 2 things, either they are using your design or Hockey Canada is just plain lazy lol

I was wondering what was going on, since the Spengler Cup site is selling the old ones they used last year along with similar ones for the other teams in this years tourney. That said, I think Westhavers jerseys would be a vast improvement.

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I'm sorry, I'm not convinced that the "Spengler Cup" is real. It sounds like someone made it up for a movie or something.

It's actually the oldest club tournament in Europe if not the world and has been hosted in Davos, Switzerland ever since it began. Named after a Dr. Spengler I believe.


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It could be named after Dr. Egon Spengler...

I give you the Spengler Cup:


I'm sorry. Your factual account of the Spengler Cup does nothing to sway me from my belief that it is fictitious.

Have you not seen Mighty Ducks 2?

The concept design is NICE, by the way.

Actually in D2 they were playing in the Junior Goodwill Games. The jerseys looked like they belonged in the Spengler Cup though. Still the best movie in the trilogy.

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