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Mike Tyson is claiming that he is living in homeless centers and is living on handouts from drug dealers.




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Honestly, and I hope I don't get a lot of crap for this... I don't think Tyson raped that girl. I saw a very interesting story about Tyson a few days ago. In it, a close friend of his quoted Tyson as saying that he didn't rape her, but that he had done so many other bad things in his life that he felt his imprisonment was justified. It really made me think.

I get the vibe that a lot of Tyson's emotional issues stem from the fact that he felt he was cheated by the court system. If you're living in a world where you don't even feel you can trust your government, it's bound to cause you troubles.

Not that this justifies any of Mike's various violent and uncalled for actions, just an insight into his mindset and reasoning.




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my life has been a total waste
that's the understatement of the year. if i can tell a rich person or someone with a little extra something, i'll tell em this: don't be like Mike (Tyson), be like Mike (Jordan, Vick, Ditka, etc) ;)


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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my life has been a total waste
that's the understatement of the year. if i can tell a rich person or someone with a little extra something, i'll tell em this: don't be like Mike (Tyson), be like Mike (Jordan, Vick, Ditka, etc) ;)

The thing is, he never really had a choice. He was raised in a bad home, then put in a boxing trainer's house, where essentially he had no social contact and was trained to fight, and about nothing else. He could never get along with others, could never really do anything but box. It really is a sad story.

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Truthfully, I heard so much crap about Tyson that I really don't know what to believe any more. As you all know, he has had great fiancial difficulties. But come on, HOMELSS??? Like I said, I don't know what to believe any more. :unsure:

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my life has been a total waste
that's the understatement of the year. if i can tell a rich person or someone with a little extra something, i'll tell em this: don't be like Mike (Tyson), be like Mike (Jordan, Vick, Ditka, etc) ;)

The thing is, he never really had a choice. He was raised in a bad home, then put in a boxing trainer's house, where essentially he had no social contact and was trained to fight, and about nothing else. He could never get along with others, could never really do anything but box. It really is a sad story.

I really think that his life would be a whole lot different if Cus D'Amato(sp) hadn't died when he did. Cus was the closest thing to a father that Mike had and he lost him at the worst possible time, right after he blew up. That just opened up the doors for all these vultures like Robin Givens (Do you really think she'd still be alive if Mike really was beatin' her ass?) and Don King to exploit him.


Dubya's thoughts on "terrorist" nations: "They never stop thinking of new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

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No laughing please, but this looks like a job for Donald Trump.

I think Trump would be the perfect guy to get Tyson the kind of help he needs - get him cleaned up and put him in touch with the kind of financial experts that can help Tyson generate income and manage the money he will undoubtedly make once that income is generated. Let's face it, there are enough entities out there in the world that will pay Mike Tyson a lot of money to endorse products, make personal appearances, etc., that he can generate a decent living. Finding the right people to keep him straight will be more than half the battle. Trump has made a mint off of Tyson (he fought in Trump owned venues at least a half-dozen times during his career) not to mention the boxing world at large, and this would give the Donald a chance to help out someone from whom he has made a tidy profit and also give him the opportunity to look like a savior (assuming it works out.)

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Miltown is right- Tyson had found a father figure in D'Amato, but apparently King kinda pushed D'amato out before he died. Some people apparently reckon that broke D'Amato and ruined Tyson.

The World Heavyweight Championship is a bit of a poisoned chalice really, there are a string of former champs who got rich and famous and then lost it all- Tyson just being the most recent and most obvious. Kind of what happens when you take a rough kid off the streets and train them up, then kick them out when you have finished with them.


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D'Amato died before King entered the picture. It was Kevin Rooney King pushed out of the picture. He was the trainer when Tyson was a monster with 90 second knockouts.



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D'Amato died before King entered the picture. It was Kevin Rooney King pushed out of the picture. He was the trainer when Tyson was a monster with 90 second knockouts.

I stand corrected. Still the decline of Tyson started when King jumped in with his money and lack of interest in Tyson as a man.


2011/12 WFL Champions

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Mike Tyson should be speaker of the house or press secretary. least his mangled speech entertains me where as Bush's mangled speeches make me cringe. at least tyson has somewhat of a vocabulary and is passionate which is more than what i can say about our political leaders who needs focus groups and talk like they are talking to a corporate body.


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