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Oklahoma City...? *UPDATED* - Multiple Nicknames


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I know the speculation is that they'll be named the Barons, but I still went ahead and did a logo for "Drillers", just for the heck of it. I chose the colors Maroon/Gold/ and Black, although it was originally Black and Gold and once I added the Maroon, the Gold seemed to look more Tan. And I did this on a laptop at home, but had to transfer it to my work computer to post it. And my flatscreen monitor here at work is currently getting fixed, so I have an old monitor which makes the gold/tan color seem more mustard yellow. So view it however you want. I still have a little be of refining to do with it, but that could take awhile to get too (got a busy week this week), so I figured I'd go ahead and post this since it's essentially the final product. I'm also working on an "Oklahoma City" wordmark so that I can make uniforms to go along with it. Please give me honest critiques and ideas. Thanks.

I'm showing the primary on the 3 main colors (btw, feel free to give your opinion on the colors; should I lighten/darken them, etc.)




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Well, they'll probably be in the Western Conference, so shouldn't they be navy, light blue, and yellow?

Just kidding. The colors are great and look good together. The logo is great, and from a merchandising standpoint, the top one is the best (maroon background). Very nice concept.

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Now THAT is a professional looking logo.

I really wished I could recreate the kind of highlights/shading you incorporated in the wordmark!!! WOW!

If I were to change one little thing, I would like to see the proportion of height/width on the drilling tower change slightly to make it taller and narrower.

Otherwise, this is a PRO concept... !


Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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Nice work ... I don't see any Maroon but the top one does look best.

BTW, fill in the white with the background color in the triangles making up the tower like you did with the bottom two, also, fill in between the "LLE" and between "RS"

The white is actually just an "outline" to show visibility against colored backgrounds. It's the same width around all edges of the logo, which is why it appears solid in smaller areas, and shows the background color inside on the larger-spaced areas, such as the bottom of the tower. There are some refinement that I want to do to the wordmark. Nothing major, just some balancing and such. I'll have to wait until I get home tonight. I have Illustrator on my work computer, but don't have time do it during the day. And yes, there is maroon. "Drillers" is maroon, as well as the first background. I appreciate everyone saying how the first is the best, but it's the same logo for all 3, just shown on the 3 different backgrounds to show the colors and how it would look on each of them. Thanks though for all the wonderful comments so far.

Another thing on the tower that I didn't notice for awhile, is that perspectively, it's not quite accurate. The far left of the tower, in the gold or lighted portion, is actually wider than the center part, which, in this perspective, would actually be wider. This is something else that, while not necessarilly major, is something I plan to correct. But due to the detail and of the shapes and their placement, I'll have to spend time on tonight. Also, technically, the highlights in "Drillers" is inaccurate, compared to the shadow on the wordmark and tower, which illustrates the objects coming from the center, aswear the highlights insinuate(sp?) light coming from one side and not the center. I chose to overlook this as a small "error", so-to-speak, for the overall appearance of the logo. Felt it looked good enough that it was worth not actually being correct on.

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Oh, if someone knows for sure, is the highlighting correct in corelation to the lighted portion of the tower? I'd like to keep the lettering highlighting and the oil drop the same, because the lettering I'd have to completely re-do. If they are opposite, I can simply reflect the tower vertically, since the overall shape is symmetrical, the "gold" portion would simply switch to the other side correcting the difference. Again, I'm not exactly an expert at conveying, correctly, light and shadows on logos when mixed, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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For purposes of "correcting" the lighting effects--and no, I'm no expert on that either--I'd say flip around the oil derrick and all ould be fine.

However, having said that, I do offer up this little nugget: this team will be in the western conference, right? When looking at a compass or a map straight on, the direction of "west" is normally to the left. I point that out for this reason: the lighting. I know that would then mean you'd have to re-do the highlights in the lettering and that oil drop, but I figured I'd just throw that out there, since that thought was bouncing around in my dome when i viewed this here logo you done created.

Here's another thought: "the sun rises in the east...and sets in the west". Spin that however you wish (even though the East won the Title this year, the West has long been the more dominant conference--and usually, the "sun setting on" something means that wherever it does set is the better place), but when I view most "western" type photos, if the time/place/setting ain't "high noon", usually it's around sunset, which would then go back to the whole "sun sets in the west" thing, which would then create a good argument for the lighting coming from the west--er, left.

These are all just connotations I'm pulling out of the wrinkles in my brain. I don't know if anyone else ever gets this deep into their thought processes with connotations and logos and uniform packages or not and how to tie them all together, but I figured I'd share all this with you, anyway. Hope it helps a little bit.

BTW...the logo itself looks GREAT, folk.

*Disclaimer: I am not an authoritative expert on stuff...I just do a lot of reading and research and keep in close connect with a bunch of people who are authoritative experts on stuff. 😁

|| dribbble || Behance ||

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Well, while "Barons" might say planes to most people, a version of your Drillers concept could easily work for OKC. Although "Tycoons" might have been a better name if they were gonna go with an oil theme.

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The white is actually just an "outline" to show visibility against colored backgrounds. It's the same width around all edges of the logo, which is why it appears solid in smaller areas, and shows the background color inside on the larger-spaced areas, such as the bottom of the tower.

Please bare with me, I'm pretty new to this and have many questions.

I'm trying to learn some of this.

I understand what your saying,

But wouldn't the outline width inside the tower scale in perspective like the rest of the tower?

And if the why have the white show through on only a few letter spots.

If I were doing this I would have made it like this : (the red is just so the changes are easy to see.)


Is it "wrong" to do it this way?

Again, I'm not trying to criticize, - the logo is fantastic - I'm just trying to figure this out.

Here's a thanks to everyone for being patient with noobs :blush:

And yes, there is maroon. "Drillers" is maroon, as well as the first background.

I really need a new monitor - I would have said brown.

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The white is actually just an "outline" to show visibility against colored backgrounds. It's the same width around all edges of the logo, which is why it appears solid in smaller areas, and shows the background color inside on the larger-spaced areas, such as the bottom of the tower.

Please bare with me, I'm pretty new to this and have many questions.

I'm trying to learn some of this.

I understand what your saying,

But wouldn't the outline width inside the tower scale in perspective like the rest of the tower?

And if the why have the white show through on only a few letter spots.

If I were doing this I would have made it like this : (the red is just so the changes are easy to see.)


Is it "wrong" to do it this way?

Again, I'm not trying to criticize, - the logo is fantastic - I'm just trying to figure this out.

Here's a thanks to everyone for being patient with noobs :blush:

And yes, there is maroon. "Drillers" is maroon, as well as the first background.

I really need a new monitor - I would have said brown.

For the outline, I'd say that it needs to be the same width all around, and that would be why in the smaller areas, the white covers all.

In the one here (with red background) your inner outline seems "artificially" thin, especially when you compare it with other areas.

As for the colour: You say Po-ta-to, I say Pah-tah-toe...

Naming of colours is quite subjective, most people perceive maroon to be burgundy, in French the word marons, refers to chestnuts, so this colour seems right on...

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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I'm guessing you all know this, but there is no chance the Drillers name will be used. The Tulsa Drillers (AA Baseball) have long been in existence and they would not want to share a name with them.

It's too bad though, this concept looks and sounds great for a basketball team. I would also hope for some unique colors. The green & gold of the Supersonics are great for a team, but Seattle is keeping them...hopefully they'll come up with something else equally distinguishing.

When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.

Mark Twain


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It's a nice looking logo, but as it is, it could fit for any team, any sport. You might want to incorporate something "basketball-ish" into it to remove any doubts.

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That logo is simply outstanding. Quite a professional look! Seriously McCall, you should submit this to Clay Bennett's front office people, whoever is in charge with choosing the new name, logo and uniforms.

Great logo. Hopefully the uniforms will be just as good.

I couldn't echo that statement more myself.

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How about adding a basketball somewhere? Like laces in the oil drop or a basketball between the two sides of the derrick.


College sports as we know them are just about dead. The lid is off on all the corruption that taints just about every major program and every decision that the schools or the NCAA make is only about money, money, and more money. We'll have three 16+ team super-conferences sooner rather than later, killing much of the regional flair and traditional rivalries that make college sports unique and showing the door to any school that doesn't bring money to the table in the process. Pretty soon the smaller schools are going to have to consider forming their own sanctioning body to keep the true spirit of college sports alive because the NCAA will only get worse in it's excess from here
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