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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. If when the NBA expands to 32, Seattle and Vegas are getting the nod. That being said, the Sonics had better not mess up on the uniforms!
  2. New but similar uniforms =/= Complete overhaul Please explain to me how i get a "U SERIOUZ?" if the logo, helmet and colors don't change? Elvis is still in the building and the uniforms remain navy with red and white trim. Some causals might not even realize there was a change.
  3. The other day during the St. Louis vs Las Vegas game, ESPN split-screened action on the field with a no-name social media influencer FOR THE ENTIRE THIRD QUARTER. The in-booth announcers were more concerned about how he was enjoying the game and his senseless sideline commentary than the game itself. I get it for one or two plays -- but for twenty whole minutes??? Completely killed the game for me. Has to be the worst thing ESPN's done in-game to this point.
  4. As has the Broncos D when they dropped the Color Rash unis Those'll come before the Broncos even replace their current set. When the Broncos do unveil new uniforms in the next few years, which is happening since ownership is putting out feelers to season ticket holders, the "D" along with their pre-96 unis will undoubtedly be a permanent alternate uniform (as the Pats and Bucs are doing). There's just too much tradition behind the Cyberhorse for it to be scrapped. Much like Flying Elvis, the logo is far from being a thing of beauty, but it's evolved into a symbol of excellence around the league. Cyberhorse will stay on and their custom round numbers will also remain to keep it from looking out of place. But they'll blend those elements with more traditional striping (RIP sidepanels) and replace navy blue with royal. That's what I would envision, or at least hope. Something along these lines:
  5. Again, not a full uniform rehaul like we're talking about Denver doing. The Pats' helmet is unchanged. Colors remain the same. Flying elvis is still around. Lmk when they go back to their 1985 unis/logo full time. (Hint: they won't)
  6. The difference with that is the Niners went back to those Montana unis and the Dolphins will inevitably go back to Snowflake wearing a helmet. None of those examples were complete overhauls like you're suggesting the Broncos do.
  7. Let's not pretend that had Denver won 3 Lombardis in the "D", that Bowlen wouldn't have told Nike to kick rocks. Winning championships matters. That's why the cyberhorse is still here. That's why the ugly Raven head is still around. That's why the Steelers have kept one side of their helmet blank. That's why Dallas wears 39752 shades of blue and silver.
  8. Had Dan Reeves won JUST ONE championship this would be a totally different conversation. I'm not saying there isn't solid tradition behind the D, but there's an even larger tradition behind the cyberhorse. You don't throw away unis you win three titles in. There was a reason they switched things up in '97. If the D meant anything at the time, Bowlen would've kept it. He didn't.
  9. Great recap of the Denver Broncos' history while conveniently leaving out the entire Mike Shanahan era.
  10. As far as ugly piping and side panels go, yes. I believe the Bills might be the last remaining -- unless the Texans are also Reebok-era.
  11. Oh, but it goes further than just aesthetics. Growing up in Colorado in the 80s and 90s, the "D" logo evolved into a symbol of embarrassment. Broncos teams that were good, but in the end nobody wanted to remember. Squads laden with players (outside of Elway) who were good but not great. There came the Super Bowl 21 blowout. The Super Bowl 22 blowout. The Super Bowl 24 blowout. The cherry on top (in their final game in the "D") was after locking up home-field, crapping the bed vs the 2nd year expansion Jaguars. Now compound that with the introduction of the cyberhorse and immediately winning a Super Bowl that year. Then going nearly undefeated the following year and winning their second Supe. At the time, it almost felt like the "D" logo was holding the Broncos down. Denver fans who clamor for the throwback D are mostly 20-30somethings who weren't around during the Dan Reeves days. I also suppose, for many, winning 3 titles since makes it easer to forget all those Super Bowl failures.
  12. XFL's gameplay is fine and they give you at least 2 (of 4) competitive games a week. No problem with the action they give us on the field. However their broadcast gets a grade of D from me. The announcers are adequate. But the production, it's quality is pretty poor. Anytime a bigtime play or penalty occurs, they'll either be A) late in giving you replay 2) have bad replay angles or C) not even give you replay at all. The giant white score bug that takes up 1/5th of the screen has grown on me, but still not a fan.
  13. Sounds about right. Now how many teams tried mono-color prior to 2005? It's a trend that will never go away, sadly.
  14. Name a sports town hotter than Las Vegas. I'll wait. Vegas has added three pro teams in 5 years. Is now the home to a slew of college conference tournaments. Hosted the NFL Draft and next year has this thing they call the Super Bowl. Again. all this happened over the span of half a decade.
  15. I've started to hate the Cardinals unis less and less over the last couple days. Still bothers me they missed a great opportunity to incorporate some local flavor as far as their color palette goes. At least they're *trying* to mix in silver, which makes the facemask look like it actually belongs. The giant ARIZONA across the front on the home uni is ridiculous. Monochrome sucks, but every team does it now so it's unavoidable. But all things considered, they needed to get away from those 2000s Reebok monstrosities, which they definitely did.
  16. Maple Leafs looked great when they briefly switched to round digits
  17. I'm sure this has been said 100000000 times, but would it hurt the Lightning to mix in some black? They're dressed as the Maple Leafs vs the actual Maple Leafs
  18. A shared market with the Giants while drawing 2,000 fans per game. Public transportation ranks 497th on reasons to keep a team in town.
  19. I'm waiting for you to name one single thing where the A's staying in Oakland has an advantage to the team relocating to [insert any city in the northern hemisphere here].
  20. To be fair, STL deserves to miss the playoffs if they're gonna let Orlando and their third-string QB play it close going into halftime
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