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Everything posted by McCall

  1. Orlando's been burned by numerous Spring Leagues folding on them. Maybe they're just not getting their hopes up that this one will last, coupled with a not great on-field product... and not ideal stadium. Because honestly, them St. Louis, San Antonio, San Diego, Memphis and Birmingham should be the pillars of spring league football. I think for Orlando, their previous success in fan support is also largely driven by the fact that they know they'll NEVER have an NFL team. Even if the Jags left Jacksonville, Orlando's probably too close to Tampa Bay for 2 teams to co-exist. So spring league football should be ideal for them. Just need one to stick.
  2. I think if they had teams 100% based out of their home markets like in 2020 and not flying in and out of Arlington every week, it would go a long way to establishing fanbases better. I still don't, however, think Vegas is a good fit. Birmingham and Memphis would be good relocation/expansion targets (along with San Diego) if they weren't already in the USFL. If that went under and the XFL was still going, then I'd definitely look at bringing them into the fold.
  3. 1. Agreed. 2. Agreed. And although I, and I think it's the popular sentiment around here, believe the Vipers should be relocated out of Vegas, I wouldn't give up on Orlando as a market just yet. They've shown in the past they can support a spring football team. 3. Two of their games were on Thursday nights with less than stellar weather, so I'll give them a pass at this point. Their Saturday night game in week 4 drew over 15k, even in 45 degree weather. 4. San Antonio drew over 24k on opening night, went on the road for 3 weeks, then came back with a 1-3 team playing at 8pm Central time on Sunday night (still drew 13k+, a respectable number compared to other teams). And I'd place most of the blame for that drop in attendance on the scheduling. That's a pretty late game on a school/work night.
  4. I would assume that, for this year at least, they'll have the ASG patch on one sleeve and a potential ad on the other. If this happens, I wouldn't be surprised to see the logo replace the ASG patch in 2024.
  5. More than likely it was. Vipers works for both, Guardians for neither, so they went with whichever version of Vipers, Vegas or Orlando, they preferred. Thus, the Vegas Vipers sounded best out of all four naming combinations. I'm guessing they essentially listed all four names and picked out the best and gave Guardians to the other one: Vegas Vipers Orlando Vipers Orlando Guardians (Las) Vegas Guardians In all honestly, with the subsequent logo change, Wildcats probably would've been a better fit for Orlando than Guardians.
  6. Honestly, in a way, the Apollos existing in the AAF may have hurt them. It precluded them from being in XFL2020, which was their initial intent instead of Tampa Bay. The AAF, as it turned out, was poorly operated and subsequently cancelled.
  7. I read that there were some issues with whether or not they received payment from the AAF, so I don't know if they were reluctant to allow them to play there or not. I would assume if it's the stadium more likely to attract fans, they'd at least look into it. But Camping World Stadium also has no primary tennant, so that probably made it easier to use.
  8. San Antonio is fine. They have a losing record coupled with a poorly-scheduled Sunday night game made for a decrease in attendance. That same game/result on a Saturday or even Sunday afternoon, and they'd have drawn a bigger crowd. Orlando has been a bit of a disappointment after the Apollos were such a big draw in the AAF. Again, though, a poor team could be the driving factor. Could it also be the stadium? The Apollos played at then-Spectrum Stadium on UCF's campus. Is it just a better attraction than Camping World Stadium? Someone more familiar with the area may know.
  9. Yeah they've had some really weird scheduling. That late on a Sunday night does not work for this type of league. The NFL's Sunday night game is usually 7pm Central, but even bad teams are gonna draw decently because it's the NFL. If the Battlehawks at started at that time, they'd draw pretty well, maybe even over 20k, but low by comparison to their other games because of the time and day and the level of football. Couple all this with those Thursday night games in Seattle and they need to figure out something better. Maybe an occasional Friday night game, and then some combinations of 1:00pm and 6:00pm starts between Saturday and Sunday.
  10. Not true, because not all players playing in the WBC are MLB All-Stars... or even MLB players.
  11. But it's ok if they get hurt in Spring Training, like Turner and Nola, correct? Just want to make sure it's clear that a meaningless exhibition game is ok to get hurt in, but playing in a World Tournament for your home country is not ok.
  12. 1. There are pitch limits for each round of the WBC. 2. Most MLB teams make requests or special instructions for their players that the national teams tend to honor. 3. If the Phillies, or any other team, didn't want their players playing, they either wouldn't have signed him/he wouldn't have signed or he'd not be playing. The fact that he is playing means there was a mutual agreement that he would play. And to your latest post about locations/climates: The games were played in Taichung, Taiwan where the temps were, or are at least currently, around 80 degrees, and 3 domed stadiums, 2 of which are in Phoenix and Miami (Tokyo being the third).
  13. No. It clearly shows a logo on both sides of the helmet.
  14. Speak for yourself. The only upset that has upset me is Princeton beating Mizzou.
  15. US eliminated Venezuela last night, and Acuna, Jr. escaped unscathed... sorry.
  16. Yeah, a Met and an Astro. Don't really think many non-Met-and-Astro fans are crying over it.
  17. Duke and Kansas going out makes the Mizzou loss a little easier to swallow.
  18. I needed that. After Mizzou and the Battlehawks lost in the first 2 portions of my personal sports marathon, this was a welcome relief. Now just need the US to hang on against Venezuela, and at least half the night can be salvaged.
  19. I know. If anything, just schedule them for the Sunday AFTER a Saturday home game for the Sounders.
  20. Is there any particular reason why 2 out of Seattle's 3 home games have been on Thursday nights? In both games, they drew poorly, 10,386 and 9,231, while they had over 15k for their one home game on a Saturday night. Both the Thursday game were also pretty cold, which made it even less likely people were gonna come out on a weeknight.
  21. Yeah, because it not having it's own thread on these boards means an entire tournament is meaningless. Sadly, it may not mean as much to American baseball fans (maybe because our league is the top level in the entire world), but to just about every other country, including Puerto Rico, it does. Baseball is the national sport there and the players and fans take great pride in playing for the national team. So you can't really project your own personal feelings of the WBC onto people from the other countries.
  22. You can't just separate them regionally. The Arizona schools plus Utah and Colorado would most likely end up in the Big 12. But of the two "mid-Pacific", only Stanford has a chance to end up in the Big Ten. Otherwise it could be Big 12, Mountain West or even Independent. California, if the PAC-12 ceases to exist, would either end up in the Big 12 or Mountain West, most likely. Of the northern schools, Oregon and Washington would go Big Ten or Big 12, at the very least. There's no way both or either of those two schools would end up in the Mountain West. Oregon State and Washington State? Yeah. Mountain West. If they can't get into the Big 12. Point is, there's a lot more to it than just geographically grabbing a region of schools and moving them to so and so conference.
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