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Everything posted by McCall

  1. Gonzaga’s only being looked at for basketball.
  2. Here's how I can see it happening, eventually, in the end: 1. Four Corner Schools (Arizona, Arizona State, Colorado, Utah) to the Big 12 2. Oregon, Washington, Stanford to the Big Ten 3. Oregon State, Washington State to the Mountain West. OR... 4. They stay in the Pac-12 (with California, who I could see ending up in the Big 12) and add San Diego State, Fresno State, UNLV, Nevada and maybe Boise State (and potentially others to reach 10-12 teams) to form a new, non-P5 conference of the P5-Pac-12 leftovers and top schools from the Mountain West (which adds North Dakota State and South Dakota State.) If any of these schools become appealing for P5 expansion, they'd eventually end up in the Big 12.
  3. Why? It would make more sense to add them to GET the Championship games in Vegas. They already have the games there, now. They didn't need to add them to do that, so why would they add them now? The only way UNLV gets into the Pac-12 is if they lose many schools to the Big 12/Big Ten.
  4. No lava? No dildos? Dude, GTFO if you're not gonna take this thread seriously.
  5. That would make the first theory more likely, and would be better for him because it just means he needs to watch we he says around other people. If it was deliberate, he's tainted and done.
  6. I wonder what exactly he did. If it was just a case of him casually talking, to guys on other teams that maybe he knows personally, like, "yeah we ran this play against them, where this guy did this and this guy went there, etc. and it totally worked." without really thinking about what he's really saying, then teams are gonna think twice about signing him in the future, giving to his loudmouth and lack of awareness. If he deliberately and intentionally shared plays, for any reason at all, he'll never play professional football again.
  7. They don't wear one jersey throughout the season.
  8. The Apollos played at FBS Mortgage Stadium (formerly Spectrum Stadium) at UCF and drew pretty well. Maybe they should've looked at playing there or maybe even Exploria Stadium (if that were even an option). Orlando DID draw at the same level with Arlington, Houston and DC from their home openers, which were down about 5,000 from their 2020 openers. But the 2020 season was technically a pre-COVID economy, so maybe this is actually par for the course and teams like St. Louis and San Antonio are just in markets where they're gonna draw no matter what. It may also be why they tempered expectations of attendance and seem to be ok with it so far.
  9. I honestly think Spring Training jerseys probably don't count and someone with the Mariners just got mixed up with why they were dropping the light blue. Because as far as I know, they never wore it in a regular season game, so I can't see why it would count in the 4+1. Maybe they were just switching to the teal for ST/BP and the PR person just didn't fully understand what all was going on.
  10. I mean, possibly. If they have the interest to try and lure the Rays there. ... Wait... I just thought of something... Isn't this the A's relocation thread?
  11. Cardinals, too. They're still wearing their red jerseys (which they've never worn in a regular season game, only BP), but have 4 other uniforms: White, Gray, Cream and Powder Blues.
  12. Here in these parts, it's akin to shouting "Regulators!" and responding "Mount Up!".
  13. Actually it started with his opinion that the Rays should be contracted due to the stadium and my rebuttal that they're a good on-field team, so relocation would make more sense, wherever it may be. The "way he was going about it" went so far into the realm of ridiculousness that the general discussion between relocation outside or inside of Tampa Bay/contraction got muddied to hell.
  14. For Missouri, "M-I-Z! Z-O-U!" is more common than anything. If they are yelling anything to do with the Tigers nickname, it's generally, "Fight, Tigers, Fight!", from the fight song.
  15. Just even the fact that you think every bridge-traffic scenario is the exact same, without taking any other factors on stadiums/cities/markets, further proves that you have no sense of rational thought. You might just wanna sit this one out. You are WAY in over your head... much like a bridge.
  16. Oh. Well they only won 83 games that year, so...
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