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Everything posted by McCall

  1. I don't know if he's part of any actually ownership group or just part of the organization trying to lure a team to Nashville. They're not just targeting expansion, but rather relocation, as well. So I don't think he'd be heartbroken, as long as Nashville ended up with a team.
  2. Seattle's shoulder/pants stripes are the same pattern as the helmet stripe. It's just that the helmet stripe is bigger/wider and so the details of the design are more prevalent. I happen to like the pattern, actually, they just need to make it work cohesively across the 3 components; helmet, jersey and pants.
  3. They won't expand until the A's and Rays situations are resolved. It wouldn't make sense to either take away prospective markets from two existing teams in "bad" situations, nor would it make much sense to add two new teams while STILL dealing with those other two situations. If they were to end up relocating to Vegas and Nashville, and MLB didn't feel there were two solid markets to expand to, then they would delay expansion until such time as they have two additional markets that they'd be satisfied with adding.
  4. They won't. First off, they've been adamantly against it. Second, even with roster expansion, you're not increasing the number of starting positions to make up for those lost from the two contracted teams. They'd view those as higher paying jobs and therefore, even with roster expansion, they'd come out behind.
  5. If you have a good on-field team in a bad market, you relocate them to a good market, not just drop them. If you relocate them, that new market gets to start off with a good team, which would help it be more successful from the beginning. I know logic is a foreign concept to you, but give it a shot.
  6. Probably. You'll hear "Kroenke Sucks" at Battlehawk games.
  7. I know. It's like he thinks it can't happen because it's basketball instead of football.
  8. All they did was take the Cubs C, reverse it and type "COUNTER CLOCKS" in it.
  9. He was even asking how Stroll was doing, physically. Even though Stroll hit him at the beginning, he didn't seem like he wanted to throw him into the Persian Gulf. Don't think it would've been this way last year.
  10. If MLB took over all broadcasting and offered streaming options, like one team + MLB Network, I'd probably sign up. Then you could also have an option for the entire league + MLB Network at higher price point, as well.
  11. Not that I'm aware of. If they did, it's because either they were drafted or re-signed. There was a full-on new draft. No roster carried over. Bob Stoops may be the only guy who returned in the same situation from 2020.
  12. The overall attendance for week 3 was up about 5,400 from week 2 (still down about 16,000 from week 1 which was largely carried by San Antonio). Houston, though, still remained in the 11,000 range, dropping approximately 450 from week 2.
  13. Every team started from scratch. Nobody went back to their teams from 2020. Plus, I think he even signed back with the league well after the draft (I could me mistaken on that). He also played in the USFL last year, so he might've been thought to be back with them this year. He was on multiple NFL offseason and/or practice squads in between.
  14. It was cool to see Aston Martin, aka, someone other than Ferrari or Mercedes get a podium with Red Bull. Alonso just seems like new life was breathed into him with the team switch. And Stroll did pretty damn well given he recently had wrist surgery and wasn't even really expected to drive.
  15. I think the weather was pretty bad in Seattle in week 2, so I won't judge their turnout yet. They did really well in 2020. DC was on par with Arlington and Dallas before today, so that's a good sign to see them increase. I'm not expecting 2020 numbers (outside of St. Louis and San Antonio). Dallas was down 41 from week 1, so they stayed about the same at just over 12,000. Interested to see what Houston does. They're arguably the best team, but dropped 1,000 from week 1 to week 2.
  16. How is that different than a school competing only in football in one conference while keeping their other sports in another?
  17. I'd say the difference with DC is also that the team is actually in DC and not Landover, MD. This is what makes me think a potential team at NYCFC's new stadium could possibly work better than at MetLife. You could probably get enough locals in Queens and nearby in the other boroughs to come to a game better than having to travel to Jersey and watch them at a (more than) half empty NFL stadium that you may not even get to see either NFL teams play at.
  18. I can't see a scenario where Hampton Roads gets a team. I think they'd target either NFL or former/near-NFL markets (i.e., St. Louis, San Diego, San Antonio). Portland and Columbus are major league markets that probably aren't getting NFL teams, but still make some sense (especially Columbus given Ohio has two NFL teams, plus Ohio State). Portland also has a stadium suitable for XFL in a market that's more in line with what they're doing. Hampton Roads is on par with Rochester, Richmond, Colorado Springs, etc. Louisville is somewhere in the middle, but, in my opinion, they're not high up on the list.
  19. So what? They don't have football, so basketball is their primary sport (and they're quite big in basketball). They're a mid-major school with a major basketball program. Not surprising for them to be seen as basketball-only members of a major conference. There's no rule saying you can only do that with football.
  20. I'd say Vegas should be in San Diego next year. Next 2 cities (either through relocation or expansion), could/should be Portland (Providence Park) and Columbus (Historic Crew Stadium). I'd venture to say even Toronto, but not sure if they'd want another team on that field, with Toronto FC starting about the same time and the Argos in the summer. A New York team actually IN New York City could maybe work. San Jose, possibly. But if they're using existing NFL markets, it's a far drop down to non-major league markets like Rochester, Hampton Roads and Richmond, who have no history of professional football. At least markets like Memphis and Birmingham are in a football hotbed down south, and have had a history of secondary football league teams.
  21. First off, I listed San Jose as an option (though I think unlikely). The other ones are small stadiums in non-major markets. That is NOT their target.
  22. XFL Columbus, NYC and San Jose, maybe. (I’d say Columbus before the others as they have NFL teams nearby), but not the others. They’re not really desirable markets, plus no stadiums.
  23. Yes. They’re not big enough any other sport to leave the more regional WCC.
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