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Everything posted by CS85

  1. It’s okay. Buzzfeed is gonna carry the journalistic banner forward into the next era, just as we all predicted.
  2. Was at a Mexican restaurant last night and UFC was on the TV facing me. I had no interest in what was happening, but occasionally glanced at the action. Midway through a taco salad, I told my wife, “holy that’s a lotta blood!” Looked like the Eddie Guerrero botched blade job from Judgment day. Same location and everything. The cut was like a half-inch deep and they shoved a fingers worth of Vaseline in there, but one tap later she was leaking like a sieve again. The McGregor ankle thing was pretty bad too, but in a “nope nope nope I’m good, look away” way. I can deal with blood and wounds, but any compound looking fracture/“it doesn’t go that way” injury, I’m out.
  3. Barkley's candor, wit, and sass are legendary. Once he's gone the show will need to find a natural replacement that won't clearly be an "act like Chuck did" guy, which is infinitely easier said than done. Shaq needs to call it a day and go play golf or whatever. Ever since he's transitioned from manchild-twinkle-in-the-eye Shaq to tired-groaning-grumpy Shaq he drags the broadcast down immensely.
  4. It sure is a weird helmet, but it sure looks like there's some guy behind him that's having an intense religious/edibles experience.
  5. I'm having to constantly sign in, and it's getting old. Mobile, desktop, etc. Doesn't matter. Every few hours at the most I'll need to manually sign in. Hitting the button to reload the forum no longer works.
  6. Evansville, IN is getting a new flag, and the finalists are in. https://evansvilleflag.com/ https://wkdq.com/evansville-flag-voting/ Residents can vote here: https://pollunit.com/en/polls/evansvilleflagproject?reloaded=true Finalists: 1. 2. 3. 4. Naturally there are many worrying that the crescents are too evocative of Muslim imagery, because Indiana.
  7. Links aren't working. Here's a tiny, crappy picture of it.
  8. The Oilers and Islanders need to meet up and hammer out which team will take royal and which will take navy, because we can't keep doing this crap.
  9. Indeed. Quickest workaround I’ve found for this is simply to tap the header to reload the forum and it signs me in. I don’t know why this bug exists, but I can live with it if all I have to do is press a button.
  10. I think it's the "Rich Text" pasting that's an issue. PRO TIP: When copy-pasting text, hold ctrl+shift+v (or cmd on macOS) to paste in plaintext.
  11. The image url should automatically embed. I’ll test here shortly and check with the mods if something in the ACP needs toggled.
  12. Paste the URL and it should automatically embed. That can be procured by clicking the share icon and selecting “copy link.”
  13. Like any good business, we lose money on it! Consistently!
  14. I think this is what you need. May be something CC97 will need to do in Patreon first. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/210291283-What-is-charge-up-front-
  15. Indeed. Completely different, superior experience.
  16. Just kinda work the decal onto the helmet as best as you can and if it covers up the holes a little bit, so be it. It's an imperfect thing.
  17. The merging was my bad. I didn't know it would cause weirdness.
  18. The 32s!!! C'mon now. Let's do this!
  19. Linebackers have worn 90-99 for a good while. The Bears had Hunter Hillenmyer (92) and Leonard Floyd (94), but around the league there was/were Elvis Dumervil, DeMarcus Ware, Brian Orakpo, Shaun Phillips, among others.
  20. Bones Coffee comes to mind. I'm not a big flavored coffee fan, but I had a couple that were alright. Unfortunately my wife then bought like 14 pounds of Bones Coffee for me that I have very little intention of drinking anytime soon, but their packaging is cool.
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