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  1. Both stadiums more accessible for the fanbase’s population center, better public transit than Tampa, but also both franchises threatened to move because of those poor stadium situations. The Giants eventually got theirs and have not struggled at the gate since. The A’s don’t pack them in in the regular season. If anything they’re analogous to what the Rays are dealing with. Again, nothing about the Rays stadium situation has changed. Their TV ratings suggest people are watching and given that they’re not selling 100,000 tickets for Yankees and Red Sox series that leads me to believe that the ballpark is the problem. I just don’t understand the quickness to dismiss this enormous factor.
  2. But certainly playing in a warehouse in a tough location doesn’t help that, no? I’m not dismissing that the problem is a combination of factors. I mean, it’s not like Yankees and Red Sox fans are filling the stadium when those teams come to town either. It’s both. And I don’t think the market has ever been given a truly fair test.
  3. Sure it can because the stadium situation has not changed. It actually gets worse every day with no sign that it's getting better. To expect Tampa Bay metro market baseball fans to change their baseball attending behaviors when nothing else has changed frankly makes no sense. I don't know why everyone keeps searching for other reasons when this very large, very valid reason explains the entirety of the problem.
  4. I'm a patreon! edit: not having to deal with the ads when I’m in phone is worth every penny.
  5. You're right and it's probably that they have so much internal attention focused on the NFL and NBA that there's too many big shot decision makers while the NHL and MLB teams get to be more loose. It's like how Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip got all the network notes while 30 Rock was this dumb little show that got to do whatever they wanted.
  6. In a not even winking parody of The Ringer's frequent "TEAM X Week" thing that they've done (they had a Browns Week once WTF), Defector is having Senators Week and it's delighted me endlessly. https://defector.com/ Just a bunch of self-serious in-depth articles about the Ottawa Senators and not serious articles about US Senators.
  7. I don't even know who the hockey equivalent of Charles Barkley would be. NBC thought it might be Jeremy Roenick, but instead of being an affable dumbass who occasionally says smart things in a funny way (Barkley), he was just a dumbass. Anybody in the hockey world who managed to come out of their playing career with a shred of personality left are like the Spittin' Chiclets barstool types and I wouldn't want that on a nightly show. The smarter move than trying to recreate the NBA on TNT studio show thing is find something new that works for its own authentic reasons. edit: and this has nothing to do with anything, but why did NBC always put the guys behind a standing desk? Give them chairs, make them comfortable.
  8. I think they kind of got f***** by their covid pause and people aren't really giving them the benefit of that doubt. The Devils are dealing with the same thing. They were 4-4-2 on January 31, had to take two weeks off, and they're 2-14-2 since then. I don't think they're good as it is, but shutting down for two weeks while their opponents kept playing and training combined with now having to play a compressed schedule. I think it's a little unfair to call them the worst team ever.
  9. That's possible, but this came straight from the Jets and I doubt the designer was trying to make the team look silly. The more likely thing is that It was probably item #20 on the to-do list of a 23 year old making 28k a year in hour 11 on the job that day. They didn't really question or think too hard about the context, found a graphic with a Darnold photo, and replaced the words in the template. The funny thing is that someone said "we need a Darnold mono graphic" (why?) and at least two people gave it approval to post without going "hahah no LOL absolutely not".
  10. The growth of design departments in sports combined with hard internal usage guidelines has made for some funny inappropriate usage social media bloopers. That's still not better than my favorite example of this phenomenon. Not every tweet needs an accompanying graphic.
  11. The 06 Sabres are genuinely one of the most heartbreaking "what if" stories in sports history. They lost 4 out of their 6 defenseman to injury before Game 7 to Carolina and still had a one goal lead going into the third period. And then lost that game in part because of the puck over the glass rule, which is one of the worst rules in sports and we've been trying to change it for 15 years now. If healthy that would've been the first time in Buffalo's championship drought since the Bills played the Giants that they played in a championship final where they had the better team. They probably would've handled Edmonton fairly easily and won a championship for Buffalo. This is a good recount https://theathletic.com/980964/2019/05/16/it-haunts-you-for-the-rest-of-your-life-reliving-the-2006-eastern-conference-final-when-the-sabres-magic-ran-out/
  12. The Buffalo Sabres always remind me that Mike Harrington sucks and it makes me smile. In 2011 Mike Harrington from the Buffalo News and I got into a long twitter spat that resulted in a block that still stands to this day. He randomly decided to take shots at the Blue Jackets organization and then began rather unprofessionally (and forgetting he lives in Buffalo, New York) started taking shots at the city of Columbus on the whole. I was 23 and unemployed at the time so that was my excuse. His was ??? Anyways, I enjoy that since then that dick's had to cover the by far worst team in the NHL who's had maybe the worst ten year stretch anyone's ever had in league history. I don't even think I'd change places with him and my current career position at this point.
  13. He is still with ESPN. He's been a whirling dervish about this on twitter all day.
  14. It has hurt the NHL by not being on ESPN, even though I was always grouchy about their coverage of the league. Being on ESPN means they'd treat the league like the sport exists, which isn't the case now. I saw an ESPN highlights montage from 2020 that didn't include a single NHL clip. And, yeah, being on sportscenter doesn't matter as much as it did in 2004, but it helps. I'd like NHL 2night back please. Was that show good or was I just a kid?
  15. Finally got around to reading that piece. A lot of their business model seems to be stiffing vendors and then arguing the vendors down to rock bottom prices. Where have I seen that play before?
  16. I don’t know why, but I’ve been craving a Dr. Pepper lately.
  17. Fun personality, different perspective, cute, and loves sports. I like Katie Nolan and I'm a regular listener of her podcast. Has it helped her career that she's cute? Absolutely, but - get used to this - talent isn't fair. And if Jason Whitlock wants to say she's the death of meritocracy in America then he needs to look in the mirror because he's been put on TV despite being a super fat uggo-fuggo, he's appeared in print despite being an objectively poor writer, and he keeps falling into jobs despite being a world class dumbass who's wrong all the time because his bullshirt gets clicks. It's garbage like this most recent incident that make him a known name. It's definitely not his own "talent".
  18. I agree with that. Her response should've been to shrug and say nothing and ignore it from there. Wear an even weirder shirt next time she's on air and make that your thing. She made it a bigger story too Like many of these instances, I think the worst crime is saying something so stupidly unfunny. It didn't even make sense! It was a leather jacket top? What about that means she should be hosting the AVN awards? I've never watched the AVN awards, but I'd imagine the hosts tend to wear tight ball gowns cut to show off their assets, not couture biker jackets. Did he mean that it looks like some bondage/dominatrix stuff? If so, good joke from 1993, ya dingleberry. We turned that game on and my wife who probably has too good of a fashion sense said, "oh, honey, what are you wearing?". It was a weird outfit choice by whoever made it, his tweet was stupid, should've been end of story.
  19. Truth. It's been an epic time waster at work this week. This was the first time in a few years that my submission did not appear in his Bengals entry. I know the entire thing is tailor made for the NFL where everyone really does hate their own team, but i would read one of those every year about every team in North American sports.
  20. I signed up for it a couple weeks ago. Very pleased so far. It’s like I have old deadspin back. Better even because every other article isn’t a direct shot at their parent company.
  21. If I’m being honest I don’t really see what’s wrong with this particular joke. Women can be a distraction for some players. Ask Craig Janney. He didn’t say “women exist only for the purpose of sexual pleasure for men”, which is how a lot of hockey people I know decided to take it and a lot of that has to do with who said it. It’s a lifetime achievement uproar. If he’d said “there’s no nightlife to distract them” it would’ve ostensibly meant the same thing and nobody would’ve thought twice about it. I guess the issue is he made that joke after making his women’s college hockey joke, which means he didn’t learn anything. My question for years has been who is Mike Milbury for? He should be fired because he never adds any insight of value, he was a comically bad coach and GM so he has no credibility, and because he’s a dumb dinosaur. There's hundreds of former players who would be better at the job. it will be nice to rid ourselves of Roenick and Milbury in one calendar year. Lose Pierre and we’re set.
  22. That was a pretty big rule in all my broadcasting classes. “Don’t utter hateful slurs” wasn’t a rule because nobody needed to be told that. Anyone else taking pleasure in a failson actually getting got? Didn’t think that was possible in 2020.
  23. I'm just excited for a Magary/Roth podcast to return, which is coming in Mid-August. I've missed the Deadcast a lot.
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