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Everything posted by Ridleylash

  1. Mascots wear alternates at the ASG pretty often. Here's a post from Spartacat's Twitter about the Vegas ASG where you can clearly see NJ and Iceburgh wearing their alts; I doubt it means anything.
  2. I mean, it's not. Plenty of teams have sizably thick shoulder patches; Boston and Chicago, for example, so do Arizona, Columbus and Tampa Bay. It's not even that much thicker than the old Rockies patch it's derived from.
  3. Eh, I disagree; the old logo didn't work in the modern day with all the small-sized text in it, and the white text on light blue wasn't a great design choice either. This cleans the whole thing up and makes all the elements more well-defined while keeping the necessary elements intact; the way the S is shaped even looks like a flowing river, like the one that the city itself is right on. Besides, you're giving modern Create-A-Team logos way too much credit lmao
  4. I wish they'd just dump the Edge piping, it's actively hindering what's otherwise a damn nice jersey.
  5. This really is a lose-lose situation; either Golden State wins another damn title, or the sports world has to put up with the inflated ego of Boston sports fans getting a title once again. I guess the Celts are the lesser of two evils in this situation, but still, I feel like a lot of people will just root for the meteor this year.
  6. As Andrew pointed out, Bigfoot is decidedly not a Rocky Mountain thing, and yetis definitely aren't in the Rockies. Plus it's just flat-out unnecessary; their mascot is a St. Bernard, not a yeti or Bigfoot, so bringing back that logo makes no sense from a marketing perspective. Besides, if anything St. Bernards are more relevant to mountains and avalanches than either a yeti or Bigfoot, considering the fact that they were literally bred to be mountain rescue dogs...and thus were bred to work in rescuing people from avalanches. So really, just put the old pawprint logo Bernie used to have up there if anything foot-related needs to be in the brand; but honestly, do the Avs REALLY need to cater to the foot fetish furry community? Now this is just flat-out untrue; the reason those flags looked horrid on the Calgary jersey is because they clashed horribly with the jersey coloration-wise (seriously, bright blue on a Flames jersey?!). The Avs don't even use the flag on their primaries, either; they use the C in team colors, which is literally the most iconic piece of Colorado state imagery and also a nice tribute to the Hockey Rockies. The flag is on the alternates, and I don't really think a small little dot of red and yellow is enough to ruin that jersey when the majority of the flag fits in just fine. The Wings, Rangers, Hawks and Habs also all have equipment that matches their jersey's color scheme instead of just being stark black. A professional hockey club in the highest-level North American league shouldn't look like they grabbed their gloves, pants and helmet from a completely different uniform from their jerseys and socks. It looked especially horrible on their whites, since those didn't even have black besides the logo puck and lettering. And it doesn't even accomplish anything burgundy doesn't already accomplish, either, so it's just totally redundant and only got put in because black was a trendy color in the 90's.
  7. I mean, it's not unusual in the NHL; the Ducks did it in 2006, the Pens did it in 2016, the Coyotes did it in the bubble, the Flames did it. The fact that teams can choose which jerseys they want to use in the playoffs means playoff teams that want to change up their look the following season often use their postseason appearances to transition into that new look by replacing one of their jerseys from the previous branding. The Caps and Canes are exceptions, but the Caps haven't changed their look since 2007 (though they really should) and the Canes just seem to have a penchant for wearing different jerseys and changing their jerseys even without an overarching brand refresh.
  8. They can't pick jerseys they don't have in their active rotation this season to wear in the playoffs, so this is their best option since the 40th anniversary jersey isn't available. As for why do it? Simple; it's an easy way to transition a brand away from one look (orange-dominant at home, blue-dominant alternate) and into another one (blue-dominant at home, orange-dominant alternate).
  9. It's because teams can choose the jerseys they wear in the playoffs, so teams who are planning on a rebrand will often use their alt as their home jersey there; especially if their alt's the design they're rebranding to anyways. The Oilers don't have a royal blue jersey in their active rotation, so the navy alternate is as close as they can get to it for this season.
  10. The Oilers seem poised for a return to royal next year; that's why they're wearing their alts in the playoffs when at home, like how Pittsburgh used their alts to transition into a return to black and athletic gold, or how the Coyotes wore their black Kachina in the playoffs before rebranding. As for Calgary, I'd expect a black C alternate sooner rather than later, with how the organization likes that logo.
  11. I'd use electric blue over powder, personally; fits the team better thematically and it's a unique shade in the league. Hell, even just a vivid blue would work fine for the Bolts. Powder really should be reserved for whenever the league expands into Houston.
  12. The last time the Flames put their AHL team in BC, it took 4 years before they were moving to New York. I severely doubt the Flames would care for a repeat of that; BC is Canucks turf, you'd never get BC hockey fans to support an AHL affiliate of one of their biggest rivals. Their best bet is to put their AHL team somewhere where there's either no built-in affiliations or where the Flames already have a strong foothold.
  13. Honestly, fill the hem and cuffs with black, too and you'd be good.
  14. And that's stopped the onslaught of blue and red teams how, exactly? Ottawa, New Jersey, Chicago and Carolina all use the exact same color scheme, just arranged differently. Toronto and Tampa do it, too, as well as Montréal and Washington, Boston and Pittsburgh, Edmonton and the Islanders...this isn't a league that's overly concerned about similar color schemes.
  15. In a league that's increasingly moving towards clubs being closer to their parent organization (more or less), the Flames sending their AHL team to Salt Lake City or Boise when those cities are 12 and 13 hours from Calgary, respectively would be an asinine decision; which, granted, would be very in character for the Flames org at the AHL level... My guess is somewhere in the Canadian Prairies, say Regina; that way they could slot into the Central Division and immediately have a rival in the Moose.
  16. The Sixers were irrevocably broken by trusting The Process, weren't they lmao
  17. The white isn't an alt, it's their road jersey.
  18. It's more to phase out the orange for a switchover to royal next season. Multiple teams have used alts in the playoffs before rebranding; Pittsburgh and Arizona both did it, so it's not surprising Edmonton's following suit.
  19. I posted this image last time this whole Ducks identity debate came up, but may as well do it again with a white version this time; At this point, the orange is too tied into the branding of the team to completely remove it, so just swap out the silver stripe on the Mighty Ducks jersey for orange. Plus the orange adds a pop of brightness to the jersey, ties into the Orange County thing that the owners have a predilection for and perfectly mixes both eras into one solid identity; it's not a bad element to have over the silver since that color was so minimal in the brand anyways. Black and orange is too Flyers, gold is Vegas' schtick now, so why not just replace black and gold with eggplant and jade while keeping the orange as a tertiary color? Nobody in the NHL (or sports, really) owns that combo.
  20. I'm sorry, but the pylon orange jerseys are absolutely not the best uniforms the Oilers have ever worn; that's a take ripe for the Unpopular Opinions thread. The only time that those colors worked has been on the alternate, and that set is still pretty damn mediocre, all things considered; meanwhile, the home jersey looks like someone barfed Dayglo all over the team's jersey and the road looks more black than blue with how damn dark the navy is. There are teams in the NHL, like Seattle or Columbus, that pull off navy blue very, very well. The Oilers are not one of those teams; they should've just kept their look the same like other teams did in the transition from the Reebok template to the Adidas one.
  21. It's been a darker red and blue since the 1999-2000 season, yeah. Using TruColor, the current shade of red has a hex value of #A6192E and the previous has a value of #C8102E. Same with the blue; since 1999-2000, it's been #001E62 when the previous was #003087.
  22. Ownership prefers the orange, IIRC. And from what I've seen, most fans are fine with either color scheme being used as long as the original logo is back in the primary position.
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