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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I wouldn't totally hate that...they gray numbers ain't working though. And also, thanks for reminding me that Nikenhas had a penchant of doing some funky shoulder designs on some of their teams' jerseys...case in point: Oregon, TCU, and Virginia Tech. (Which now that I'm looking a this again, that looks like a pretty decent Arizona-ish take on at VT-ish style jersey. And I just KNOW they're gonna shoehorn some semblance of that AZ flag somewhere in their new uniform set; why not there?)
  2. I know that the point of investment is that it [hopefully] grows and accrues value, but the fact that we've reached the point where any big-pro sports team is worth over a billion dollars, let alone six, is still wild to me...
  3. Which is exactly why I posted those three specific combos...if they keep it to those (which they won't, since they re-designated the teal jerseys as the official primary darks), the uniform set actually becomes pretty solid in spite of how stripped down it is. But of course "icy" and "blackout" and "allTeal" (which I'm not exactly against...but not in that guise), so, you know... I'd have to see a photorealistic mockup of that to gain a better idea, but I don't completely hate that concept... ...Now THIS...this I could get behind. They wouldn't even need the gold trim in the numbers; just that bit of trim on the sleevecaps and collars makes all the difference in the world. The truly ironic thing is that the above would be a nice color scheme for the football Cardinals ...and I bet it's pretty close to what we're actually getting. No cap...on its own, I thought that specific uniform was the first time I saw it; I still think so. It'd look better with white pants, but still, that gray/copper/white color scheme was .
  4. Thanks for the heads up! I may have to go check that out.
  5. Speaking of which, would y'all believe we're now going on year six of these?? Just sayin'...
  6. So I guess my main question now (as if this wasn't the case before) is: what what point does all this cross the pale from being a "Cardinals rebrand" to being a "hot, fresh, out-the-box, uniquely Arizona-themed brand for a team that oh by the way also just happens to be nicknamed the Cardinals"? I'm willing to bet my next three paychecks they shot that 8-ball clean into the corner pocket of the latter...
  7. Ah, so right next to the ABF terminal and across the street from Love's...my initial guesses weren't far off, then! (Right, um, ballpark...wrong neighborhood. But it is along Redwood like I figured.) Salt Lake is an interesting place. The couple times I've been there, I saw money on top of money being thrown around (I was astounded at hoe ridiculous the cost of living is out there), so the fact that a group—headed by a former MLB player, no less—now wants to build a "mixed-use development" on a current industrial site doesn't surprise me one lick. That said, I don't know that they could've picked a better site if they tried. To be right off the main freeway (well really two since the 80 junctions with the 215 beltway right there) AND be right along a light rail line, meaning tranportation/transit infrastructure is already right there, will be huge. And according to that article, they're due to break ground next week. (This sounds almost exactly like what Nashville did in building what's now Bridgestone Arena way back when...they built that in hopes of attracting some big-league team; along came a new one, the Predators.) The more I chew on this, the more I'm already quickly convinced, like you, that this thing may gain traction REAL fast. (Plus it'd give Colorado a team closer to it rather than being out there 600 miles from the next closest competitor...like SLC still ain't 500 miles away, lol.) AND, the plan they put forth is open-air rather than domed/enclosed/retractable roof, so it'd be...cheaper, in a way?...to build. Might be time for the concepters to start concepting some ideas around here...!
  8. It's been a while since I last been to SLC, but just based off those three flutes: hypothetical as all that is, are they eyeballing either the golf course next to the refineries and railyard down off 3300 or (last I knew) that empty patch next to the refineries further up the 15 between it, the beltway and Redwood Rd? Those are about the only two open patches of grass I can remember (& of course that was nearly three years ago so ain't no telling what they may have done with those patches of land by now).
  9. For some reason, I'm thinking something along the lines of that mother-of-pearl white halfway-irridescent paint finish Cadillac's been using for white since about the late '90s...only with redder iridescence instead of half-green. (If you've seen Cadillacs in that color, you know what I mean.) And of course I could totally be off-base...and we get a [maybe off-] white version of their alternate black helmets with the logo (itself probably half-irridescent like the ones on their black helmets) encased in some type of high-gloss finish. And of course I could be totally off-base with these, too... ...All that said, given the previous out-the-box offerings we've gotten from the Swoosh since they took over the NFL in 2013 (Seahawks, Browns, Buccaneers, Snatit, Commanders), I ain't getting my hopes up for this. I will leave just a sliver of room that I might be pleasantly surprised, but...ehh, I probably won't be.
  10. I can get down with that. The numbers would need to shrink some, but that's about as great a way to update the early 90s sets as there is. Oh and, hot take: on-court 3-D effect to the side, I still like that former logo—and logotype—better than the current. I understand the current is optimized to work better in the digital space—as is just about everything is moving towards these days because, well, we are in a fully digital age—but it still looks so lifeless compared to the former.
  11. Awwww snap....I might actually have to pay attention to the team I grew up rooting for again....(!) Glad i still have my creamsicle throwback from 2009, though...because I am NOT about to pay through the nose for those Nike replithentics now.*
  12. I'll be happy for you to be wrong, too. I somewhat summarized Memphis' issues in my prior post, but I'll add this: one the last few weeks, their tendency was to get out to huge leads and then sleepwalk through fourth quarters...plus they are SORELY missing Steven Adams/Brandon Clarke right now. (Oh and they're just a teeeeny, tiiiiiny bit immature.) So until they do mature (Adams notwithstanding—but he's likely out for the postseason), and unless Baby Z-Bo out there beasts out in the first round, as much as I want to see it, and considering how hot the Lakers have gotten since LeBron return...I just don't see Memphis getting past them. (I can still hold out hope, though.)
  13. As will I...provided I get the time off to do so. This postseason field is reminding me a lot of 200-11, probably the most wide-open and crazy NBA postseason tourney in recent memory. If you need a refresher, that was the year that, among other things, the Chicago Bulls found themselves back up on top of the East (though it didn't last, thanks to the Heatles); top-seeded San Antonio lost in the first round to the 8-seed Memphis Grizzlies (also their first playoff series win); the Lakers got swept out of the tourney by the Mavericks...and oh yeah, Dirk Nowitzki went OFF—like, mana straight owned the postseason. Oh and the Mavericks somehow pulled off two separate 15-po8nt comeback wins en route to the title over those same Heatles...you might remember LeBron going ice cold in that final. Speaking of LeBron, just my Grizzlies' luck that they draw the Lakers in round one. I don't know where they left their defense over the part few weeks, but LAL is the wrong team to be sleepwalking against on defense. Unless Kenny Lofton Jr defense his inner Zach Randolph and beasts out in the series, as much as I want them to win I don't see Memphis making it past six games. And I don't see anyone beating the Bucks in the final either...
  14. Not to mention pretty much the ENTIRE fan base hated the Kasota gold...it was a no-brainer to dump it. And to circle back to the now-current sets...I agree with @FiddySicks in that this rebrand turned out great. It's about one or two notches shy of Padres/Blue Jays-level great. (It's the "Twins" script and M-star cap that keep it from leveling up with those aforementioned clubs.)
  15. Yeah I really think it's about time the NBA redo this whole draft process—all these "protected/unprotected" picks, the lottery, all of it. Simplify...not overcomplicate. *Says the guy with little to no business acumen *
  16. This was talked about shortly after the release. Oddly, for me its the other way around: I like that Wolff styled the numbers to match the Twins logotype (the bottom picture)...but it's the new Twins script that's throwing the whole thing off for me. From a color perspective, the new home whites look great—separating the red from the blue really did wonders for theTwins—but that script...it just looks like it's trying to do three things at once and not really working at any of them other than being single-layer red. This is one of those times where I think holding on to the former Twins logotype but rendering it single-layer would have solidified this whole thing.
  17. Does it count if I tell you people tell me I sound like I'm from the Caribbean? And since we're identifying black demographics up in here...Im black, 41, and am from somewhat near the Caribbean...if northwest Florida counts. Oh and while I really do not care for the cash-grab free-for-all the NBA (and, increasingly, MLB) has become from an aesthetic perspectice, I do find myself liking a few of these alternate designs. Case in point; Memphis' 2022-23 City stuff, which given the gradients, web 2.0 effects, and diamondplate patterns in the numbers, I probably shouldn't like, but dangit if I don't—and I hate how much o love it. (Atlanta's black peach-themed alternates are pretty hot, too.) Also, this: I just wish they'd have outlined the numbers, as well—but that is about as perfect an alternate as one could come up with. Utah is in brand purgatory right now. That said, if they haven't already had this discussion—and if they haven't, I don't know how not—they could marry up with the highlighter yellow with the purple and create something really unique, something more geared for streetwear. And since we're talking about this... ...Over the last three or four years, this really seems to be the way more and more team brands have gone...and the NBA, being the sport most closely related with/to the street, has long led the charge on that. It makes sense from a, um, dollars and cents standpoint—maximize revenue by designing something folk would wanna wear on the street—but at the same time, like everything else, there comes a point where too much becomes too much. I don't think it's gotten to that point yet across the major leagues, but it's getting close. Ironically, the NFL is the one holdout, save for the direction the Rams chose to go with their current sets—"inspired", they say, by some urban wear company that I can't remember and don't care to look up. We'll see what happens depending on what the Cardinals unveil here shortly...
  18. The only issue I have with these types of concepts—and I see them all the time—is that by incorporating so much Arizona flag into the uniform, it may as well become a uniform for Arizona State or a team called the Arizonans. Now, if (when?) Nike tries to impose a "City" uniform on the NFL—and I wouldn't be the slightest bit shocked if they're working on roping the NFL into that in their back lab right now—then such flag-inspired design could really take off. As is, it doesn't say "Cardinals" as much as it says "Arizona". (And yes I see the birdhead logo on the helmet; but that's it.) Having said that...dude that did those may very well be onto something with that triple/gradient stripe designe he used for the pants. Oh, and he used the blue I've been wanting the Cardinals to reemploy for the longest time.
  19. Are my eyes messing with me, or are that guy's socks, undersleeves, and cap a dark navy?? I remember the original DRays' uniforms having black caps & socks...
  20. So in other words, the perfect candidate for future OC or/and HC someday?
  21. The funny thing is that I actually don't disagree with this—well, I can do without all the battle-mark scratches and whatnot, but a dark metallic (anodized?) silver helmet w/ matching pants would've looked pretty sharp with either navy or Columbia blue jerseys...
  22. You plucked it right out of my head—except I was actually thinking of another Kansas State colorway: Now, I know the faded-purple hue miiiggghhtt be a bit much for an "away" uniform (I'm only calling it that until Nike inevitably finds some other hackneyed "name" for home/away/alternate MLB uniforms), but I say: why the heck not?? Maybe not that purple, perhaps just a tad bit more to the silver/gray side (to replace the silver), but THAT colorway—double purple—should be Colorado's colorway going forward and for all time. *I might have to get back in the kitchen on this one...
  23. If I didn't know any better I'd swear that was posted by the Commanders...
  24. I don't know that a "farm system" affiliation would really work for the NFL—especially considering that big-time CFB pretty much is the league's farm system. It would, however, be nice to have a "AAA"-ish football league going, which these two spring leagues pretty much are at the moment. (By the way, worth mentioning that as much sarcastic shade as spring football gets regarding finishing a season, one of the two actually did, had its championship game, and is about to start its second season.) Regarding consolidation, I think if anything the USFL will be absorbed by the XFL, just simply due to that bag shared between Dany and Dwayne. Some teams would probably be shuffled around (like one of the two Houston teams), but as some have said, a 16-team spring league would be neat. That said, though...we don't need to see any more spring teams in Vegas. That experiment ain't working...
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