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Everything posted by tBBP

  1. I'm glad you posted this comparison, because...it only underscores how much I wish my Seminoles would get back to the former garnet hue and metallic gold pants. I've never cared for the updates garnet; I know Nike switched it up to get it more in line with their proprietary stock fabric colors (same reason every one of their big-name D1 schools that have "gold" as a color now wear the washed-out khaki shade), but it's always appeared either too dark or too purple for my tastes. As for the number font...granted, Glades Bold only came out either '97 or '98, and yes I do miss it at times, but I can love with the Unconquered font. That said, the pattern on their sleeves needs to go; having it on their collars (and sleeve cuffs, if they ever add them back) is enough to update tradition. Now, about that spear...the new spear is absolutely an upgrade over the previous one...much cleaner and thicker line work. (That said, like @GFB said, if they must don white helmets, they could have at least colored the white parts gold.)
  2. Y'all wanna know what's funny, though? Granted, it's all reteospective now since it's been well over 30 years, but there was a time when Nike wasn't king in the shoe game. As recently as the 80's, Nike was seen in much the same way Under Armour was seen about the time of the aughts: that still-challenging up-and-comer in the athletic apparel space. If you're curious as to what catapulted Nike's fortunes and ultimately shot them to the top of the game, look no further than His Airness, Michael Jordan. That marketing campaign Nike launched with him--some of y'all remember it, "It Must Be the Shoes", combined with the "Air Jordan" name and resuting shoe line--was a sheer stroke of genius on the part of the swoosh. That vaulted their profile (and of course Jordan winning all those championshops dang sure helped); after that dang near everyone wanted in on the Swoosh. All these many years later, here we are. Just felt like bringing that up for those who weren't on planet Earth to w1tness all that live...
  3. You can add the Snatit to that, as well. And...just in case we have new people around here who wonder where this "Snatit" label came from: that team (the Titans, that is), for as long as I've been a fan (going back to 2013), but especially since Vrabel took over, has had the absolute most aggravating habit of beating down the top teams in the league...and then themselves getting beat by the worst teams. When you think they should dominate, they play down and get beat. When you think they might get stomped, they do the stomping. It's that bass-ackward habit that led to me christening them as the Snatit. And now they've officially been called out on it.
  4. For the both of y'all: I don't know that I'd call it "trendy", but (the U of) Georgia's been referring to their (no longer metallic) pants as "silver britches" for about as long as I can remember; I'm sure Tennessee picked up on the trope because if there's one thing Nashville is great at, it's making both a stereotype and a parody out of itself. And I don't care what nann of y'all say: when the Chargers wear the yellow pants with either white or charger blue tops, they have arguably the best uniform set in the league. Don't try to change my mind on this; it ain't gonna happen.
  5. We had them...sort of...with the last Falcons uniform set. But I get what you mean...
  6. Coming in at #27! 7-8 in week one. See folks, this is why I don't gamble. Anyway... LA Chargers vs. Kansas City (though it'll probably be close) New England vs. Pittsburgh Carolina vs. NY Giants NY Jets vs. Cleveland Indianapolis vs. Jacksonville Miami vs. Baltimore Tampa Bay vs. New Orleans Washington vs. Detroit Seattle vs. San Francisco Atlanta vs. LA Rams (because why not??) Arizona vs. Las Vegas Houston vs. Denver Cincinnati vs. Dallas Chicago vs. Green Bay (again, because why not??) Tennessee vs. Buffalo (!!!) Minnesota vs. Philadelphia (I'm pulling for Minnesota, but it's hard to bet against Philly at home This could end up being the dark horse best game of the week.)
  7. Great job, San Jose. Take notes, Jacksonville Jaguars....THIS is how you OWN teal.
  8. They've been doing that for a while. That said, I'll welcome all the *Titans Blue* I can get, since that's about the only part of the stadium that features the color, unless something has changed in the past year or two. I hope the pro shop at the stadium is still swathed out in primarily light blue, but it wouldn't surprise me if they repainted it to all navy. That was the national game of the week, wasn't it? Or were you just in a market that wouldn't show it? Either way, I definitely saw it and...something about the lighting inside that giant ship of a stadium reminds me of Lucas Oil, just executed WAY better. (Both stadia have giant windows at one end; we'll Lucas Oil has two, plus the roof when they choose to open it. Do US Bank's windows open? Anyone know?)
  9. Yeah they DEFINITELY need to keep that version. I'm loving how the inside of their store is turning out...and of course I got turned on to that colorway back in 2012 when my hometown Blue Wahoos debuted it, so it's already a winner in my eyes. I think I'd like to see them replace that itty bitty SC with an StL lockup, maybe even topped with a little flour de lis if they can style it to match the rest of the visual language (in other words, don't force it)?? I'm gonna have to get down to ye Olde Lou one of these days once that place opens up...I wanna check it out in person!
  10. And the Snatit doing what the Snatit do...that's thy they're the Snatit. Oh...and that, too.
  11. Exactly what the powers-that-be that tuke CFB want us to do to do: continue to talk/debate/fight about it. Keeps the interest up, keeps them in the headlines...keeps the revenue dough rolling in.
  12. They're definitely the MAC of this time. I mean shoot, App State nearly beat UNC last week, and did beat the #6-ranked ATM today. (This by the way is another reason I say scrap the preseason rankings--theyre so biased kts ridiculous.) Georgia Southern hopefully just kicked Scott Frost out of Lincoln for good. And oh by the way...lost amid all this craziness (and DANGIT, Texas...you had ONE JOB!): Kansas--went into Morgantown and took down West Virginia in overtime...on a walk-off pick-six by a guy named Cobee Bryant.
  13. They serious about boosting that Dallas skyline, ain't they? It'd be better if more than maybe 3 or 4 people outside Dallas even knew what was in Dallas' skyline. (Shoot, there's probably people in north Fort Worth who couldn't recognize the Dallas skyline if you put it right in front of them.) The killing thing is the skyline actually looks rather distinctive for what it is.
  14. Ah... wasn't aware the rest of the teams switched over. Sidebar...that kelly green and yellow looks so sharp there...I promise that's all Oregon needs. Double down on that and ride out...
  15. I've long wondered why Oregon football hasn't gotten back to using the same font the rest of their teams do, especially considering the football team is the one that introduced it in the first place. I don't know how I want to feel about this. I mean, they've had these white helmets (or at least a prototype of it) around since Taggart was still there, so I've seen the combo once. That said, aside from the Unconquered black sets (and one or two other one-offs from that Pro Combat phase about a decade back), FSU has done well to stay away from the unnecessary alt stuff. White-on-white is a rare enough combo for the Seminoles that I don't know that I want the white helmet with it. That said, if they win at Louisville, I guarantee it won't be the last we see of the ️ Seminoles...and again, I don't know how I want to feel about that yet...
  16. No surprise, as this has definitely been their favorite combo since the rebrand. It's quite the shame, too, since these days you have to squint the right way to even notice (what used to be their signature) light blue...until they wear the light blue alt tops. (Oddly enough, few as they are the only Tennessee jerseys I see for sale in this part of the country are in fact the light blue ones...I have yet to spot a navy jersey anywhere in the Siouxland area that I've seen thus far.)
  17. And now for the stills... AND... of note from the Saturday Down South writeup on these one-offs--well, two things: And... everyone's favorite trend: I don't know what about the moon inspired that font, but I'm certainly not over the moon about it...I do like that R patch, though.
  18. Alright, I'll go ahead and join in on this...keep the crow on ice. Buffalo vs. LA Rams New Orleans vs. Atlanta Cleveland vs. Carolina San Francisco vs. Chicago * Pittsburgh vs. Cincinnati Philadelphia vs. Detroit Indianapolis vs. Houston New England vs. Miami Baltimore vs. NY Jets Jacksonville vs. Washington NY Giants vs. Tennessee ** Kansas City vs. Arizona Las Vegas vs. LA Chargers Green Bay vs. Minnesota Tampa Bay vs. Dallas Denver vs. Seattle * upset pick of the week ** though I won't be surprised if they lose by 20
  19. WHAT THE WHOLE ENTIRE...I can't even right now. Somebody get some oxygen and/or a pacemaker. I don't even...I can't right now. But doggone it my Seminoles pulled through and came up big when they absolutely needed to. This is almost up there with that Saints/Jaguars game about a decade or so ago back when New Orleans scored that last miracle TD only to miss the tying extra point. I know "instant classic" gets thrown around way too much...but this game definitely may be an early candidate for one. Whatever...2-0 babyyyy!!!
  20. I know there's still a quarter left to go, but after the mess of the past few years and the down-to-the-wire tease of last season's opener, I am LOVING the fight I'm seeing from my Seminoles in this game. I ain't finna say Florida State is "back" just yet, but this...this I can deal with. This patchwork line is holding up better than I expected, and now three years in, I think Mike Norvell's system is starting to click. Best of all, whatever Jordan Travis did this offseason is paying off in this game...dude is pulling off some Patrick Mahomes-esque stuff out there. I know one thing: if FSU wins this thing, I got a whole other side of the family (they're all big LSU fans) and a whole lotta people back home in the Panhandle to laugh at heartily--but there's still a lot of game left to be played yet....
  21. Yeah...before we get too excited about the playoff expansion, you may wanna check and see who the helmsmen are in charge of that ship (really more like who financed its construction) because if it's still majority-controlled by the major conferences, all that means is more of their teams will get in now. The only way CFB playoffs will be true and fair is to a/ eliminate the preseason rankings; b/ allow each conference champion a shot in the tournament and c/ seed teams by win-loss record (and then if need be, points for/points against in-conference and then overall to break any potential ties). But we know the powers that be ain't finna do that, because that would sacrifice too much moola...
  22. Let me guess...Acrisure is some kind of insurance or hedge fund company, isn't it?
  23. Them. (That was from the 2009 Hall of Fame Game aka the AJ Trapasso fake punt game.)
  24. Okay...I missed something in this. I was sitting here thinking Pitt had a new stadium or something. When the heck did Heinz Field get renamed???
  25. That navy set, if they insist on keeping that colorway, seems a great basis for a permanent set. Pull the logo from the red sweaters and place them on the navy sweaters (and make the W red, of course), reverse it out for a white set and I think they'd be set for good. That being said... I've screamed it before, and I'm gonna scream it again: THESE RANK AS MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE UNIFORMS EVER IN THE HISTORY OF MAJOR PRO SPORTS, PERIOD.
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