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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Yes. Start a thread, and then every 90 minutes, someone new posts. "Is it? Could it be? OH MY! Joel Fiasco IS BACK!!!"
  2. OMG, so many memories from that thread - and I haven't even made it halfway through yet! How was this not goldmined before? 1) I forgot about people having to post "BBTV is my daddy" in their sigs (bold face, min 12pt font) in order for me to endorse their name change. At one point it became the only way to get one pushed through. 2) the guy Pritch that actually changed his name to "I am a flaming douchebag"! What a douchebag. 3) mings offering to post a vid of himself in his underwear acknowledging me as his daddy if it helped with his change. 4) it's fun seeing all the old stupid names that currently-respected board members used to have. 5) so many old names that don't post here anymore. Oh, the halcyon days of CCSLC. The voting and campaigning system should be brought back. Screw people's feelings.
  3. Dammit - seems like this would be the goldmine thread... but I "don't have permission to view its content".
  4. Technically they're owned by Alpha Entertainment. Technically. Interesting that the other team didn't play on the same field.
  5. I've been searching, but can't find any actual evidence of it - glad someone else remembers.
  6. I think I once proposed a vote on all name changes - like a poll. You’d have to campaign, and might have to make concessions to get a name approved. Didn’t we get a guy to call himself IAmAFlamingDouchebag or something?
  7. Your name doesn't matter, as I recognize you instantly from your Avatar. You're probably competing with Roger Clemente for longest-running avatar.
  8. Go with JerBear, and end every post with a ROAR
  9. Also, there’s now an opportunity for a NJTnak
  10. Doesn’t it stand for Chick Magnet, and there was other CMs back in his backyard days.
  11. I'm quickly changing my legal name to BringBackTheVet so that I can take it with me to other forums and not have to be VetBringItBack or Vet El Patron.
  12. On mobile you don’t see member titles, and only dopes care about sigs. I already don’t know who a couple of people in this thread are. I suggest a single thread where the ONLY posts that are allowed are: old name: X new name: Y anyone that posts anything else is banned, and their children and children’s children are banned too.
  13. This is good. Is there some way that name changes are "announced" or posted so that people know that whoever is posting something is the same person that they've been interacting with for years just under a new name?
  14. how the hell did they average >18K there? Apparently a lot of people were willing to make the trek, though I can't imagine how. It sucks for urban dwellers that don't have cars to not be able to go to games.
  15. Holy hell - those Richfield photos are shocking (to me.) What was the idea behind putting it there? Make it as inconvenient as possible for anyone to go? Make it impossible to take mass transit? It blows my mind that a 20k-seat venue can be that isolated.
  16. not here, but today that’s happened to me on pretty much every site that has a password (Netflix, instagram, etc)
  17. That's certainly a possibility, but until it's implemented, it's just speculation. Maybe a trial? "dude, you're wrong and an idiot" bruises more egos than a number next to a thumbs-down icon.
  18. Getting back to suggestions made in previous post, have the mods / CC recently discussed adding a downvote to go along with the existing upvote? At first I thought the upvote thing was pretty silly, but now that I browse almost exclusively via mobile, I find it an extremely convenient way to express agreement. I think the downvote would be similar, and I don't think it'd be abused or taken seriously enough to cause problems.
  19. Why is this site now asking me if it can use my location?
  20. not sure you know what “generic” means. I hope their logo doesn’t make it on the actual jersey. It’s refreshing to see a jersey that actually represents the team, and not an apparel brand.
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