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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I get why wrestling announcers would do it - the viewers are shown certain shots for a specific reason so it wouldn't make sense for the viewer to see a shot of someone on the outside who's getting ready to cheat while the announcers are focusing on something totally different. I do find it funny that they're ringside, but watching TV (other than when there's replays.) I assumed that sports broadcasters did it mostly based on the action on the field, with the help of spotters and other aids either putting things on a prompter or communicating via earpiece. There's stuff they could see that a viewer wouldn't, like the positioning of the fielders. I know they're always handed papers with certain info on them. They'd need the actual viewer feed available, and often refer to it, but I'm not sure if it's their primary input.
  2. Read something today that if there's MLB this year, and if they play at home stadiums, the announcers won't travel with the team and will call road games from studios in their home location. I wonder if they'll be calling it based on the same feed the viewers see, or if they'll have their own CC feed that shows more of what's going on.
  3. When I could pee in a 32oz souvenir cup in the concourse in the Vet because the lines were either too long or the pipes were frozen. That kind of behavior seems to be frowned upon now.
  4. Huh. I assumed that since two machines, and only this site open, that the site was the culprit so I didn't pursue it further. My bad. Some not-basic googling pointed me to the Youtube for TV extension, which I have just deleted, so we'll see. All the other removal procedures I've found seem very painful and invasive. I'd imagine that it's not as simple as removing an extension, but fingers crossed. There was nothing unexpected in running processes, regedit, add/remove programs, or any system directories.
  5. Now it's spawning multiple tabs. I'll be on this site (with only this tab open), go away, come back, and multiple of those "dudepages" tabs will be open, all with stupid crap. Again, multiple machines.
  6. Bears HOFer Richard Dent also finished up with the Eagles
  7. Greg Townsend was a good DL for the Raiders for 11 seasons... and finished up with one for the Eagles:
  8. Now whenever I go to this site, a new tab opens up for this site: https://dudepages.com/totally-awesome-randomness-35-photos/ It's been happening for a few days now, on both my laptop and desktop. What the hell is wrong with this site? It's literally the only site that I have technical issues with, whether it's log in, ads that take over my mobile screen, weird popups, and now these "dude pages" tabs that pop open. Since these things happen on three separate devices, I feel it needs to be something with the ad devils that are being used, or something else goofy with this site.
  9. How is Pier 1 associated with failure, when it had a good long run as a reputable company? No reasonable person looks at that logo and is like "lol, that didn't work", unlike with New Coke, Circuit City, the WCW Starship, Pat Patriot, and K-Mart. Granted, K-Mart also had a good run, but wasn't ever looked at highly, and spent its final decade or more just hanging on for life in a very undignified manner, to the point where everyone just assumed it was already dead (I remember driving by one and passing it by because I thought it was closed down, only to realize it was open, just with zero customers. Scored a lifetime supply of dishwasher capsules on super clearance.) Is this thread now simply "logos of companies that have recently filed for bankruptcy?"
  10. I remember the Penguins announcer that would say stupid-irrelevant phrases after every goal, and then he got on Sports Center, so lots of hack announcers tried to come up with catch phrases or silly things that would get them on Sports Center. I'm sure there's announcers that sit around coming up with sayings, many of which aren't even sports related, or Chris Berman-esque nicknames just to get attention. "You had barbecue? And didn't invite me?" WTF. Tota hack.
  11. Fact: nobody spread coronavirus in 3/4-empty Veteran's stadium, Cleveland stadium, Riverfront, Three Rivers, etc. Let's let that sink in for a minute.
  12. I'd err on the side of too big. When the Phillies had a 5+ year sellout streak (I think CBP is 45k), it was nearly impossible for a parent to take their kids to a major league game without paying an unreasonable amount of money, and even then, it was probably SRO. I'd rather for major league baseball (and sports in general) to be more accessible to people, and not be big business for scumbag resellers.
  13. If a team needs to reduce their capacity to 22k just to fill it, that's an indication that there shouldn't be a team there. I'm not advocating for the return of 50k-60k stadiums, but something like what the Pirates have should be the minimum (I think it's 35k). It's just a minor-league look to have such a small stadium, and it really sucks for fans too, since if the team ever does get any support, the tiny capacity will just freeze too many people out.
  14. One less obvious player that comes to my mind right away is Herschel Walker. I'm not sure what his right team is - I'm going to go with Vikings, but I understand if people say Cowboys - but he also wore an Eagles and a Giants uniform (before returning to Dallas.) He was still in his prime (albeit the tail end of it) and great in Phila, but kind of at the end when he went over to the Giants. Also - why did guys wear such big shoulder pads back in the day? Wouldn't they want to be smaller to slip through holes? And have more flexibility to catch balls (though RBs weren't nearly the receivers that they are today)?
  15. If you want people to use the search feature rather than start new topics, maybe make it so you don't have to wait a whole minute between searches if you want to fine-tune your criteria. It's ridiculous. Not only that, the last few times I've tried to use it, it tells me "wait 1 second before searching again" and then "wait 14 seconds" and then 11, then back to 14, which is it? Are people really bogging down the system by searching too frequently?
  16. That's fascinating. Almost impossible to believe.
  17. Really? I didn't know that. Any reason why? Is there already a national competitor that they couldn't unseat?
  18. Not sure how all of those are "associated with failure". The WFL? Is that logo really associated with failure? Was the WFL truly considered a failure? I don't know the story behind the Target one - help me out? The 2020 NFL Draft? First, it's the same logo that's been used for lots of drafts, so hardly associated with just 2020. I don't consider the date a significant part of the design. Second, it's the highest rated draft ever, and is receiving a ton of praise, and at worst, has inspired a lot of discussion.
  19. Now I’m getting hijacked by things that say that malware has been put on my phone by adult sites, and I need to install something on my iPhone. It’s clearly a scam. I do not have any issues like the ones that I and other people report here on absolutely any other site I visit. None.
  20. Yes. I think sometimes the ad at the top of the screen changes between really big ones and smaller ones, and makes the screen jump a lot. I can't tell you how many times I've clicked on the wrong thing because the screen jumped right as I was about to click. It's that way on mobile too.
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