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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Here's a fun game for those of us who have been around a decade or more - who were the mods when you joined? The ones I remember from way back in my day: Joel Fiasco JP Slapshot Puckguy (I think he was a mod... not certain) Yale Hollander (or just YH) Yzerfan (admin) Spyboy (might have the name wrong... he did like a million Wpg Jets concepts
  2. I've never seen a comments section of any site that is of any value and isn't just ridden with trolls or people with below average IQs that simply didn't have the capability to grasp what point the content was trying to convey. Putting a price on it should at least help eliminate those people. I would doubt it has much to do about a fear of being criticized, it's a desire to increase the signal-to-noise ratio so that it's worth someone's time to read and possibly respond to the comments. Hell - I wish this site charged $99/year if it would filter out most of the clowns and trolls... including the trollbot.
  3. I think this is incorrect, but age plays a big role in it. To me, he's an Astro first, then a Ranger. I'm in my 40s so I'm not a youngster. I collected enough baseball cards as a kid to know that he was a Met and then a star with the Angels. I know that he was dominant with the Angels, and then with a few exceptions, barely above average (let's be honest here) afterwards. He either struck out 20 or got shelled. But... it was with the Astros that most people in their 30s/40s got to see him, it was with the Astros (I think) that he had reached the tenure necessary to start setting career marks, and with the Astros that he got a little more national exposure simply due to the national TV. Speaking of that, that's why I think the Rangers are 2nd (but maybe 1st) because even though he was mostly washed up and was one of those guys that simply held on long enough to get to 300 wins (though again - it was either no-hitter or he got killed), it was with the Rangers that he was on Sports Center every time he started, and when he got in that fight, and he was always labeled a "Texas guy". You're correct that his best years by far were with the Angels, but I really think he's more associated with either of the Texas teams.
  4. On a serious note, the Flyers used this one for a few seasons. It's very Roundball Rock-esque and I think it worked really well for a hockey broadcast:
  5. I gave my boss a proposal for a project that would modernize our data center which would reduce down time to <1%, decrease annual maintenance costs by >$5M, and enable cloud-based functionality that would revolutionize our mobile presence. Her response? "well, it's no Roundball Rock, but I guess we should do it anyway. Next time try harder."
  6. That road uniform is really nice. I think it was the best part of the package Radom put together. Just make the number solid navy and put the DC on the cap and you've got a winner. The home version didn't work as well - can't put my finger on why, but it just didn't. Regardless, the scripts are the way to go (but I'd still use DC).
  7. I mean... they say the naughty word for poop on cable all the time now, and even on PG wrestling, but the "b" word is too obscene... for the internet? In the grand scheme of things, much like Will Smith, I don't need to 'cuss in my raps to sell records', but the minimum age here is allegedly 13 - not 5. In the grand scheme of things it isn't a big deal, but again - it's one of those things where more time and effort is spent on blocking the word bizzach and spamming the board with 'let's pick the best Macon Bacon logo!" than is on making things user friendly or adding actual logos to a logo database. For the record, this has nothing to do with the mods - I don't think they don't control those most - if any - of those things.
  8. ive called that out before. The search here is as worthless as any I’ve ever seen. If you screw up or need to refine, you have to sit around and wait, so you just give up and either just go without finding what you wanted, or start a redundant topic only for people to say “use the search next time, nOOb!” (though I haven’t noticed the later much lately... probably because people know how hard it is to search for anything). it’s a freaking sports logos site - not the CIA or KGB archives. There’s more stupid controls here (can’t even type the female word for dog? Can’t search or post more than once a minute?) than any other site I go to (and that’s not to mention the hijacks, ads that take over your mobile, and potential viruses). I’ll stop complaining (eventually) because I’m sure it’s some violation to call out the board or the equally-as-bad-but-in-different-ways mothership, but if every other non-porn site on the internet can get by without all the garbage ads (and I’m not talking about quantity or content, but how they hijack your screen and trick you into clicking), below PG-rated word restrictions, a worthless search, and years without updates, I’m not sure why a simple sports logos community where all we really do is argue about stripes and complain about wrestling has to be made so freaking complicated.
  9. It blows my mind that there can be current threads that aren't even new and aren't on the site, and in some cases, changes have just been missed for years. Example: the Cavs uniforms stop at 2017, and the Sixers says "2015/16-present" which doesn't reflect the Nike change that's been in place for years. There's time to build annoying bots and make deals with absurd ad services to make money off of other people's IP and bake in viruses, but not to have someone mock up current uniforms for a site that claims to be "your virtual museum dedicated to education of the history of sports logos and sports uniforms"?
  10. Any claim that this site doesn’t have significantly more issues than literally ANY non-porn site on the internet are false defense mechanisms. I browse hundreds of sites, and only have the ridiculous ad hijack issues, virus warnings, ads that consume the border and bottom of the page, and the nonsense I have today on this site. Chris sold his soul to the devil with these ads. I’d gladly pay a membership fee to make this site legit and not have it affiliated with the trash ads. it’s almost like there was a checkbox for “crap mode” and “yes” was selected by mistake.
  11. The common theme is that people experience these things only on this site.
  12. This board should be the place to discuss the team colors, nickname, uniform design, etc - and nothing more. The political threads were the worst thing about the forums. I don’t want to post about how much I love their new shade of burgundy, just to have to go through 3 pages of “PC police!” and “ignorant redneck!” just to follow up on it. There’s members here that I legit don’t like or respect because their views on certain topics have been exposed, and there was no need for it had we just been talking about uniforms. I think it’s possible as Long as the rules for the thread are spelled out in big boldface type. We’re talking about potential new names, what their new logo may be, if they’re playing in the current unis but with plain helmets, etc, and anything that references politics or debate around the name is instantly removed and the person reprimanded. my only fear with that is that I can see a lot of “innocent” people being suspended for posts that they didn’t mean to be political in nature but were maybe interpreted as such, and the current system doesn’t allow for an explanation - it’s just straight to “suspended for belligerence towards the moderation team”.
  13. This is an unprecedented situation, considering we're (not) talking about the real possibility that a team might do an entire rebrand (a real rebrand) less than two months before the season starts. Just the logistics involved alone might be worth discussing. Also considering there's articles everywhere about how the coach is saying that he's involved and that they're down to two choices (or maybe just that there's two that he likes), it's getting real close to when a thread is needed. Eventually, closing threads and responding to questions about starting threads might become more work than just policing one. Totally understand and the reasons behind disallowing the discussion and support that decision, but it may be time to rip off the band-aid and just hope not too much blood leaks out.
  14. Actually, I never thought about it but you're right - the back would look a little better with white outline around the numbers. I don't think it matters that the front doesn't have them. I like the Dodgers script without outline on the front, and outlined numbers on the back. No Los Angeles script, no outlines on the NOB. One thing is for sure - whoever thought that blue buttons was a good idea should have his or her life terminated in a very uncomfortable way.
  15. "When you have a cool logo to go along with Nike on the other side, it’s going to help us in recruiting" Pathetic.
  16. My undergrad degree comes from.... Which is affiliated with neither Indiana University nor University of Pennsylvania, but is part of the "of Pennsylvania" state system of higher education and located in Indiana PA (the christmas tree capital of the world... and kinda sorta home of Jimmy Stewart.)
  17. 1) you never had to look at it since it was never worn. 2) no you wouldn't have.
  18. It came back in '87 when they returned to button fronts and radial NOB. I'm fairly certain they darkened the red too, and at least at home, most true red was gone (the pinstripes were still red, and some of the catchers used red gear, not maroon.) I'm pretty sure (but can't confirm) that it was the "baseball not allowed on jersey" rule that made them change. Maybe that was relaxed and they didn't bother to change until they moved to the button template in the late '80s. '86 Home: Note the zipper, open P, and the bright red pinstripes: P) '87 Home - note the buttons, swirl P, and darker pinstripes Couldn't find an '87, but here's an '88 road (same thing - buttons, swirl P, darker red)
  19. Here's a lot of 3 game-worn jerseys. The alighment of the number seems pretty consistent: Here's my guess of the versions of these uniforms: v1: Flannel. Gray road. Button down. NNOB. Full Swirl. v2: Flannel. Blue road. Button down. NNOB. Full swirl. v3. Double-knit. Blue road. Zipper front. Partial swirl. (longest version) v4. Double-knit. Blue road. Button front. Full swirl. Darker pinstripes at home ('87-'88) v5. Double-knit. Gray road. Button front. Full swirl. ('89-'91)
  20. My gods the flannel era for those uniforms was horrible. I'm still shocked that there even was a flannel version of them - let alone several. Seems like a design that was made specifically for the "new age" poly uniforms.
  21. Been looking more into those old Phillies uniforms since there's so much I never knew about their early years. According to this auction, they switched to blue with chain stitching and NNOB for only one season before switching to the blue with twill and NOB the next year. "This one-of-a-kind apparel was a departure from the previous year's gray flannel road jerseys and also represents the lone year with an oversize embroidered back number (in a cost-cutting measure, the Phils went to tackle twill identifiers and names on the back of the following year's road jerseys)." Honestly, those look terrible with the chainstitching. Regular twill is so much better with that style. The whole thing looks amazingly amateur - like they had a child cutting out the numbers with scissors. I'm not certain, but I'm assuming the next year is when they dropped the swirl from the P.
  22. And I never realized the first versions weren't double-knit! I assume the chainstitching (and gray) only lasted until the switch.
  23. Note the placement of the front number. It was moved up to the chest by the time these were worn on the field. Also, the road was a true gray for a few years before becoming blue.
  24. Here's the Super Bowl LII Champion Philadelphia Eagles radio booth during Super Bowl LII, where they destroyed the New England Patriots to become the Super Bowl Champions. It's super interesting... and pretty chaotic. At one point, Merrill Reese is watching the game with his binoculars. Both broadcasters seem totally dependent on the spotters around them pretty often.
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