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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. In my observation, they regularly throw the on-field refs under the bus. I find Pereira and Steratore to be very fair when explaining why a call was either correct or how the refs missed it. IIRC I've even heard them say that the replay guys blew one or two.
  2. *sigh* 3rd and 26, Rams just running the ball before punting, and refs give them 15 yards and auto 1st down on a phantom face mask. How are face masks not reviewable? Admittedly in real time it looked like a facemask, but it was clearly not. Now Rams are on Eagles side of the field vs punting and Eagles probably having it on the Rams side. Hell of a swing on a bad call, which unlike PI, should be 100% objective. Definitely not the worst call I've ever seen, but still something that should be reviewable because there's no judgement involved.
  3. don't they shorten the timeline in the event of a relocation or change of ownership?
  4. That jersey also looked strange, but at least to me, it was just because it was a pullover. It's also why I think the Blue Jays made the right call by putting the logo in the middle of their pullover jerseys, rather than the left side like where they moved it to after converting to buttons. At least to me, the Yankees are the standard, so if they do it then it's a traditional baseball look. Same with Detroit (though I chose the Yankees due to the pinstripes.) In fact, I prefer just the logo on the chest as opposed to the logo / number combo that the White Sox, 70s-80s Phillies, and other teams have used. For some reason I think the Expos worked better with the number then they would have without, but I can't tell you why. Just my preference. I don't find anything strange about this look at all (though it's absolutely strange on a pullover). That Arizona jersey fits right in:
  5. they can go back to something like the original home without going back to that awful uniform, which is awful, for all the awful reasons you mentioned. I'd take a pinstripeless sand version of the A-chest uniform as a road uniform and call it a day.
  6. is Merton Hanks back in the building? That's painting with a very broad brush. I've been here for nearly 20 years and the Cowboys have been criticized for their mismatch since the day I joined. It may be considered a "classic" look, but more in the "have had it so long that it's just who they are and they'd look weird any other way" sense, not the "timeless quality" way. I'd personally rank the Cowboys in the bottom 3rd of the league until they do something about the black stripes and make up their mind about their silvers/blues/greens. Just because something's been the same forever doesn't mean it can't be improved. The counter argument would be the Detroit Tigers, who fixed their mismatched Ds and have been widely criticized for it (by me too, but only because they kept the wrong one.) Maybe it'd be the same if the Cowboys did change, but I'd like to see them at least try.
  7. No uniform should ever say "D-Backs". If the name needs to be abbreviated, it's a bad name. This is a perfect uniform (though uniforms with only a chest logo and no numbers should always be on a raglan template - no exceptions): I could take or lose the number font, but this is a classic look that's appropriate for Arizona (not saying that the current scheme isn't) and could be worn for decades without feeling dated. If you want to recolor the current road then that's fine, but I think they'd end up like the Cubs used to be where they had a relatively-untouchable home uniform but tinkered with the road every 3 or 4 years. And that's fine! Just keep the home the same forever* *in this case, forever means "until they relocate because nobody cares"
  8. I'm waiting for "today it was 80 degrees at noon. Probably going to drop to 60 in the evening. There were no clouds, that's why it was sunny."
  9. He sounds like some dopey local sports anchor just recapping the game. "got down 27-3 heading into halftime, ended up losing 40-20". Really insightful, Magic!
  10. No chance 99% of those players knew who Dick Butkus was, let alone had any extra motivation. While I never saw him play, he, along with Ham and Lambert were some of the guys who were legendary in my eyes and made me want to be a linebacker, before I realized I had no talent. Unfortunately, the position they played doesn't even exist anymore.
  11. I really don't know the rules. Josh Harris' company is the majority owner of the Sixers (and Devils, and Commanders) and Rubin was just a minority partner who's make contribution was being the dopey middle-aged white guy that threw lavish parties on yachts with rappers and sports stars, but apparently he still had to sell. Or maybe it was a choice? Not sure.
  12. yeah that's not bad. Unfortunately they have so many uniforms that I overlooked that one. Either way, their original colors should still be what they use.
  13. While I like “Sedona” red and turquoise, their early ‘00s A-chest vests (or with sleeves) should have been their forever home uniform. They've never had a good road uni. In fact they’ve had mostly horrible ones, going all the way back to the d-snake. If you want to tweak the colors to some version of “mulberry” (or plum) and turquoise, that’s fine, but that look was a winner. Just recolor it to gray (or would sand work?) for the road and call it a day.
  14. Phil Knight may not be eligible. Michael Rubin (Fanatics) had to sell his share of the Sixers due to the NBA’s partnerships with Fanatics. I imagine Knight would present a conflict of interests whenever the apparel and on-field uniform ad deals come up for renewal.
  15. Been watching NFL since late '80s and it never occurred to me that there's not always games on both channels. I'll have to pay attention to what airs when one can't broadcast here. Assuming informercials or "this week in golf" or some crap like that.
  16. Does this mean that the red and orange parts of the country don't get 1:00 FOX games, and the people with 1:00 FOX games don't get those two 4:00 games?
  17. Yeah, it should be a crime to invest any money in keeping that team there. Shame on the Rays and their fans, and also shame on the Rangers fans for not taking advantage of the easy ticket grab and short/cheap flight. It's BS that in some cities, 400-level seats are >$200, and in Tampa, a flight there + ticket is around the same. No more arguments. No more "it's the location", "if they build this village then people will live there and go", no more of it. This team will forever be a black eye on MLB and a waste of good money.
  18. That one wasn't any good either.
  19. Have you made even one single post since you’ve joined that isn’t about what you hate or generally negative? Seriously, I happened to be going back to last year’s MLB thread looking for something else and it’s the same old stuff even then. Honest question - why do you watch sports? Literally everything from NBA, NHL, MLB, and NFL annoys you - whether it’s which teams are good, which ones make it to the finals, etc. Im violating my own advice here by feeding the troll, but I mean come on. Maybe give HGTV or NatGeo a chance instead of sports.
  20. Eagles personnel is better than last year (or at least it was until a starting DB was lost for the season… but probably still is). It’s their OC and (begrudgingly, because he’s such a scumbag) DC that aren’t as good.
  21. Forgive me if my math is wrong, but are the marlins only playing 161 games this year? If so, how? I thought MLB was bending over backwards to ensure everyone played 162, especially if potential playoff seeding was at stake.
  22. Probably most. We only hear about the terrible ones. The majority are fine enough. In this case even a Robo ump wouldn’t have helped as the ump rung him up from 3rd base - then had the gall to tell Harper to watch the replay and he’d know he’s (Hernandez) is right. Except the replay tells a totally different story - one an arrogant prick like Hernandez doesn’t have to watch. I don’t know how it works for the post season but if he and Buckner are given games then the players should refuse to play. I think the players union should have some kind of say in this because those jerkoffs impact players stats and team performance, which ultimately affects contracts and salaries.
  23. His name is Wally. I hadn’t heard of him but apparently he has a following. Unrelated - ANGEL HERNANDEZ. Jesus effing Christ. How the hell does this crap continue to be allowed month after month, year after year. The man is completely incompetent. That’s actually being too kind. He and Buckner have no business being employed. But especially Hernandez. Their trash union will continue to rate him highly and stick up for him, but I’m not sure there’s a person on the planet as bad at their job as he is at his (that hasn’t been fired or voted out of office.) just once I’d like to see a player actually deck him.
  24. There’s a second-rounder from that class that’s alright too.
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