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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. I'd put the Cardinals in the 'rebrand' category, not 'redesign'. They're trying to tell a whole new story and convey a new image (mostly through all the Nike BS-speak) and (*sigh*) emphasize their (*kill me*) "bond with the state" (*just vomited*). Plus the 3d logo on the helmet represents that they're moving past trying to merge "classic" with "complete trash". How well they did... well, that's debatable in the other thread.
  2. Do they have an ownership team ready to go in the event expansion is truly on the table? Money talks, and if someone's willing to pay a gigantic expansion fee, the rest of the owners certainly wouldn't turn it down.
  3. Yeah I think that’s extremely unlikely, since it’s still not a done deal and there’s still the matter of securing the $500M in public money they’re asking for. That could still take a few months. Besides that, while I’m assuming that they’ve been preparing for this and have some idea of the mechanics involved, I can’t imagine that securing office space, hiring new staff (for the non-baseball-ops positions that people may not want to move for), and all the other logistical challenges could be worked out in that time. they could possibly just move their equipment and on-field staff while continuing to operate all the business stuff from Oakland for another year. It’s probably not as important for that stuff to be based locally as it used to be.
  4. It's really one of the rare designs that features sleeve/shoulder features that has survived all of the various template changes. Many more teams could have leveraged it in ways that would have maintained their unique look. For example, the last Jets set could have looked a lot closer to the Namath set it was emulating by making the sleeve-cap white, the shoulder insert green, and then putting some thick white piping as trim around the insert. The Colts could also have done something similar, rather than having half-UCLA stripes.
  5. I think there may be a mix up - I think you're referring to Cujo's post? My post was simply saying that I'm not sure if Reebok actually designed the Texans uniforms, or if they used some other firm. I think that was still the era where the teams did a lot of their own design work rather than leveraging the services of Reebok, Nike, etc. - but I could be wrong. FWIW, I don't consider the Texans to be piped or "trendy" - it's a solid modern-traditional uniform. A little bland maybe, but could exist another 10 seasons without looking too dated.
  6. Read in the Jeff Passan article that they're committed to keeping the A's name. Unknown is Vegas vs Las Vegas and any color/logo changes, but they have a couple of years to figure that out. I kinda just want to see the band-aid ripped off and get them out of Oakland as soon as that lease is up, even if we have a Tennessee Oilers situation. Sounds like a 1 or 2 year extension till 25 or 26 is on the table, but I'd rather them become the LVA's ASAP.
  7. Texans started in '02, which was the first year of the RBK exclusive deal, but I don't know if RB actually designed them or if they were done in-house (or some other firm) and simply had the vector slapped on them. I think the RBK-exclusive deal was in place a year earlier, but some teams still had a year or so left on their deals with other advertisers (Puma, etc.) so '02 was the first year that every team wore the vector.
  8. Ironic, since it was Nike that first rolled it out. Reebok (presumably Ripon) simply inherited it. I feel differently - I think the reversed logo is awkward. Maybe because all the Nike teams pre-2012 wore it in the same direction, or maybe it's because that's literally Nike's logo. I know that it's technically reversed on sneakers, but it still looks odd to me to see the wide part on the right and pointy part on the left.
  9. Sure you do. If they're lousy and aren't selling anymore, then why not? Sometimes tradition, regardless of success, is a great reason to keep uniforms. But sometimes it's not. Likely because Nike was involved and they and the team wanted something "new" and "innovative" that they could put on the shelves and generate new revenue from. I seriously doubt any team execs have been sitting there saying "we've lost a lot in these uniforms, if we change them we might win."
  10. But that was since the franchise's return. You're essentially talking about 6 seasons. That's unfathomable. I had to double check it just to ensure I wasn't crazy.
  11. I had to fact check this because it sounds completely made up, but holy balls - it's true. It's probably not possible to look up, but I wonder if there's any other comp in terms of coach/qb turnover in such a relatively-short period of time.
  12. Your post indicates that you do, even if you don't realize it.
  13. That photo, without the helmet and logo for context, makes it look like the most college-ass uniform ever. If he was wearing a University of Arizona helmet, I wouldn't think twice about it. For better or for worse, that wordmark size will never be part of the NFL aesthetic.
  14. apparently he won't be on the sidelines, just up in the booth.
  15. Most of them do, but that's not the point. You could make a decent looking black uniform for pretty much any team in any league (Browns and I'm sure a couple others excepted) but that doesn't make it right. It just makes all the games look the same because there's a black-clad team in every game. If I wore jerseys or shirseys, I'd probably buy a black one because of reasons, but IMO the teams themselves should be wearing their unique color schemes (and obviously not every scheme is unique, but that's not the point.) But there's always exceptions, and I'll give one to the Knicks. I really wish they'd do a total redesign that's based on just blue and orange (and maybe gray), but with the current design, I really like the way the black base highlights the blue and orange. It contradicts with my preferences, but this isn't a science.
  16. The Carolina and old Broncos helmets look fine to me. That Idaho (not sure the actual school) helmet looks bad because the horse is so prominent. With the Carolina and Denver helmets, the letter is where my eye goes, and the horse / gamecock are just kinda there. With that Idaho logo, my eye is immediately drawn to the horse, which looks backwards. So basically, I think any new Broncos logo that's based on a D will be fine without the horse needing to be reversed.
  17. They've had 3 distinct color schemes (if we treat kelly and forest green as the same thing) so it's not like a total change to correspond with the move wouldn't be out of the question. While it's logical to assume they'd use gold and silver in the scheme, that would mean that black would be the tertiary color, because I can't think of another color that works with a gold/silver combo. It might be cool if they were a gold-first team. Think gold hats, helmets, lettering, stripes, etc, with black outline and silver drop shadow. Kinda like the Pirates when they were a "mustard" team, but brighter and golder - which I assume is doable with today's technology.
  18. Yeah that's being talked about a lot. Apparently they consulted with Slay first and got his OK that things would be cool, but if FanDuel sets the over/under for confrontations at 1.5, I'll take the over.
  19. taking them out of context, if they reversed the chest designs, I actually like this. The dark pants work for me as long as the players wear them high-cuffed. The termination of the thick-white stripe is enough to separate the pants from the sock, even though the socks are (unfortunately) the same color. They're so dark that even though I know they're navy, I can't not see black - and I can otherwise always see the difference. I like them better thinking that they're black. They shouldn't exist, but taking them for what they are, I like them.
  20. Eric Allen is in the running for greatest CB nobody talks about, but Aeneas Williams was pretty darn great too. But yeah - calling them "Tillman-era" seems wrong to me. I mean I understand why it's like that, and it's certainly not a battle I'm going to fight, but there were plenty of more accomplished players that wore them... even if only at the end of their careers.
  21. How was it the NFL that screwed up as opposed to the players who knowingly broke the rules, even after already seeing what the consequences can be? It's pretty simple. The players want a share of revenue. Revenue is higher when scummy companies like FanDuel partner up with the league. That revenue stream only lasts as long as the players don't gamble (and the league itself is at risk if the players gamble) yet the players decided to gamble, therefore putting a portion of their revenue at risk, as well as putting their entire employer at risk. So those seemingly innocuous bets that they make to try and win whatever sum could cost them an exponentially-higher sum. In conclusion, they're complete idiots.
  22. With as deep as the league is in with the gambling companies, I could see penalties being raised to the point of lifetime bans. It really only takes evidence that one game may not have been on the level for the whole thing to come crumbling down. Of course, I think they'd find that evidence if they dug deep enough, but it would be much easier if it was players themselves not putting forth max effort to breakup a pass that lead to a TD that allowed the losing team to cover.
  23. This and the Commanders set makes me fear that when the Eagles jersey gets updated with the new wordmark, they'll make the wordmark HUGE and lower. Like... I'm getting really worried about that. I think they said it wasn't happening till '24 - hope that's still the case.
  24. My "design" was a literal baby cardinal hatching from the helmet, which was really an egg. It shouldn't be much of a surprise that my vision didn't pan out. (this is not my design, just one I found on the net)
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