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CFL Scoring


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Yeah, it counts as two either way. IN COLLEGE. Extra point or two point attempt if the defense returns a failed attempt for a "touchdown" its worht 2 points. I think its kinda like a safety that's why they do it.

Again, I also don't have the rule book in front of me but that's how I remember it when I played college football. Of course football's probably the one sport you don't have to know all the rules to play.

In the NFL it is also impossible to score only one point for the same reason. However on a missed extra point or conversion, the play is dead once it is fumbled, blocked, and the defense recovers.

Speaking of weird scores, always kinda wondered if anyone had heard of this elsewhere. We were playing our rivals in HS about 6 years ago, and we won on a safety. Final score 2-0. Has anyone else ever heard of a played game ending like this? I'm sure its happened but probably not often.

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actually looks like I was wrong. I just attemped to read the NCAA rules and a "safety" on an extra point attempt results in one point. Now, is this for the defending team or the kicking team?

My head hurts now, I'm done looking this up.

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Is it true that CFL once had the rule you could catch the ball on a bounce?

The CFL has always had that rule on punts and kicks, you can catch it on a bounce, but definitely not on throws. The only rules that are different other than the scoring, is that the defending special teams unit cannot down the ball, and there are no wussy fair catches, but there is a 5 yard from the ball rule in which you have to give the opposing punt returner five yards to catch the ball. Also, the three downs of course and the 55 yard field, and the large endzones. And the fact that OUR BALLS ARE BIGGER! Boo yeah! And to Epper, yes, the play is dead if an extra point is blocked. Although i have seen in the CFL an incidence where a 2 pt play was picked and the guy returned into the endzone, but i think they might've called it back. Oh well.

In the CFL on a missed one point convert attempt, the ball is still live if it hasn't hit the goalposts or gone out of bounds--if the other team returns it to the other endzone they get 1 point.

On a 2 point tyr if it's picked off, or if the defense recovers a fumble and runs it back it's 2 points.

The 1991 Grey Cup included a play where a convert attempt was run back for the score.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Speaking of weird scores, always kinda wondered if anyone had heard of this elsewhere. We were playing our rivals in HS about 6 years ago, and we won on a safety. Final score 2-0. Has anyone else ever heard of a played game ending like this? I'm sure its happened but probably not often.

Well, I've seen a video game played this way. Me and Epper and a few friends were having a Madden tournament, i forget which year, or it could've been a sega football game for PS2 when two of the worst video game football players played each other. The one guy won because his opponent ran the ball through is own endzone for a safety. It was a 60 minute game that ended up 2-0, absolutely brutal!


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In the CFL on a missed one point convert attempt, the ball is still live if it hasn't hit the goalposts or gone out of bounds--if the other team returns it to the other endzone they get 1 point.

Man, that's almost not even worth it. Catch the ball in your own freakin' end zone (that borders the Yukon in area), run it back down the 120 yard field...and get one point. Somebody rewrite that rule and give the man six!


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In the CFL on a missed one point convert attempt, the ball is still live if it hasn't hit the goalposts or gone out of bounds--if the other team returns it to the other endzone they get 1 point.

Man, that's almost not even worth it. Catch the ball in your own freakin' end zone (that borders the Yukon in area), run it back down the 120 yard field...and get one point. Somebody rewrite that rule and give the man six!

110 yards for a field(-endzones)

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In the CFL on a missed one point convert attempt, the ball is still live if it hasn't hit the goalposts or gone out of bounds--if the other team returns it to the other endzone they get 1 point.

Man, that's almost not even worth it. Catch the ball in your own freakin' end zone (that borders the Yukon in area), run it back down the 120 yard field...and get one point. Somebody rewrite that rule and give the man six!

110 yards for a field(-endzones)

Well that rule would have helped the Stamps in that game...

(oh well they've won it 3 times since then)

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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In the CFL on a missed one point convert attempt, the ball is still live if it hasn't hit the goalposts or gone out of bounds--if the other team returns it to the other endzone they get 1 point.

Man, that's almost not even worth it. Catch the ball in your own freakin' end zone (that borders the Yukon in area), run it back down the 120 yard field...and get one point. Somebody rewrite that rule and give the man six!

110 yards for a field(-endzones)

Yeah, I knew that, my bad.

Does anybody know why the CFL field is 110 yards anyway? Does it have something to do with yards and meters? It just seems...odd. Like if basketball goals were 11 feet high, or if the bases were 93 feet apart.


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I think, and i could be wrong but I don't think so that 110 yards is 100 meters.

And anyway who says sport has to run with round numbers, baseball games have 9 innings, and 6 outs an inning. It takes 4 points to win a game in tennis and 6 games to win a set, there are 18 holes on a golf course, a baskewtball game is 48 minutes long (have I made my point yet!)


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Speaking of weird scores, always kinda wondered if anyone had heard of this elsewhere. We were playing our rivals in HS about 6 years ago, and we won on a safety. Final score 2-0. Has anyone else ever heard of a played game ending like this? I'm sure its happened but probably not often.

strangely enough, when i was a senior at Case i'd heard the freshman team had beaten Tremper 2-0 :D (it was a road game, which is why i remember). unfortunately, it was their only win of the year which was one more than the varsity :cursing:


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110 yards = 100.61 metres. So it's darn close.

The metric system has nothing to do with it. The CFL field (which was designed before the Metric system was a gleam in the world community's eye) has always been bigger than the NFL field.

110 yards long, 65 yards wide, with 20 yard endzones. We make up for it by putting an additional player on the field (12 men per side instead of 11).

Anybody else in that Winnipeg-Ottawa game notice that a rookie, John Ryan, kicked a 92-yard punt? Only in Canada, baby. Only in Canada. :flagcanada:

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110 yards = 100.61 metres. So it's darn close.

The metric system has nothing to do with it. The CFL field (which was designed before the Metric system was a gleam in the world community's eye) has always been bigger than the NFL field.

110 yards long, 65 yards wide, with 20 yard endzones. We make up for it by putting an additional player on the field (12 men per side instead of 11).

Anybody else in that Winnipeg-Ottawa game notice that a rookie, John Ryan, kicked a 92-yard punt? Only in Canada, baby. Only in Canada. :flagcanada:

oh yeah :flagcanada:

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