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Well, since everyone else is doing it...


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I think it looks great.

But...it just doesn't seem like it's "you". Take away the text, show me just the logo and I'd say "No way that's JQK's."

But if that's what you were going for, great job. I like it.


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Changed it a bit.

As for the logo "Not Being Me"... while i am a traditionalist at heart, i do like modern design. Trust me, this is not the last logo i will make, and the next one i make will most likely be "traditional" in a sense. I like changing my personal logos every now and then.. which i weird, it does go against my own thinking...

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Well... I actually liked the first version better, personally. I don't know why, but this new version reminds me of like... an egg. Like, a wombic egg. I have no idea why I'm getting this vibe. It feels sort of feminine to me. I'm sorry, I really don't know what else to say. :( I'm trying to like this, JQK, I really am, but it's just not jiving with me...

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I wish I had the opportunity to see the progression of the logo. The first few comments didnt make any sence to me, having just found this thread.

JQK, I like the logo as it stands. The orangey glow with the thick, solid black is a very nice contrast. I agree with featuring the Q, as it is your hallmark.

My only recommendation, and it may be summarily dismissed, but I think you might be able to enlarge the letters, and have them a little closer together, while retaining the legibility. Just a thought.

Nice work, King!

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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