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Ricky Williams to retire


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What do you mean by rest bits? I don't care when you carry the ball -- 4.5 yards per carry in the NFL Regular season is impressive. Much better than 3.5, anyway. Granted, that's because they ran Ricky too damn much -- but they might not be tempted to do so with Minor.


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Minor could be OK, good backs come from nowhere sometimes, seems like even more lately.

I strongly suggest go to the documentary section of your local video store, and pick up "Reefer Madness"

It clears some things mainstream media and public schools dont teach you about the illegal nature of marijuana.

As a recreational user, i see no problems with it. I am sure that children shouldent use it, but thats on the parents, not the government.

About the Theft thing STL was speaking of in context to Sterling's statements, I think there's an obvious difference between the two, not to mention one is a commandment, one is a plant.

Its a personal choice, it Does not turn your life into a mess, those who use it to escape problems already there is what turns your life into a mess. If you cannot afford your habits, don't do it. THats only common sence, and a matter of self-control.

I ask people to have an open mind what people do with themselves, as long as its reasonable, and doesn't harm others. Theft, rape, murder, etc, those things have a victim and a criminal.

I know many are very set in their beliefs, and feel that is the way to be strong and virtuous, but not everything you heard in 5th grade from a police officer, or what you saw on a Tv After school special (filmed on the soundlot of a cocaine paradise) is entirely accurate.

Did you know Marijuana was legal until El Paso Texas outlawed it in attempts to control the immigrating Mexican Population who worked tirelessly all day in the Texas sun, and came home to a doober of the Mexican Schwag Plant. A control mechanism. Or that America, specifically one man pressured the entire free world into following the Untied States policy after WWII.

Ok, ill stop this rant, but just study before you judge.

Its a lot safer to stay neutral unless you really know what your are speaking of.

(I sincerly hope i dont come off patronizing, i meant that sincerely.)

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Did you know Marijuana was legal until El Paso Texas outlawed it in attempts to control the immigrating Mexican Population who worked tirelessly all day in the Texas sun, and came home to a doober of the Mexican Schwag Plant. A control mechanism. Or that America, specifically one man pressured the entire free world into following the Untied States policy after WWII.

Do not forget alcohol used to be illegal!

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Yes -- but to say that Marijuana is completely healthy is also incorrect.

Inhaling any form of burnt plant is not healthy, nor is having any form of smoke in your lungs -- Also, Marijuana still contains carnicogens, which are cancer causing agents. Has there ever been a death directly linked to Marijuana? No. But has their ever been a death directly linked to... let's say... coffee, which also contains carnicogens? no. Also, you can't link something to a death when you don't have proof of it's scientific effects because they can't legally test it on humans because it's not legal to scientifically test the effects on humans.

And you can't nessecarily say it doesn't turn your life into a mess as the long-term effects of Marijuana are still unclear. However, reports have linked marijuana (among other drugs) and 'amotivational syndrome,' where users are said to withdraw from society and lose ambition. And based on my experiences, people that I was once able to have intelligent conversations with at an earlier time, have since become almost impossible to talk to since their introduction to smoking marijuana for recreational purposes. They have since become stupid, for lack of a better term, and all have lost interest in the things they used to enjoy. Those aren't exactly scientific statistics, but take them for what they're worth.

Also, if I remember correctly, I think I had read at some point that when tested on rats, marijuana proved to be harmful to their brain. But that doesn't nessecarily mean it's harmful to humans, but the cannabinoid receptor is found in both rats and humans and I believe that's what reacts to the marijuana.

Personally, I think it's stupid for people to take a drug that is still a mystery to modern science, and if it does have any ill effects, well, the drug has easy access to your blood system as it is smoked, so you'd be screwed.

I'll end my rant as I don't want to turn this into a discussion about Marijuana, rather just respond to a fellow poster.

Ricky Williams' decision is his decision. No matter what the reasoning, he has enough money to where he can make the decision to leave a job that pays as high as this one. Also, doesn't the NFL have some sort of pension?


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I just finished reading the four pages of this thread and I am completely in awe.... In awe of the narrow mindedness being displayed by some posters.

I don't care what the reason behind it is, if someone no longer wants to work at the job they work at they should be able to quit that job without being personally attacked for it. The guy has made more money in 5 years than most of us will make in our lifetime. How many people here wouldn't want to quit their job if they hit the Lottery for quite a few million dollars? He can afford to quit so it's not like he is putting his family in financial peril by leaving the game.

What's more selfish, Ricky Williams not wanting to play football anymore (regardless of the reasons) or fans demanding that he should have to play football still because he "owes" them or the Dolphins that much. Screw the Dolphins. If Ricky did play this year and went the whole season averaging about 1 yard per carry and finished the year with no TD's, about 300 yards rushing and just completely sucked, would the Dolphins blink an eye before cutting him? Of course not, it's a friggin business Ricky Williams isn't anymore important to Dophins Management than the Copy Machine in the Secretaries office, once production goes down they will toss that out too and get a new one.

For the person who posted he wasn't all that talented anyway... come on give me a break. In 2002 he had 1853 yards and 16 touchdowns with Jay Fiedler, and Ray Lucas at QB. The guy is one of the finest in the business, everyone kisses Jim Browns ass because he "went out on top". He has done things since his career ended that make Pot smoking look pretty mild too me.

I can understand people being upset or even sad but to call him some of the things he has been called on this board is just plain wrong. If pot is what leads people to take stronger, more illicit and dangerous drugs. Then you have to also agree that some of the statements made on this board are the types of statements which lead to much stronger, more dangerous hate mongering. I don't want to call Tank out specifically, it wasn't just him, but some comments made including those about Lenny Kravitz, Snoop Dogg and Jamaicans in general come off rather racially motivated.

I hope that kid working at the McDonalds near me doesn't have any other plans in his future because it would be selfish of him to quit when I count on him to make my Big Macs for me.

ps - I HATE THE DOLPHINS, so in a selfish way I am extremely happy that Ricky is calling it quits.

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and now let's interview Ricky.......

Interviewer: Ricky.....hey...where are you...

(muttering in the background)

Interviewer: Ricky?

(continued muttering)

Interviewer: Ricky...There you are!

(Williams slouched over in the corner sucking his thumb)

Interviewer: So Ricky, why are you calling it quits?

Ricky: (mumbling) no gonja make Ricky sad.....Ricky no like football anymore...

Interviewer: So.....you are quitting because of POT?!?

Ricky: Bob Marley came to me in a dream, he told me to give it up for the Cronic.

Interviewer: Well, at least it wasn't Dan Marlje!

Ricky: I gotta go now.....i'm out of papers....

Interviewer: Well there you have it, straight from the horses mouth. Mary Jane runs away with a great running back. Don't suppose Tom Petty will write a song about that. I pitty Dolphin fans right now.....

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Marijuana makes people dumb it destroys brain cells, and leads to the use of other drugs. I find it amazing and appalling how many people defend it.

only if you defend cigarettes :D

I saw, I came, I left.

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Marijuana makes you hazy, cocaine (Booger sugar) makes you lazy and booze makes you crazy. I take to the sky on a natural high.

Ricky will be wanting to escape from reality when he has to pay back his signing bonus (I'm thinking 3 mil.)...


"Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire."

- Robert A. Heinlein

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As a HUGE DOLPHINS' fan, I have mixed feelings on this.

There's no doubt the impact Rickie had on the team.

His enigmatic personality has always made it interesting for his fans to follow him.

On the other hand, as a fan, I also am tired of rich pro athletes not living upo to their commitment they make to a club and untimately the fans. You signed a contract, Honour it.

Rickie's tired of the constraints imposed by the NFL? Boo-F-ing-Hoo!!!

How about all those loyal fans that can't make it to the games because they have to work two jobs to support their family (including one on Sunday after-noon). I bet there may even be a few of those who work the concessions at Pro-Players. They don't come in to work in a limo or a Hummer, they take a bus probably crammed in there for an hour in Miami heat...

(this may sound caricactural, but so are Pro Athletes...)


Finally we can get full value of Fiedler's talent...

The Fins are no longer a one-pony-show.

Owner of the Rochester Americans of the MLH

Owner of the Toronto Frenchies of the GCFHL6

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I'm going to add one last post on this topic cause I feel I still might be a little partially-understood here. And I hate feeling partially understood more than misunderstood so bear with me.

I do not advocate weed or any other substance out of rebellion or stupidity or defiance for defiance sake. I see a bold face contradiction across the board in the way we define things and make laws.

What I'm saying is we (humans) have some stuff we like to do to unwind...you might call them vices...but the people use them by and large responsibly. Most of them are dangerous and deadly if used inappropriately. Some of them are legal and some are not. But the deadly ones are not always the illegal ones. So clearly the government is not making these laws STRICTLY to protect our health and well-being.

Theoretically....and thats how I arrive at my views....I DO live in the real world and understand the complexities involved.......but in theory whats good for the goose should be good for the gander. For anyone to tell me, "David, you can embibe this, this, and this when you want. But you cannot embibe this, this, and that." seems, nay is wrong. It's none of anyone's business. It's as backward to me as saying "Men can vote and women cannot.", "Whites can have nice jobs and get an education and blacks cannot", "Straight people can be married and gays cannot.", "People can wear blue jeans, but never red ones."

I threw that last one in there and clearly that is not an issue facing us today. But it's just as arbitrary and ridiculous as the other items which either were or ARE STILL laws in this country at one time.

As far as I'm concerned......tell me what PEOPLE can do and then leave me alone. Notice I said CAN do, not can't or shouldn't.

And this brings me back to Sy's point about theft. No, of course it should be illegal. On criminal issues I am probably MORE conservative than you'd guess. I want few laws, but worthy laws. Laws that make the price for ignoring your considerable freedoms to be much higher than it is now. DUI? No license again ever...etc. Let's just say J.Williams doesn't get off in my world. BUT, I would not advocate making guns illegal. It's all about responsibility for your actions. TRUE responsibility, not the hollywood kind.

What I meant by legislating toward what we CAN do is this. Fed gov makes a law. This will apply to entire country. But Wisconsin can make further laws...applying on to itself. And Milwaukee county can do the same, applying specific laws to our lives...and even your Shorewood city alderman can make yet more laws pertaining to just your neighborhood. But all of them must follow everything above them on the chart. So while smoking tobacco is not illegal in the nation.......Milwaukee county can consider banning it in the workplace.......even bars (and they are btw..considering it). While this process (States rights model if you will) is important, and I support it....it is inherently limiting. Joe Alderman wants to be reelected and has to pass something while he/she is in office so he bans smoking in businesses, dog walking in public parks, raises parking ticket prices and bans lawn flamingoes. (these are all fake examples but you get my drift) These are busy-work laws that some annoying people probably appreciate and perhaps even better the lives of the residents of this neighborhood. Fine. But Joe Alderman CANNOT expand our freedoms......at some levels of state government they can craftily redefine or further define laws giving them some flexibility to obey Federal law while still varying it's applications to their own constituants. But these circumstances are rare. So my point was, that the Federal government MUST endeavor to fight at the constitutional level to further expand, define and protect the individuals rights. Because down the chain of command any vagueries or loopholes WILL be closed at the state, county, city and municipal levels.

We should actively legislate what we can do...and we should punish only that which we absolutely will not tolerate.

If you're argument against substances is that you could lose your job (global productivity levels fall etc) then I say........there is already precident for firing a drunken employee.......this would not change if applied to other stuff.

If you're argument against substances is that you could probably hurt someone (physically or while behind the wheel) while using............hurting people is already against the law, and those stepping past the line should be punished......severely. Besides, hurting people is against the law whether your are high or not. It's irrelevant how or why you do it.

If you're argument against substances is that you could hurt or kill yourself while using.......that falls under the section 1A of the "Tough Rocks", "Natural Selection", or "none of your business" books.

Plus think of all the billions of dollars this country would save on "The War on Drugs" in terms of law enforcement... all the dollars we'd save on prisons housing all these offenders/dealers, and all the dollars taxing the stuff could pour back into the economy. Keep in mind all these are YOUR dollars btw...and numbering somewhere in the hundreds of billions if not trillons of dollars over the last 20-30 yrs hasn't put the slightest dent in the consumption of these substances ANYWAY!

Now, this financial benefit isn't even the reason to legalize. It's another benefit of doing whats right anyway.

I hope I've clarified my position a little bit. The essence of it is, It's not up to me what you do. And its not up to you what I do....and in the broadest sense that applies to the Ricky Willams thing too. God bless him. Who cares? Life goes on. I would never recommend somebody take drugs........come on. Some of them are beyond dangerous. But it's not up to me........or anyone else. And I think questioning "authority" once in a while can be healthy......even necessary. These are not super-humans running the show with our collective best interests at heart. They are bitter, opinionated, judgmental fools like all of us and cannot be given carte blanche to presume to tell you how to be or whats right for you.

thanks for indulging me.

The Official Cheese-Filled Snack of NASCAR

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a caller into sports radio 560 in miami reported seeing a film crew and ashton kutcher entering the davie training camp of the dolphins. don't know if this is true, but if it is the COUNTRY and the dolphins haved just been=OWNED.

more details to come in a scheduled 4pm est conference by the miami dolphins.

1997 | 2003

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Marijuana makes people dumb it destroys brain cells, and leads to the use of other drugs. I find it amazing and appalling how many people defend it.

The only reason pot leads to other drugs is that in order to get pot most people have to go to a dealer- I have known, do know plenty of people who have used opr continue to use pot regularly but do not feel the need to go onto other drugs. I choose not to use it, because when i have it hasn't really had much effect on me(Maybe I wasn't gettiong good stuff!!)

Anyways, I think its highly unlikely that drug use was the main reason Williams left his career behind.

Frankly I say good luck Ricky, hope you find some piece of mind outside of the game!


2011/12 WFL Champions

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In my opinion, alcohol is many times worse than marijuana. I have entire side of my family tree, coincidentally enough it also happens to be the Irish side, who died at very young ages due to in no small part to alcohol. I am talking 40's here, which by no stretch of the imagination old. Their is a reason why, when given enough alcohol, you throw up; it is your bodys' natural reaction to a poison, which alcohol most certainly is. I never smoked marijauna, nor do I plan to, but from what I can ascertain, it is less harmful than alcohol. However, like a previous posted eluded to, its' long term effects have yet to be fully determined.

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