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1 minute ago, sparky said:

darkpiranha's been a positive contributor to these boards for about 15 years now.

Pretty harsh IMO.


Long enough to know better.  Tenure doesn't excuse posting stuff like that.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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15 minutes ago, CS85 said:


Long enough to know better.  Tenure doesn't excuse posting stuff like that.


I do know that certain other members would have received no more than a slap on the wrist.

The double standards on these boards have become a little obvious.

Again... a one year suspension's too much and smells of something else at play here.

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28 minutes ago, sparky said:


I do know that certain other members would have received no more than a slap on the wrist.

The double standards on these boards have become a little obvious.

Again... a one year suspension's too much and smells of something else at play here.


I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.


Spoiled for those who want to remain in the dark.


1.  Being a racist, or at the least, making racist jokes, results in consequences.


2.  This is a message board, not a democratic harmony of peaceful nations.  The mod team voted.  It merited a year.  It wasn't an irrational thing.


3.  I have literally no memory of anything darkpiranha posted before this stupid train thing.  I figured he could've been around the boards a month and this was just another flameout account.  Clearly not that memorable of a poster.


4.  If darkpiranha had defenders among a fairly sprawling mod team, they didn't exactly come to his defense.


5.  If you think collusion and secret handshakes occur among the mod team, you have been misinformed by a margin wider than the oceans of time.



"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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1 hour ago, sparky said:

I do know that certain other members would have received no more than a slap on the wrist.


You "know" this, do you? Care to elaborate? I'd love to learn more about our obvious double standards.




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5 hours ago, sparky said:


No perhaps, that's what happened.


5 hours ago, sparky said:

I do know that certain other members would have received no more than a slap on the wrist.

Care to tell us who these other members were who received slaps on the wrist for posting racist, inflammatory content? We generally have zero-tolerance for that. If we've missed something like that please inform us so we can rectify it. 


5 hours ago, sparky said:

The double standards on these boards have become a little obvious.

People like to claim there are double standards all the time, but here's another secret, direct from a mod.

If you asked each of us to write up a list of "favourite posters" to receive "special treatment" all of our lists would look different and we'd argue with each other over who got on each other's lists.

Fact is you're not in any position to say there are double standards. At all. We judge each case on a case by case basis. If darkpiranha didn't want a lengthy suspension he shouldn't have posted racist, inflammatory content. 


5 hours ago, sparky said:

Again... a one year suspension's too much and smells of something else at play here.

🙄 You know what I have zero time for, sparky? Passive aggressiveness. If you wanna say something, say it.

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8 minutes ago, IceCap said:
5 hours ago, sparky said:

The double standards on these boards have become a little obvious.

People like to claim there are double standards all the time, but here's another secret, direct from a mod.

If you asked each of us to write up a list of "favourite posters" to receive "special treatment" all of our lists would look different and we'd argue with each other over who got on each other's lists.


Exactly. When it comes to mod votes, I've voted to suspend or ban people I like and I've defended people I have no use for. What I thought of them personally had no bearing on how I voted.  The only thing I consider when voting is the severity of the offense. We enforce the rules. Period.




All roads lead to Dollar General.


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Don't know darkpiranha, though I'm familiar with the name. Don't care that he's gone.

Don't know who most of the mods are anymore, or what they do on a day-to-day basis, but I love these disciplinary notices.


There's a politically incendiary, racist train concept somewhere on CCSLC? Not going to lie - I'm intrigued . . . I mean if that description comes up in my Netflix recommendations, I'm going to check it out, hoping for something like Mel Gibson starring in an action comedy about Jefferson Davis fleeing to Danville. Anybody got a link to this blockbuster?

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4 minutes ago, sparky said:


You DO have "favourite posters" to receive "special treatment"??!

Who's on your list?


In order for us to tell you you'll need to log out of the CCSLC and not post for 10 years, based on the CCSLC Mod Oath of Secrecy we all took.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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7 hours ago, sparky said:

darkpiranha's been a positive contributor to these boards for about 15 years now.

Pretty harsh IMO.


Dark Piranha is lucky he will get a 2nd chance, after he finishes serving his year long suspension. It could have been a ban.

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1 minute ago, sparky said:

I got a chuckle outta that...👍


Long story short, don't take this overly seriously.  If darkpiranha is a poster you enjoyed, they'll be back eventually, and hopefully with a renewed sense of appreciation for the community.  We're not out to make enemies or tear anyone down.  It's just the internet.  This too shall pass.

"You are nothing more than a small cancer on this message board. You are not entertaining, you are a complete joke."


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14 minutes ago, sparky said:


You DO have "favourite posters" to receive "special treatment"??!

Who's on your list?

None of us do. That's the point, because the exercise of creating a "special treatment" list would be doomed to failure. 

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2 hours ago, sparky said:


You DO have "favourite posters" to receive "special treatment"??!

Who's on your list?


FWIW, you are at the top of my list of favorite posters.


Hope that helps. 😉





All roads lead to Dollar General.


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6 hours ago, Gordie said:

There's a politically incendiary, racist train concept somewhere on CCSLC? Not going to lie - I'm intrigued


Honestly, same. I guess I'm going to have to start venturing back to the concepts section again more often if this is what I'm missing.


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