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Nomah on dah juice?


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:censored: Jose Mistako

Even if a lot of the stuff he says in his book are true, it doesnt change the fact that he's a rat, and nobody likes a rat.

He's just trying to incrimiate everyone else that had a better career then he did. He is bitter and jealous of guys like Rafael Palmiero, Barry Bonds, and ESPECIALLY his former teammate Mark McGwire.

Jose, just because you're a lowlife :censored: up doesnt mean you have to use the steroid scandal to your benefit so you can make a cheap buck by scavenging whatever dirt thats allready been dug up.

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And as an exterminator, you don't like rats....

I think Bonds and Giambi might have a rat problem they will call you to take care of...

i dunno, i can't think of any more quips and/or puns right now....

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I could be proven wrong, but everyone around Mark McGwire (save Jose) has completely denied he's ever taken steroids. This is a guy that stopped using andro only because of the effect he thought he'd have on future ball players. He hit 49 homeruns as a rookie, he didn't beef up overnight.

Yes, he was a big man. But he was also one of the most flexible baseball players of his day. Definatly not a sign of steroids.

Unfortunatly, Mark is not the kind of guy that will come out to defend his name. Not because he's guilty, because he truely does not like the limelight. That's why he loved his days in St. Louis so much. He could play ball in a smaller city without all the limelight. I know this seems crazy, this guy was part of one of the greatest stories baseball's ever told, but he hated the attention. He didn't retire cause he was injured, he retired because he was tired of the hype and the fame. His injuries helped him speed up the process. He's a very private person, and I'm doubting we'll see much of a statement out of him.

Jose was a joke during his playing days, and now he's a joke after his playing days.

A better book would have been his criminal record. This guy got pulled over doing 130 or so on a florida interstate. His excuse; He was testing rocket fuel in his car.

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Jose Canseco will never be welcomed in another clubhouse again

Wow, sounds like Ball Four all over again.

Yeah, except in his book, Bouton actually told the truth. (Whoops!!!)

Opinion != Fact

At the time Bouton was demonized for his book, pitchers threw at his head, Rose swore at him from the opposing dugout.

How do you know Canseco's book is any different from this?


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Wow, sounds like Ball Four all over again.

Yeah, except Ball Four is a great book. I'll be amazed if Canseco's book isnt printed in crayon, with the occasional backwards letter thrown in for good measure. I'm sorry, but Nomar doesn't even look close to big enough to have shot up. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I have NO experience with steroids other than watching wrestling in the 80's, but don't guys just get huge on steroids?

"Hats for bats. Keep bats warm. Gracias"

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Wow, sounds like Ball Four all over again.

Yeah, except Ball Four is a great book. I'll be amazed if Canseco's book isnt printed in crayon, with the occasional backwards letter thrown in for good measure. I'm sorry, but Nomar doesn't even look close to big enough to have shot up. Please correct me if I'm wrong, as I have NO experience with steroids other than watching wrestling in the 80's, but don't guys just get huge on steroids?

not nessecarily.

It depends on how much you take, and what kinds you take.

Usuakky, if someone's body is cut, beyond what a normal cut body looks like, it's usually a clue to steroid use. Most people who use steroids use it to get big, but there are some who use it almost as a workout supplement, to help them tweak their performance, to maybe get a little more bat speed, or a little quicker jump on the ball.....

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Wow, sounds like Ball Four all over again.

Yeah, except Ball Four is a great book. I'll be amazed if Canseco's book isnt printed in crayon, with the occasional backwards letter thrown in for good measure.

So many people judging the book before reading it -- I'll never figure out society.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Wow, sounds like Ball Four all over again.

Yeah, except Ball Four is a great book. I'll be amazed if Canseco's book isnt printed in crayon, with the occasional backwards letter thrown in for good measure.

So many people judging the book before reading it -- I'll never figure out society.

it's the source, Chris. Jose has NO credibility with anyone. He could tell everyone the sky was blue, and most wouldn't believe him.

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Wow, sounds like Ball Four all over again.

Yeah, except Ball Four is a great book. I'll be amazed if Canseco's book isnt printed in crayon, with the occasional backwards letter thrown in for good measure.

So many people judging the book before reading it -- I'll never figure out society.

it's the source, Chris. Jose has NO credibility with anyone. He could tell everyone the sky was blue, and most wouldn't believe him.

True I suppose


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Lets face it Jose Canseco is just a bitter man he got black baleld from the game 38 homers less then 500 and no Hall of Fame on the horizion so now he needs money so he is stabbing his freinds in the back.

Weather hsi book is true or not I do not know but unless the polayers fail a drug test or confess to using it they deserve the benefit of a doubt, and what Jose is doing is just cheap.

I hope he is satisifed becuase if he ever wanted to get back into the game that chance is gone he has brunt every single bridge he has known, sure it may be true what he is saying but I dont think he should trusted at all.



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