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*updated* Sharks Logo Set


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well, i took everyone's advice to improve my Sharks logoset, and I gotta say, Its alot of an improvement.. I tried to make it look my like a shark rather than a dolphin, i changed the wordmark, and the eyes in the shark (i wasnt feeling the other ones)...

C&C is welcome!! :D




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Not bad at all... however, for future reference, try to post updates in the original thread, as one member of the boards notoriously made 15 threads for the same thing and isn't very well liked around here.


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Very nice, just a few things that catch my eye, the gills look a little out of place. The same with the teeth. I feel the whole logo is very clean except these two areas. I would love to see another blue used except the SJ. Looks great.

I suffer from a very sexy learning disability..... sexlexia.

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i like the use of negative space in the wordmark for the shark fin...great job - the shark itself is a bit cartoony for my taste, but very good - you might want to alter the tail a bit - the top portion should be larger than the bottom portion, and curved sharply - this tail looks like a vertical dolphin fin to me - great work, though

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Wordmark is much better than the last. I like this shark better too. Small detail - but maybe make the teeth pointy instead of flat - like I say, small small detail.

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Big improvement....the shark looks much more fierce.

Like someone else mentioned, I like the use of the fin in the wordmark...especially between the "r" and the "k". It nicely fills in the gap that would have been there otherwise.

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ok, here is what i believe to be my final version of this logo set. I gave the teeth more detail and cleaned up the wordmark:


that looks quite good.... yeah as stampman said, draken the area between the teeth and it would be perfect...perfect good work


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ok, here is what i believe to be my final version of this logo set. I gave the teeth more detail and cleaned up the wordmark:


Wow, great improvement. A few suggestions; as others said, put another color, probably black, in between the teeth. I'd also inch the dorsal fin up just a little bit...it is just a little bit too far to the left right now. With the negative space fin that I suggested earlier under the R, I'd make it just a tiny bit thicker, and possibley facing the other way to follow the "curve" (yes...I know, there isn't actually a curve on the r) that is normaly present in a lowercase r. In fact, maybe change the lower case r to exhibit that curve.

Those are just minor ajustements that I think would make it even better, but as it stands now, it is great. Now let's see some uniforms.

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ok, here is what i believe to be my final version of this logo set. I gave the teeth more detail and cleaned up the wordmark:


Well, you've hit the nail with the hammer on this one. The wordmark was nice, all you needed was to make it look more like a shark, and you accomplished that. Excellent work.



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