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Teams with vests


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Hey guys,

I'm working on a column about baseball teams wearing vests. Trying to make a list. Here's what I have, let me know if you think there are any more.

Also, what do you guys think about the vests? Good, bad?

Angels (alt)

Devil Rays (alt)

Indians (alt)

Rangers (alt)


D-Backs (alt)



Rockies (alt)

White Sox have the faux vests with the attached sleeves, right?

Marlins, who started the trend, abandoned them, right?

Personally, I like when they look different than the team's regular uniform. The Angels, for instance, should change their design because it's just the regular jersey without sleeves, so what's the point?

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Actually, the Reds home jersey was sleeveless the same year the Marlins debuted their vested alternate. So...they actually both started the trend.

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I like vest. It's a good way to add a bit of color to the uniform while keeping the uniform traditional.

I belive the Reds started the trend when they cut their sleeves in 97. The next year them and a other teams officially reintroduced the vest.

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the Reds and Marlins had sleeveless vests in 93, and in both cases they were only worn at home. the Reds only wore the capsleeves on the road that year (97) cus Deion wanted em.

and I was thinkin last night about the Angels' old uniforms (their last ones as the California Angels)...along with their faux vests worn for most of their games, I remembered they had a third fake vest...navy with light blue sleeves that had the number on the left sleeve, a la the Phillies.


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Teams that might look good or have looked good in vests:





White Sox




Blue Jays


Teams that should NEVER wear vests:






Reds (yes, Reds)

Red Sox

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I ike the Pirates vests as opposed to a normal jersey.

And I like how the Angels made a vest by using their normal jerseys. I think the vest looks cool.

If only he Pirates wore gold undershirts :D

i actually own a replica pirates home jersey, i love it because its a current/throwback and i think it looks cool

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The Pirates and White Sox look awesome with vests.

The Angels and Royals look pretty good in sleeveless vests.

The Reds, D-Backs, D-Rays, Indians, and Rangers shouldn't use vests.

The Rockies' vests look absolutely atrocious.

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Nobody looks good in vests. Conversely, basketball players don't look good in t-shirts under the jerseys.

Second that, TCR.

But it looks like it's having a revival, which is not good.

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In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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