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new missouri state logo


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Bottom right is my favorite, then bottom center. I can see those two on hats, t-shirts, etc. In terms of which one I would want to see on apparel on sale this fall, I'd choose #6, then #5. Hopefully, they'll decide to not scrap the ones that aren't the most popular, but use them as alternate logos.

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I presume that they're all part of their new identity. The two with the building logo would be used more as a university logo, the bear and M would likely be used as athletic marks. I still don't like the name change, though.

Buy some t-shirts and stuff at KJ Shop!

KJ BrandedBehance portfolio


POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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crap, I dont reallt like any of those in particular. I'd go for number six just because it doesnt have university on it. I think they were trying to put too much into it.

Go Bears!!!

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Man. The wind was just taken out of my sails with these new logos. I'm bummed. I don't like any of them. I think they should've kept the lettering the same - make the "SMS" into "MSU" or "Missouri State."


At least they kept the bear head.

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i agree with you kess, they should have prbablly tried for a LITTLE modification of the bear head and something a little more cutting edge for the wordmark. i'm already om my msu logo, hopefully will be up by the end of next week. hopefully someone on this board could try and give some logo concepts a try.

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I'm happy they're not putting more focus on MSU. Been way too much attention on just school initials lately. Still, I think they could've had some better ideas. Not too big on the "M" logo because the initals ARE MSU, not M, this isn't the University of Missouri (still my second favorite state school, after Southeast Missouri State). Still, I don't think they're all that bad. Hope the new basketball uni's say Missouri State, not MSU. Too many MSU schools arleady. B)

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I like 'em, but they aren't anything particularly awesome. Still, I'm, sadly, happy when teams (or schools) turn out logo sets that just don't suck. And really these aren't at all bad.

I'm gonna be down in Springfield, actually in the MSU dorms, starting tomorrow for 3 weeks at the Missouri Fine Arts Academy. I'll have to keep an eye out for these logos.

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I like 'em, but they aren't anything particularly awesome. Still, I'm, sadly, happy when teams (or schools) turn out logo sets that just don't suck. And really these aren't at all bad.

I'm gonna be down in Springfield, actually in the MSU dorms, starting tomorrow for 3 weeks at the Missouri Fine Arts Academy. I'll have to keep an eye out for these logos.

Should come see a Cardinals game while your down here. I work at the stadium and they can get pretty exciting at times. Of course we're not used to having this in our town so it may seem pretty lame to someone used to the big leagues, but we're all still pretty happy with it. Of course they kinda suck some of the time but still............I gotta stop using "but still..." :rolleyes:

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Also a Mizzou grad. We are the state school...I'm all for MSU but come one. Just go with one of the bear logos and move on. Have fun with your new name, but don't bring this giant M stuff and try to compete with Columbia because it wont work. I really like the bear anyways, just stick to it.

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The University of Missouri at Columbia is the state's flagship school. There are several "State" schools in Missouri - including SEMO, Northwest, Truman, Missouri Southern, Missouri Western, etc.

I would like a big ol' "M" to slap on the helmets and baseball hats.. It's - like Royal Tennenbaum said - "A bit of a fluff-you to the old man." I just don't like that "M."

This is what I thought the MO State football helmet should look like:


Now I think they should just stick with the bear head.


It would go pretty good with the football jerseys they wore last year.


STL FANATIC- Enjoy your time at the Fine Arts Academy and congrats on being accepted. That's truly awesome. :notworthy: I bet they'll keep you too busy to catch the 'Birds (I don't know from experience, I was never fine enough at the arts to go). If you get a chance, though, drive by the yard. It's about three blocks north of the campus. Just get on John Q. Hammons Parkway and head north. Hammons Field is home to the highest-resolution video board in the state of Missouri.

I'd reccomend some night life to you, but if you're going to MFAA you're probably too young. :P

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I like the bottom right the best far and away, and yeah, I'm also really happy they kept the bearhead, although im a little surprised by it. I guess i just figured they'd go with a new identity for an all new name. Good no-go though.



when you're replacing an old Carr, you need more than Les Miles

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SMS sucks. Go Illinois State!

Missouri State should [Mod Edit: Now, really. If you're going to try and slur someone, at least spell it right. A "ferry" is a large watercraft. In any case, there's no need for that around here. Talk about the logos rather than taking bigoted cheap shots.]

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