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New NHL changes


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I heard somewhere last night that the shootout is being used now..... is that in place of the 4 on 4 overtime or no.... i only caught the end of it ...and I also heard them say theyd take out the red line.... I think this would make hockey so much more fast and exciting...anyway the steps being taken should make hockey fun to watch again

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Let's wait and see if we will find out what the rules would be..and then we can discuss this among the folks as well.. should be interesting to see if some of the rules would be favorable... one of that is the shootout, which I used to hate..but now I am impressed by that to some degree..but that cannot be used for the Stanley Cup playoffs, period....that would ruin exciting games that going into OT and etc...

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If what I read is true the OT for the regular season will be as follows.

1. 5 minutes 4 on 4

2. 3 minutes 3 on 3

3. Shootout

No points for losing the game in overtime (although there is opposition to that), meanng you either win or lose the game.

The playoffs would remain the same with 20 minute 5 on 5 periods untill someone scores.

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I don't like shoot outs--they seem so artificial, and hockey is a team sport.

Breakaways and penalty shots are exciting because they develop out of the play of the game, shoot outs are imposed...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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like i said hockey has won me back the shootout is gonna make things soo much cooler

You obviously not seen a shootout. It's stupid and pointless. Why do we always need a winner? If they have fought to a tie and taken a tie to OT and carried it through the deserve to split the win. There should be no more than 2 pts awarded per game. Either 2 for a win or 1-1 for a tie.

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like i said hockey has won me back the shootout is gonna make things soo much cooler

You obviously not seen a shootout. It's stupid and pointless. Why do we always need a winner? If they have fought to a tie and taken a tie to OT and carried it through the deserve to split the win. There should be no more than 2 pts awarded per game. Either 2 for a win or 1-1 for a tie.

What other sports other than soccer, which is boring enough, and football once every 10 yrs, have teams "split the win"? thats awful. in sports, one team wins, and the other loses. and thats just the way it is. the shootout is a perfect way to change hockey. its exciting, and you know you will always see one of the teams finish with a victory, which i think, is much more exciting than seeing to teams end in a tie. and i really love their idea now, which jkrdevil posted, that would be MUCH more exciting IMO.

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I don't like shoot outs--they seem so artificial, and hockey is a team sport.

Breakaways and penalty shots are exciting because they develop out of the play of the game, shoot outs are imposed...

I think penalty shots are exciting because they are rare. Same can be said for shootouts, after the first month they will be come boring and people will want the teams to just play on.

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like i said hockey has won me back the shootout is gonna make things soo much cooler

You obviously not seen a shootout. It's stupid and pointless. Why do we always need a winner? If they have fought to a tie and taken a tie to OT and carried it through the deserve to split the win. There should be no more than 2 pts awarded per game. Either 2 for a win or 1-1 for a tie.

I don't mind the shoot out, but that whole 4 on 4 to 3 on 3 and then a shoot out is just silly to me. As for the point system, why not do it like they do in the world cup. 3 points for a win and 1 point for a tie/overtime loss/shoot out loss. That would put more value in a victory.

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like i said hockey has won me back the shootout is gonna make things soo much cooler

You obviously not seen a shootout. It's stupid and pointless. Why do we always need a winner? If they have fought to a tie and taken a tie to OT and carried it through the deserve to split the win. There should be no more than 2 pts awarded per game. Either 2 for a win or 1-1 for a tie.

What other sports other than soccer, which is boring enough, and football once every 10 yrs, have teams "split the win"? thats awful. in sports, one team wins, and the other loses. and thats just the way it is. the shootout is a perfect way to change hockey. its exciting, and you know you will always see one of the teams finish with a victory, which i think, is much more exciting than seeing to teams end in a tie. and i really love their idea now, which jkrdevil posted, that would be MUCH more exciting IMO.

Shoot outs suck...and soccer bashings not cool....

Soccer doesnt have a shoot out other than in tournament play or playoffs. Shoot outs have nothing to do with the skills used in the sport to win....the tie makes sense....4 on 4...3 on 3... boy theyre desperate.

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I can live with the shootouts since they are not doing it in the playoffs. Nothing is more exciting than OT in the playoffs. So keep the playoffs as is (5 on 5, till someone scores) and I am happy. I don't enjoy the regular season enough to care too much.

As for the removal of the red line, I know my ignorance is going to show, but are they actually going to get rid of the line? I know they want to do this for the two-line pass thing (which is a great idea, I love that college has no 2-line pass rule), but if they removed the line, how would icing be determined?

(My guess is that the line will remain, but not count for 2-line passing).

Also, I saw on ESPN the "touch up offsidess" or something. What does that mean.

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I don't mind the shoot out, but that whole 4 on 4 to 3 on 3 and then a shoot out is just silly to me. As for the point system, why not do it like they do in the world cup. 3 points for a win and 1 point for a tie/overtime loss/shoot out loss. That would put more value in a victory.

I agree. They can do 4 on 4 if they want, but continuing to switch the format is stupid. Just do 4 on 4 for five or ten minutes then the shootout.

For points, I like 3 for a regulation win, 2 for an OT win and 1 for an OT loss (assuming no ties due to the shootouts).

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



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touch-up offsides: first, I'll talk about the current rule. you're offsides if you are in the attacking zone before the puck, regardless of whether your team has control of it or is dumping it into the zone. touch up offsides' main difference is that you're only offsides if your teammate controlling the puck passes the blue line after you, or you've passed the blue line, the puck is dumped in and you touch it.


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with the changes they've made to the goalie equipment, reducing the leg pad sizes as well as

reducing the "cheater" on the catching glove, slimming down the blocker and eliminating the

huge shoulder deflectors on the chest pads, I don't think there will be much need for

a shootout. Combine those changes with the new goal size and curvature at the top and

it opens up a whole new scoring dimension. If you haven't seen side-by-side comparison

pics of the new goalie gear you should. I saw some on sabres.com and it's a huge difference.

I actually think it's going to alter the way goalies play. I think the days of the quebec junior butterfly style goalie (Roy, Giguere, Denis) who drop and take up as much room are over.

Reflexes, athleticism and anticipation will come back. Guys like Brodeur and Blackburn will

do fine with the new gear. But the days of dropping down and covering the bottom of the net

with the legs pads is over, they're way to narrow now and skill players will left the puck over with ease.

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I'm not for hardly any of these rule changes...

Especially not the shootouts. Overtime was perfect 5 years ago. 2 pts for a win, 1 for a tie. If you make overtime and lose...too bad. Oh yeah, and 5 on 5 OT.

They might as well throw the point system out the door if they are implementing ties. Simple W-L standings will do the trick now.

Do people not understand how awesome of a game a one-one tie can be?

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The one reason theyre doing this is for more scoring...let me tell you, I went to an Indoor Soccer game in '96 and there were so many goals we left during the 3rd quater, it was sooooo boring, they just kept scoring. Same with Arena Football, its just too much scoring and it gets old real quick.

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yeh, I never understood why the league and /or media thinks that

more scoring is what keeps people coming back for more. The best games

in all sports are tight, nailbiting contests with great defense offset by

electric offensive charges. Too much scoring gets boring faster

than not scoring. It's the anticipation and tension of trying to score that

makes watching sports exciting. I'd rather watch a scoreless or tied game going

into the 3rd period than a 6-5 turkeyshoot.

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