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NHL Lottery


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The NHL draft lottery was joke. I am a Ranger fan, but I do not believe that it should have been rigged to land Crosby in NY. But the league should have done better job at setting up how the lottery would work.

The Rangers along with three other teams had three balls in the hopper for a 6.25% chance of landing the #1 pick...but those teams also had a 90-something percent chance of NOT getting the pick.

Some of the talk I heard yesterday mentioned how sine there like 300+ free agents, that there will be a ton of player movement so teams like the Rangers could potentially 'start' over with getting rid of bad contracts and making some quality signings.

Your thoughts...?


FANTASY SPORTS: UBA (NBA): New York Scrapers | CL (MLB): St Pete Beach Clippers

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Put it this way: NOBODY is ever going to feel sorry for the Rangers since they're probably the biggest reason the NHL got into this mess of exploding player salaries and the like.

So the Rangers didn't get the first pick? Too :censored:in' bad. Neither did 28 other teams (like my Kings). So suck it up.

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If you guys could read you would have seen that I didn't think the draft should have been rigged. But you have team like the Montreal Canadians who have made the playoffs for the last couple of years and they are picking 5th. Maybe in the future the NHL could run their draft lottery like the NBA runs their lottery. Do you think that would be helpful to the league and the teams?

Again, with the number of FA's that need to be signed could seriously change the landscape and balance in the league. And like I said the Rangers and other teams now have the opportunity to get rid of their bad contracts and ALL the teams have the opportunity to get a fresh start.

I am not the typical "Ranger" fan, so don't generalize against me.


FANTASY SPORTS: UBA (NBA): New York Scrapers | CL (MLB): St Pete Beach Clippers

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If you guys could read you would have seen that I didn't think the draft should have been rigged. But you have team like the Montreal Canadians who have made the playoffs for the last couple of years and they are picking 5th. Maybe in the future the NHL could run their draft lottery like the NBA runs their lottery. Do you think that would be helpful to the league and the teams?

Again, with the number of FA's that need to be signed could seriously change the landscape and balance in the league. And like I said the Rangers and other teams now have the opportunity to get rid of their bad contracts and ALL the teams have the opportunity to get a fresh start.

I am not the typical "Ranger" fan, so don't generalize against me.

That's how the NHL normally does the lottery. However in this situation there wasn't a season and there weren't standings. They already did a draft based on the last standings. Ther is no accuratly way of predicting last years stadnigns with now draft. How do you know Montreal wouldn't have ended up with the 5th worst record. Maybe they would have had a ton of injuries and had a horrific season. The way they did it was the fairest way. And when you complain because you team didn't get a high pick it sounds like sour grapes.

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Florida also had 3 balls and got #29 overall, so will "Ranger fan" please shut the hell up. <_<

Florida only had one ball. That's what winning two previous draft lotteries does to you.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

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Put it this way: NOBODY is ever going to feel sorry for the Rangers since they're probably the biggest reason the NHL got into this mess of exploding player salaries and the like.

So the Rangers didn't get the first pick? Too :censored:in' bad. Neither did 28 other teams (like my Kings). So suck it up.

Ditto! B)

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No where in my original post did I complain about the rangers not getting the #1 pick. I was just bringing up the point that some teams who were made out to have a three balls and that that was so great, turned out to not be so great, with the Pens actually being lucky enough. I mean the defending champs, Tampa could have gotten the first pick too.

They based the number of balls on the what temas have done in previous years, in the playoffs or not and other stuff. It wasn't totally based on standings.


FANTASY SPORTS: UBA (NBA): New York Scrapers | CL (MLB): St Pete Beach Clippers

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No where in my original post did I complain about the rangers not getting the #1 pick.

Oh. You sure you werent trying to work that in there without actually saying it.

I was just bringing up the point that some teams who were made out to have a three balls and that that was so great, turned out to not be so great, with the Pens actually being lucky enough. I mean the defending champs, Tampa could have gotten the first pick too.

They based the number of balls on the what temas have done in previous years, in the playoffs or not and other stuff. It wasn't totally based on standings.

But I'm still not exactly sure what youre tryin to say.

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Keep in mind that it's a "seprentine" draft--the draft order reverses each round. So, the team picking first in round one picks last in round two, first in round three, last in round four, etc, etc, etc.

Frankly, a lot of teams are going to look like shells of themselves, given that most teams don't have a lot of players under contract. Plus, the teams get the opportunity to buy players out of contracts to free up cap room.

While I'd've generally thought reusing the previous draft order would have been best, given those conditions, a random draft is really the best way. And, the NHL took the randomness into consideration when deciding on the serpentine draft.

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i think he's saying that the worst teams should have gotten a better chance to win. he's not actually complaining that they didn't win but i agree that it wasn't a big enough advantage for the real WORST team's in the league. although they had a slightly better chance then tampa -it was really a free for all.

if this wasn't a sidney crosby draft they probably would have given the rangers, blue jackets, etc. like a 15% chance each but since this ONE player could be a life changing thing for these teams they (and i mean the league with TONS of pressure from the owners ) probably decided to do it this way so all the teams had a reletivly even shot at him.

on the other hand- you cant go by standings alone because with this new CBA you have no idea who's going to be good and who's not anymore. these won't be the same teams as last year at all. so.. yeah i dont know. at least he'll be visiting the new york area 12 times

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While Pittsburgh is the real winner here, I think you also have to give Vancouver and my Sharks a nod as well. Both division winners, if they were to go off the records of 03-04, Vancouver would've gone 25th (or 26th?) and San Jose 27th. Both went up 15 spots.

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No where in my original post did I complain about the rangers not getting the #1 pick.  I was just bringing up the point that some teams who were made out to have a three balls and that that was so great, turned out to not be so great, with the Pens actually being lucky enough.  I mean the defending champs, Tampa could have gotten the first pick too.

They based the number of balls on the what temas have done in previous years, in the playoffs or not and other stuff.  It wasn't totally based on standings.

For the most part, if you've made the playoffs, you've done well for yourself in that season.

They could not possibly base this draft lottery on standings because there was no season at all to determine standings. They could have used the standings from the last season, but that wouldn't be a true reflection of the teams that actually existed on September 14th, 2004, maily because a lot of players had changed teams before that. It's possible one of the elite teams of the league could have tanked in 2004-05 and some surprise underdog comes from nowhere and wins the Stanley Cup and thus guarentees the 30th pick in every round.)

I'm not sure why your complaining that the four teams with 3 balls had a 92.8% chance of not getting first overall considering the teams with 2 balls had a 95.4% of not getting it and those with 1 ball had a 97.6% chance of not getting it. The lottery was completely random. The number of CHANCES each team had was determined on a number of factors agreed upon by all 30 NHL teams. If none of them complained, nobody else has a right to.

In all honestly, it does seem fitting that Tampa Bay does pick 30th seeing as how they won the last Stanley Cup and that Pittsburgh gets 1st overall seeing as how they were the worst team in 2003-04.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

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