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New coyotes jersey ideas

Roger Clemente

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Wishful thinking! (Using the actual jerseys template that I constructed an hour ago.)

Copy and paste:


Actually, in all honesty, I was expecting to see something like this, not the one color thing they got.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Yours are so much better than the glorified practice jerseys they got. What a shame. I'd never buy one of theirs and I'd buy one of yours in a heartbeat. Really sharp and clean.



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Roger's design is what they should have done...no offense, Roger, but this is a no-brainer!

Why is this stuff so hard for designers?  My theory is that you come up with a theme of sorts, and then work off of that theme - colors, design elements, etc.  These new unis look like someone came up with a logo (fairly decent in my book), and then just slapped the thing on some generic jersey straight out of a 1970's Sears & Roebuck catalogue.


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Ok, i feel the need to defend these at every outpost, because mostly i think people arent giving it a chance.

These uniforms are going in another direction in new designs, its simple, reminds you of something youve seen (whether or not you have) Its not even something i generally like, the simple one color unis. But it will be around for a while cuz its classic looking.

I think RC's and Primals are nice, but the yotes look like they are moving away from the modern look. I know rcs isnt hella modern, but its the way youd expect it to look.

Pantone, your 70s sears roebuck quote made me wet myself, and you may be right, but i still love the striping. I really want a white one.

you have to love improvements people. rome wasnt built in a day. it certainly wasnt appreciated right away either.

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Sorry, roger, but these new jerseys are fine the way they are. In an age where people are buying heritage jerseys more than current ones, these at least acknowlegde a classic trend. We have enough black in design today. The new Coyotes have created a new yet timeless look that won't be ridiculed for looking like it was conceived with the help of peyote 2 years down the road. They sit beside the Leafs and Wings and don't feel out of place.

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I think either of the 2 concepts would improve over the new look. Roger's design looks almost exactly like a Sabres concept I did in blue, yellow and black. It would be a great retro/classic style.

On the other hand, Primal's design is almost exactly what I had hoped for. I love their southwestern stripes. With a bit of green on the red jersey, they would be perfect.

Still, I like the new design overall. I love the logo, even if it seems out of place on the jersey. I wish they would've done something more with the jersey, but I'm sure it'll look better in action.

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Thank you all for the good input.  I think Primal's jersey would have made a good jersey as well.  I really liked the jerseys they had.  But now, I gently weep.

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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You're gently weeping, I'm bawling my eyes out on the floor.

The Coyotes logo used to be avant-garde, and their jerseys (although busy) were inventive.

Now, they're just searching for older days they never had (if they did a Jets throwback, now THAT would be cool!)

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They look so much like the Detroit Red Wings in that picture, it's scary.

And yet so much better. It's amazing what another two stripes will do...

No, but on topic, I like the new ones, as well as Rogers. I actually think the real ones are more unique than Rogers though. No one does the really simple thing anymore (a couple do, but not as new designs), but some will still do what Roger has.

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