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seahawks unis


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Hi all - long time lurker - first time poster. Love the site - nice to know I'm not the only uniform geek around. All my life I've watched games and thought about how I'd change so and so's uni. Anyway - was looking at the Seahawks uni's while watching the game. I'm old school when it comes to unis but like the Seattle colors and dislike the monochrome. I've always thought if they would make the home jerseys Navy with Seattle blue sleeves they would look better - even with the blue pants at home. Anyone out there agree or have there been any concepts in the other forum that show Navy as the primary home color? BTW - Leopard 88 - I'm also a Marylander and agree with most of your posts - which I find intelligent and insightful.

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I'm not sure if they're "dingy". I love the logo and think they have a good basic design - I just do not like the monochrome look and am not a fan of the lime green. Would love to see just the two blues and white with maybe the old silver as an accent color. Wear white pants at home with a navy jersey and navy-seahawk blue-navy stripe pattern on white pants. Road would be white jerseys with seahawk blue sleeves and the current pants but with Navy - white - navy stripes. Maybe put some stripes on the socks. Definitley keep the black shoes. ALL teams should have BLACk footwear!!

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I would have no problem with Seattle's home unis if they would just ditch the all blue look and wear white pants. Lose the all blue look and they are pretty good looking uniforms. The blue they use right now isn't terribly exciting but it is different. Not great but not bad at all.




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Seahawks would be fine if they actually used their colors. It's horrible that cheap knock off jerseys look much better than authentic ones simply because they use a dark blue and a lighter blue (as Pantone has shown).

I actually bought one of the cheapies simply because the two blues look much better than the dark blue and darker blue actually worn by the team.

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As a fan of the Seahawks since 1976, I absolutely hate the all-blue monochrome home look. Wish they would wear white pants with the blue jerseys like they were designed to. They've only wore they combo once in the regular season against Jacksonville opening day-looked real good even though they lost the game. Even though they have lost plenty of games in all blue over the last 4 years, as long as they are on the current winning streak, they well never get their asses out of the blue pants at home. Just thank the Lord that if they make it to the Super Bowl they will be wearing white pants with white jerseys.................................

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Seahawks would be fine if they actually used their colors. It's horrible that cheap knock off jerseys look much better than authentic ones simply because they use a dark blue and a lighter blue ...................................................................................................................So what you are saying is you perfer the color of the cheap knockoffs as they are made by a manufacturer that does not use the official colors of the team. Many of the cheaper versions of team jerseys are not the offical color mix of the team because of the type of fabric used and color mix. I agree the Seahawks blue-grey color is very drab and what makes the drabbness more pronounced is they wear the blue jerseys WITH the blue pants. The offical color the team uses looks very different in different lighting situations ( sunlight, overcast day, night, and wet ) It also does not reproduce well on video, film, or photographs. Sometimes it comes off with a purpleish tone.

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BTW  - Leopard 88 - I'm also a Marylander and agree with most of your posts - which I find intelligent and insightful.

Thanks for the kind words. Good to have another Marylander on board. :welcome:

P.S. To think I almost skipped this thread. The $50 check is in the mail. :P

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The other problem with the Seahawk blue is that when it gets wet, it looks nearly identical to the Seahawk navy blue. Seems like a good challenge to Reebok to not only create a jersey with actual Seahawk's blue, but also with material that when it gets wet, doesn't so drastically change its color. We are in 2006 aren't we?

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