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New NHL Reebok Jerseys?


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So what exactly is going on with the NHL jerseys for the 2006-2007 season? I heard Reebok has the rights. Are they just gonna keep things the way they are with the jerseys and slap the Reebok logo on, or are they doing a complete overhaul of all the teams (much like what happened with the CFL)? I doubt they're doing an overhaul because there's lots of teams with traditional jerseys, logos, etc that would pretty much never change their style or very minorly if any. On top, isn't the team's image in owner control anyway?

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I doubt they're doing an overhaul because there's lots of teams with traditional jerseys, logos, etc that would pretty much never change their style or very minorly if any.

Sadly, this pretty much exactly the case according to a lot of people here. I've heard about a ton of new logos, no more third jerseys, hell, even no more horizontal stripes. If all this is true and correct it's going to be a disaster.

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I doubt they're doing an overhaul because there's lots of teams with traditional jerseys, logos, etc that would pretty much never change their style or very minorly if any.

Sadly, this pretty much exactly the case according to a lot of people here. I've heard about a ton of new logos, no more third jerseys, hell, even no more horizontal stripes. If all this is true and correct it's going to be a disaster.

no horizontal stripes is going to be pretty damn tragic for les habs, if true...

but hey, i've been relatively reassured that my stars will still resemble themselves, thanks to the all-star logo.

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No horizontal striping is exactly what it means. All of the striping, if this rumour is true, is going to have some sort of angle on it.

Oh, if Reebok screws around too much with the original six teams (maybe not the Rangers), there's going to be a serious outcry especially in Montreal.

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Thanks. I wasn't sure if it meant that it pertained to only specific horizontal striping.

I hope this isn't true. The NHL jersey has to keep some of that traditional look to it.

It could be a disaster!

just look at the olympic jerseys... they are devoid of all horizontal stripes... they're all verticle... which just doesn't look that good on a hockey jersey, imo... especially when you wear solid pants, and the stripes just abruptly end.

in getting very interested in seeing where things go... i've got a strange feeling that the stars will be wearing more black again... based on some of the trends in stars graphics lately.

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I think it would be a hugggggge disaster if they revamped every team in the league. Some have just switched things up in recent years, there would be no point for them to redo it again. Fans would be angry. Especially ones from teams that almost never change (ie Canadiens, Leafs, Red Wings). Maybe they'll do some minor tweaks on a couple teams, or some new 3rds...but that's it.

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i'm in no way supporting this movement. i like pretty much every nhl jersey out there save for some disasters (cough alts for atlanta...nashville...dallas cough)

but lets not pass judgement until we at least see them.

i imagine they'll look a lot like football jerseys... pretty much no horizontal stripes on them... and for the most part they dont look so bad..

the nhl isnt THAT stupid (i hope) to mess with tradition too much and im sure almost every team except the ducks will be wearing the same logos and colors they wore this year.

lets just wait and see

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i'm in no way supporting this movement.  i like pretty much every nhl jersey out there save for some disasters (cough alts for atlanta...nashville...dallas cough)

but lets not pass judgement until we at least see them.

i imagine they'll look a lot like football jerseys... pretty much no horizontal stripes on them... and for the most part they dont look so bad..

the nhl isnt THAT stupid (i hope)  to mess with tradition too much and im sure almost every team except the ducks will be wearing the same logos and colors they wore this year.

lets just wait and see

Never, ever, underestimate Gary Bettman and his incompetance.

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I think my question to those in the know would be if we buy any current NHL team gear, what are the chances that team logo will change as part of the redesign? I ask simply because I was looking to buy a Blue Jackets jersey, but if it's going to be drastically different, I'll hold off.

And I know we can't underestimate Bettman's (alleged) intelligence, but they can't possibly expect there to be no outcry from the fans when they start messing with Montreal and Detroit's uniforms, can they?

"Hats for bats. Keep bats warm. Gracias"

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