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Bizarre, special fans


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I love that guy at Thrashers games in the jersey and giant wig. Very cool cat.

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"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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Well back in the Memorial Stadium days late 70's to late 80's the O's had Wild Bill Hagy. He was a cabby from Dundalk (a working class suburb of Baltimore) who looked like the missing Gibbons brother from ZZ top. He and his gang had a full 81 game plan and sat in section 34 in the upper deck by the right field foul pole. It was a spontaneous thing at first he would contort his body to spell O-R-I-O-L-E-S. Then became part of the action at the stadium. Have would have cheers for the players, "Hey Lowenstein hit it to the Busch Beer sign" ect. They were also the ones who started the "O" during the National Anthem that continues at all sporting events in the area today. Those were the haydays of "Orioles Magic". Wild Bill never really made the move to Camden Yards, there was a drug arrest, and the team distanced themselves from him (however if he was hitting 70 homers...). He still makes the occasional appearance at big events, Cal's Streak and last game, opening day, ect. But he is 67 now so I don't think he can make the O-R-I-O-L-E-S in letters anymore. I've been looking on line for a pic but haven't found one. I might just have to look through all my old programs, he made the cover one season.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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The Devil Rays have a superfan (yes i'm as shocked as you are) that sits behind home plate and picks one guy from the opposing team to just heckle the crap out of for the whole game. I remember last year when the Cardinals played the D-Rays for some reason he decided to pick on Scott Seabol who was nothing more than a temporary triple A call up. Being as how the Trop was almost empty everything he said could be heard on the TV broadcast.


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The Braves have this guy, i forgot his name but he dresses up like an indian for every game. He only missed on game because he had to go to his grandma's funeral.



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The Devil Rays have a superfan (yes i'm as shocked as you are) that sits behind home plate and picks one guy from the opposing team to just heckle the crap out of for the whole game. I remember last year when the Cardinals played the D-Rays for some reason he decided to pick on Scott Seabol who was nothing more than a temporary triple A call up. Being as how the Trop was almost empty everything he said could be heard on the TV broadcast.

I've heard that guy before. It's pretty funny when he's the only thing you can hear. When the Red Sox would go to Tampa, he would heckle Johnny Damon. I don't remember hearing him last year, maybe they had sellouts in Tampa.

I caught some Tampa game a few weeks ago and heard the guy again. It's still pretty funny.

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This guy is a real character. It's up to you to decide if you think he's a superfan, or an irritating obsessive-compulsive nut job.

Photos 6 & 7 hint at what he's all about.

First, he scores every pitch of every game. Complusive, but within the realm of reason.

What he does that makes him a subject of some controversy, is he has a large duffel bag of musical props with him. Each (and every) strike against an opponent's batter gets a "ding" of his triangle. An out gets "ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding..." as he quickly plays the triangle.

Foul balls? The Slide Whistle. PWEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooooooooP!

Runs for the home team get the celabratory cowbell shaking.

Essentially every action on the field had an equal reaction from him noise-wise. Not a small feat when you factor in scoring every pitch simultaneously!

The "in" crowd of season ticket holders finally got so bothered by his constant racket, the team had to tell him to stop it. Fans only going to one game a year thought it was funny, but being there for every game, it certainly must have gotten old.

By the way, ever wonder how many games he's been to? Don't worry, it's all documented right here in one easy chart, including photographic explanations for games missed!



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?You don?t like to see 20 kids punching 20 other kids. But it?s not a disgrace, It?s hockey.? - Michael Farber

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I know on TNA Wrestling there's this guy who I call TNA Towel Guy. Why? On every single episode, he's sitting somewhere in the middle of the crowd in plain view of the camera, and he waves a towel after every good spot. Here's how I think he rates them:

1 towel = Good move. Normal.

2 towels slowly = Great move. Normal too.

2 towels real fast = Damn good move. Not so normal

2 towels real fast while jumping up and down = THIS IS AWESOME!!!

I might be the only one who noticed that, but yeah.



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I don;t know his name but there's a fan at the Ballpark in Arlington (yes, Iknow it's called Ameriquest Field, but I will never call it that) that beats his drum almost every game. I don't know his name, BTW. Another bizarre, special fan that is also an owner of a team, Mark Cuban!




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