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Stanley Cup Finals


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I also think that Rolson is the better goalie

Big deal. Dwayne Roloson can't cover Eric Stall, Rod Brind'amour, Doug Weight, et. al. by himself. As much as I like Edmonton, they can't hang with Carolina, because they can stretch the ice, score in buckets, and most important of all, don't have a single line that needs to be stopped like San Jose or Anaheim. Not saying a sweep, but the Stanley Cup stays in the Sunbelt, son. :flagusa:

Yeah, Edmonton can't hang with Carolina, just like everyone said they couldn't hang with Detroit, San Jose, and Anahiem :rolleyes:

Southern hockey fans never fail to amuse me. Just as nothern fans will sometimes say southern fans don't deserve to have their team win, they'll say stuff like "The Stanly Cup's staying in the Sunberlt forever!" or "Non traditional hockey markerts rule!" How is that any better then a northern fan saying he wants to see a traditional market team win it every year? It's not. Fans of non-traditional hockey market teams, you've proven yourselves to be just as bad as the fans of northern teams when it comes to the Stanley Cup, and who you think should win it.

That said, I couldn't be happier with the current Stanley Cup finals (actually I could, but Toronto missed the post season all together). By the time the Oilers became the last Canadian team alive I had already chosen Carolina as the team I would be pulling for if the Oilers faild. So basically I've got a win-win Cup finals. I'll be pulling for the Oilers, because I want to see the Cup back in Canada. However, if Carolina wins then I'll be happy for Cory Stillman, seeing as how he was forced off of Tampa by the great human being that is John Tortorella.

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Well heres how I feel about Sunbelt Hockey its fine when it works, Tampa and Miami have shown it can work, and Dallas too.

But heres the thing with those cities they are major metro areas with lots of northern transplants.

Nashville is showing signs it may catch on.

While LA should not have TWO teams. One is fine, but not two.

Atlanta is a bad market they dont sell out Braves playoff games and Phillips Arena is an Empty Nest in the NBA and NHL maybe its bad teams but the Flames never caught on in Atlanta either.

However, Raleigh is a tiny town in North Carolina a state that does ok in the NFL and the NBA but in Charlotte a much bigger city. I just dont think it will ever work in Raleigh and I think there are many citiues taht deserve hockey more then Raleigh.

Cities like Salt Lake for example or Portland.

You may disagre me tahts your right but I just dont think the Raleigh expaiment has been good for the NHL from the start.



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Tiny? Dude, Raleigh is the state capital of North Carolina and part of the Triangle with Durham and Chapel Hill. That's a big part of the state right there that Carolina has for a fanbase.

What I don't understand is that you are so against the Hurricanes here. Have you forgotten their past as the Whalers? That means a lot to those who still feel that the Whalers should of never left Hartford for Carolina.

To me, whoever wins the Stanley Cup will have made a long suffering fanbase happy, weather it's Edmonton or Carolina/Hartford.


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Well heres how I feel about Sunbelt Hockey its fine when it works, Tampa and Miami have shown it can work, and Dallas too.

But heres the thing with those cities they are major metro areas with lots of northern transplants.

Nashville is showing signs it may catch on.

While LA should not have TWO teams. One is fine, but not two.

Atlanta is a bad market they dont sell out Braves playoff games and Phillips Arena is an Empty Nest in the NBA and NHL maybe its bad teams but the Flames never caught on in Atlanta either.

However, Raleigh is a tiny town in North Carolina a state that does ok in the NFL and the NBA but in Charlotte a much bigger city. I just dont think it will ever work in Raleigh and I think there are many citiues taht deserve hockey more then Raleigh.

Cities like Salt Lake for example or Portland.

You may disagre me tahts your right but I just dont think the Raleigh expaiment has been good for the NHL from the start.

BgMack said it himself.....if Florida fails to re-sign Luongo, fans won't be coming back. Does that sound like a successful market?

Atlanta is a bad market they dont sell out Braves playoff games and Phillips Arena is an Empty Nest in the NBA and NHL maybe its bad teams but the Flames never caught on in Atlanta either.

So your reasons as to why Atlanta is a bad NHL market is because of the Braves not selling out playoff games and the NBA? You're not just an idiot, you're a complete idiot. What does baseball and basketball have to do with the Thrashers?

How do you explain the Thrashers attendance-per-game rising the past two seasons? If Atlanta is a bad NHL market, why did more people attend games after the lockout than before the lockout?

The Flames only lasted here for 8 years because the owner sold the team to save face. The team never had a major TV contract and the real estate empire that was falling apart, and the new owner wanted to move his team to his hometown. It wasn't because of lack of fans.

I understand you're a New Yorker, and you have this "I hate anything Southern" mantra you live by, but do a little research before you type these idiotic remarks.

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Yeah, Edmonton can't hang with Carolina, just like everyone said they couldn't hang with Detroit, San Jose, and Anahiem :rolleyes:

Yep, and none of those three have the scoring depth of Carolina, or the ability to stretch the ice offencively. Not to mention Carolina can make Edmonton pay for the boneheaded penalties they're bound to take, something the teams in the West were unable to do.

Southern hockey fans never fail to amuse me. Just as nothern fans will sometimes say southern fans don't deserve to have their team win, they'll say stuff like "The Stanly Cup's staying in the Sunberlt forever!" or "Non traditional hockey markerts rule!"

I assume that you're referring to my post, which amuses me greatly, as there was no connotation of the idea that the Stanley Cup stay in the Sunbelt, only an affirmation that I think Carolina will win the series. Heck, why would I, as a Senators fan, desire that the Stanley Cup stay in the Sunbelt in any way, shape, or form? Upper latitudinal insecurity perhaps?

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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However, Raleigh is a tiny town in North Carolina a state that does ok in the NFL and the NBA but in Charlotte a much bigger city. I just dont think it will ever work in Raleigh and I think there are many citiues taht deserve hockey more then Raleigh.

Cities like Salt Lake for example or Portland.

You may disagre me tahts your right but I just dont think the Raleigh expaiment has been good for the NHL from the start.

Now, I've been critical of the fans' support of the Canes - failure to sell out big games and dismal local TV ratings - but your perception of Raleigh is waaaaaay off base.

It's hardly a 'tiny town'. Currently, the Raleigh-Durham CSA is home to just over 1.5 million people, and Raleigh is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. Wake County grows by 65 people each day... that's more than 20,000 each year, and will likely catch up to Mecklenburg County (Charlotte) in the next decade.

The vast majority of people moving here are from hockey towns in NY, NJ and PA. In the past decade, 3,000 people moved here just from Buffalo. No strangers to hockey. Part of the problem with this market, is that a lot of the hockey fans (myself included) are cheering for another team.

I have to give them credit though, local leaders are putting a huge effort into building support for the team. I'd even say moreso than the team's own marketing is doing.

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Yeah, Edmonton can't hang with Carolina, just like everyone said they couldn't hang with Detroit, San Jose, and Anahiem :rolleyes:

Yep, and none of those three have the scoring depth of Carolina, or the ability to stretch the ice offencively. Not to mention Carolina can make Edmonton pay for the boneheaded penalties they're bound to take, something the teams in the West were unable to do.

Between Detroit and Carolina, I'd have to say the Red Wings were the better team. Anahiem had just as much scoring depth as Carolina. You also assume that the Hurricanes will make the Oilers pay for penalties, something their western opponents couldn't do. Did it ever occure to you that maybe, just maybe the Oilers are a great PK team? Maybe, just maybe it had nothing to do with Detroit, San Jose, and Anahiem's power play abilities and had everything to do with Edmonton's pentaly killing skills? If they could handle the power plays of Detroit, San Jose, and Anahiem, then I don't think they'll have a problem with Carolina's.

I have full confidence in the Oilers ability to beat the Hurricanes. People have been doubting them all playoffs. No way they can beat Detroit. Did so in six games. No way they can beat San Jose. Beat them in six games. No way they can beat Anahiem. Beat them in five games. This is just more of the same.

Southern hockey fans never fail to amuse me. Just as nothern fans will sometimes say southern fans don't deserve to have their team win, they'll say stuff like "The Stanly Cup's staying in the Sunberlt forever!" or "Non traditional hockey markerts rule!"

I assume that you're referring to my post, which amuses me greatly, as there was no connotation of the idea that the Stanley Cup stay in the Sunbelt, only an affirmation that I think Carolina will win the series. Heck, why would I, as a Senators fan, desire that the Stanley Cup stay in the Sunbelt in any way, shape, or form? Upper latitudinal insecurity perhaps?

Really? This would indicate differently.

but the Stanley Cup stays in the Sunbelt, son. :flagusa:

That quote alone imbodies all the arrogance fans of southern teams accuse fans of northern teams of having.

Oh, and for the record I wasn't just refering to your post. I have seen more "keep the Cup in the sunbelt" comments during these playoffs then I've seen "bring the Cup back to Canada" comments. There's not anything necessarily wrong with that, it's just hypocritical to accuse northern fans of arrogance and having a superficial belief in regional superiority when southern fans can be just as bad.

Heck, why would I, as a Senators fan, desire that the Stanley Cup stay in the Sunbelt in any way, shape, or form? Upper latitudinal insecurity perhaps?

Well like I said I wasn't just refering to your post, rather the attitudes of southern hockey fans all together.

As for your Sens allegence, that's a bit of a mystery to me. You're quote about the Cup staying in the sunbelt implies that you wish to see sunbelt teams hold onto the Cup for a long while. So do you root for the Sens secretly hoping, perhaps in your sub conscience that they never reach the Cup, or are you constantly in conflict when the Sens square off against southern clubs? Honetly, I don't care. Be a fan of whoever you want, just don't accuse northern fans of behavior when southerners are just as bad.

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but the Stanley Cup stays in the Sunbelt, son. :flagusa:

That quote alone imbodies all the arrogance fans of southern teams accuse fans of northern teams of having.

Oh, and for the record I wasn't just refering to your post. I have seen more "keep the Cup in the sunbelt" comments during these playoffs then I've seen "bring the Cup back to Canada" comments. There's not anything necessarily wrong with that, it's just hypocritical to accuse northern fans of arrogance and having a superficial belief in regional superiority when southern fans can be just as bad.

Heck, why would I, as a Senators fan, desire that the Stanley Cup stay in the Sunbelt in any way, shape, or form? Upper latitudinal insecurity perhaps?

Well like I said I wasn't just refering to your post, rather the attitudes of southern hockey fans all together.

As for your Sens allegence, that's a bit of a mystery to me. You're quote about the Cup staying in the sunbelt implies that you wish to see sunbelt teams hold onto the Cup for a long while. So do you root for the Sens secretly hoping, perhaps in your sub conscience that they never reach the Cup, or are you constantly in conflict when the Sens square off against southern clubs? Honetly, I don't care. Be a fan of whoever you want, just don't accuse northern fans of behavior when southerners are just as bad.

Uhh, I think that was just his prediction, not his preference.

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I'm not typically one of those hockey fans that screams for hockey to return to Hartford, Winnepeg or Quebec but in this case I'm having difficulty understanding.

The Hurricanes couldn't even sell out Game 7 of the eastern conference finals. Now call me crazy but if that was Hartford, the Civic Center would have been packed solid no problem. I just don't see in this case how the Canes are better off in Raleigh than they would have been in Hartford despite the difference in market size.

I'm assuming alot of it has to do with Corporate dollars and Television but i'm not too sure.

As far as the finals go the only thought that keeps running through my head is Doug Weight VS. Chris Pronger.....That's enough to make a Blues fan's head spin. :cursing:


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I'm not typically one of those hockey fans that screams for hockey to return to Hartford, Winnepeg or Quebec but in this case I'm having difficulty understanding.

The Hurricanes couldn't even sell out Game 7 of the eastern conference finals. Now call me crazy but if that was Hartford, the Civic Center would have been packed solid no problem. I just don't see in this case how the Canes are better off in Raleigh than they would have been in Hartford despite the difference in market size.

I'm assuming alot of it has to do with Corporate dollars and Television but i'm not too sure.

As far as the finals go the only thought that keeps running through my head is Doug Weight VS. Chris Pronger.....That's enough to make a Blues fan's head spin. :cursing:

I'm not sure exactly, but I think the North Carolina market (Charlotte and Raleigh) was the fastest growing market in the US in the late 90's. Perhaps the NHL wanted to get a head start and reap the future benefits of Northern transplants moving south and giving the team time to establish itself and growing the game, long-term. Sure, they took their lumps early on, but in the next few season, the team can start turning out higher profits than what they could have received had they stayed put in Hartford. They'll be able to attract people who didn't have a rooting interest in another team before Carolina, unlike Hartford, which had to compete with Boston and New York, two long-established franchises, for fans.

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May I ask something? No? Oh ok.

Well, too bad. Someone keeps saying that Atlanta is a bad market for hockey because they can't sell out the NBA or the MLB. Does that equate that we should move any team because of their fan base in other sports? Should we take away the Cardinals because no one goes to Rams games anymore? Where does it end? Or actually, why does it matter? I don't care about hockey, but someone does. You took our team once, you no good canadians, you ain't taking this one.


I don't speak for democrats, democrats don't speak for me.

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Uhh, I think that was just his prediction, not his preference.

Your ability to interpret my my very thoughts correctly astound me!

Though in all honesty, the ease in which some people's knickers get twisted over statements made very much in jest here astounds me even more... ^_^

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

Attention: In order to obtain maximum enjoyment from your stay at the CCSLC, the reader is advised that the above post may contain large amounts of sarcasm, dry humour, or statements which should not be taken in any true sort of seriousness. As a result, the above poster absolves himself of any and all blame in the event that a forum user responds to the aforementioned post without taking the previous notice into account. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy your stay at the CCSLC.

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Here's the way I see it. Carolina being in the stanley cup finals doesn't hurt anything. Hockey fans in the north will watch the playoffs and the finals no matter what team is in it. But fans in the south and people who don't usually follow hockey are more likely to not watch if their team is not one of the playoff teams. If the hurricanes had missed the playoffs do you think that all of these hurricane fans would continue to watch the playoffs? I don't think they would. Toronto missed the playoffs, yet (and I can only assume) that everyone there still seems pretty interested in what is going on. My point is that southern teams doing well in the playoffs breeds more interest from the casual fan and the non fan who would not otherwise watch a final between, say, Toronto and Calgary.


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Here's the way I see it. Carolina being in the stanley cup finals doesn't hurt anything. Hockey fans in the north will watch the playoffs and the finals no matter what team is in it. But fans in the south and people who don't usually follow hockey are more likely to not watch if their team is not one of the playoff teams. If the hurricanes had missed the playoffs do you think that all of these hurricane fans would continue to watch the playoffs? I don't think they would. Toronto missed the playoffs, yet (and I can only assume) that everyone there still seems pretty interested in what is going on. My point is that southern teams doing well in the playoffs breeds more interest from the casual fan and the non fan who would not otherwise watch a final between, say, Toronto and Calgary.

um....I'm in the southern region and I would watch the Finals even if it was Columbus and Florida. A Toronto, Calgary series would be awesome. But, I guarantee it, I watching these Finals. GO WHALERS!!! *ahem* I mean 'Canes!


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So, did anyone else besides me hear Don Cherry clearly say "Holy :censored:!" as a Carolina skater brushed by him during the pre-game ceremonies?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

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It's nice to see these small market teams get their shot. :flagcanada:

Thats the point i was gonna make,do you think either of these teams would be playing right now in a pre-lockout world...prolly not.

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