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Fightin' Swedes hockey


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This is what I've come up with for my team's fall league. The yellow's to give an idea of what our jerseys'll look like, along with the blue. One-color printing's all us poor college kids can afford. Obvious credit to Notre Dame, the Muppets, and I suppose Sweden. C&C appreciated.


I'm not sure about the wordmark...the double outlines, crowns, arch. That's basically the main issue I'm having right now. I think it looks ok, but might need a little tweaking. Let me know what you think.

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OK, I didn't know the Muppets had a Swedish chef.

I'm an old geezer. The Muppets didn't come along until I was like in my teens. And I didn't have any kids of my own, becoming a stepdad to kids ages 16, 15 and 11, so I didn't watch the Muppets with them. I am, however, catching up on Elmo with my grandkids (stepgrandkids, but I don't use the "step" part with my kids or grandkids). You just have to give me time.

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I think the wordmark looks a little bit off-centered, possibly that middle crown. Check on that one a bit. I could be wrong, though.

I thought so took, actually, after I took a 2nd look. I have the Chef over too far...or the wordmark. I'll fix that, and hopefully it'll look right. The S's don't seem to line up either, one seems lower than the other, so I might take a look at those as well.

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OMG... I'll take a XXL t-shirt of that! :notworthy:

Bork bork bork bork!!

Put me down for an XL - that's just awesome. Although I'd think the Swedish Chef to be a little stockier than the ND leprechaun.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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Hey guys...I emailed the company about getting t-shirts. I know a few of you guys expressed interest.

If you're interested, PM me, and I'll let you know costs....I'm still working out costs because there's a chance I can get the setup fee waived, and I don't know if it's cheaper per shirt if I order more.

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