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Official Ohio State Vs Michigan Thread


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The National Championship should be 1 vs 2.

Ohio St. is 1. Michigan should be 2.

The National Championship should be Ohio St. vs. Michigan.

It's really simple logic.

The rematch factor shouldn't be a factor.

It really sounds as if OSU fans are scared to face Michigan again, and ND and USC fans just want something to cover up for there mistakes earlier on.

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It really sounds as if OSU fans are scared to face Michigan again, and ND and USC fans just want something to cover up for there mistakes earlier on.
Quit just saying we blew it, and give me a good reason why someone else should go.

I already posted the following in the College Football thread. I don't know how to link to just this post so I copied and pasted it for this thread. Sorry if it's a repeat to anyone.

From 1984 to 1996 The AFC won exactly zero Super Bowls. During that time it was the common opinion that the NFC Championship game was the de facto Super Bowl because everyone knew that the two best teams in the NFL would be in the NFC Title game. My question to anyone using the "two best teams" argument is this.

Using your own logic, wouldn't it have been more "fair" to give the loser of the NFC title game during the aforementioned era another shot at the winner since we all "knew" that the best two teams met in that game and not in the Super Bowl?

Using a different sport let's take a look at the recent MLB season. Was there any question that the "two best teams" in baseball were in the American League? Why should Detroit have to beat the Yankees twice? Wouldn't it have been "more fair" to give the Yankees another shot at Detroit? We all "knew" that St. Louis was not even close to the second best team in baseball. Did I mention that St. Louis is now being sized up for World Series rings?

The point is this. Michigan had their shot. They lost. Dallas didn't get a second shot at the 49ers in 1994. Indy didn't get another shot at Pittsburgh last season. Pittsburgh won and headed for Denver despite the fact that Indy was the "better" team. Detroit beat the Yankees. The Yankees went home. The Cardinals beat The Mets. The Mets went home. Ohio State beat Michigan. End of subject. Believe me, nothing would please me more than to kick Michigan's ass again for the National Championship but it shouldn't happen.

It's not fair to USC, Florida, Arkansas, and even Notre Dame to give Michigan another chance. Why should Michigan be given a second chance while the other one loss teams don't get a first chance? I don't care about who beat whom or who lost, who they lost to and all the other contortions that everyone wants to go through to find a way to make a rematch happen. Until there's a playoff (and hopefully there never will be) this is the way it works.

And yes I would feel the same way if the shoe were on the other foot and Michigan had won.

The truth is that under the current system the only team truly getting screwed is Boise State. They're undefeated and they're BCS eligible. If they win out it should be them in Glendale to face The Buckeyes on Jan. 8th.

Finally, be careful what you wish for Michigan fan. You've already lost the last five out of six. Why do you want to add to your misery?




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If no other teams do anything to show that they're the #2 team in the country, then it should be Michigan and Ohio State again. As it stands now, Michigan is the second best team in the country. That could change with a strong showing by USC, Notre Dame, or Florida, though.


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If no other teams do anything to show that they're the #2 team in the country, then it should be Michigan and Ohio State again. As it stands now, Michigan is the second best team in the country. That could change with a strong showing by USC, Notre Dame, or Florida, though.

That's all I'm saying. I'd love to play Michigan for the title. It's every Buckeye fan's dream to beat Michigan for the National Championship. But...in fairness to the system and the way the BCS works, let USC, Florida, Notre Dame, and Arkansas blow it before we hand Michigan another chance. If Michigan turns out to be the only one loss team then this Buckeye fan would welcome a chance to stomp them again. :D

I still think it should be Boise State if they go undefeated. Isn't that really the only "fair" solution?




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These are not that great since they were taken with a disp camera but I thought I'd post anyhow.





In the third pic, it was of a sign hanging from the South Stands that read

The National Championship game and had the date 1/8/07 crossed out and below it 11/18/06.


Formula GP

CenterField 22 pts

#7 Coca-Cola Giancarlo Fisichella 4pts

#8 Coca-Cola Lewis Hamilton 18pts


CenterField Motorsports

#5 Sony Kyle Busch

#8 Gatorade Kurt Busch

#9 Sirius David Ragan/Ricky Rudd

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Nice didnt you get a pic of the dotting of the I

Actually Tank, I did, but with the glare it didn't turn out all that well.


Formula GP

CenterField 22 pts

#7 Coca-Cola Giancarlo Fisichella 4pts

#8 Coca-Cola Lewis Hamilton 18pts


CenterField Motorsports

#5 Sony Kyle Busch

#8 Gatorade Kurt Busch

#9 Sirius David Ragan/Ricky Rudd

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But...in fairness to the system...

You don't seem to understand the system.

In the NFL and other sports, there is a bracketed or at least playoff system that determines who faces who, when, and for what.

In NCAA Division I football, there's rankings. And the Number 1 team plays the Number 2 team for the National Championship.

It doesn't matter if that is a rematch or whatever. 1 plays 2. And right now, Michigan should be number 2. And it shouldn't matter if another team finishes with the same amount of losses as Michigan, because Michigan is still a more deserving number 2. (And all credit to Boise State, but their schedule just shouldn't get them in.)

That's the system.

1 plays 2.

Ohio St. is 1. Michigan should be 2.

Ohio St. should play Michigan.

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I usualy lurk in the background,

But I'm going to chime in on this one. I am a very huge Michigan fan, and I also love Big 10 football. Never liked USC or Notre Dame, and dislike the BCS even more.

The BCS and the Bowl system is broken beyond repair. Teams not even deserving of being in a bowl will end up in one (i.e. Arizona State if they beat Arizona. Talk about stupid, IMHO neither team deserves a bowl, but Arizona is more deserving with a "shocker" over Cal.) A real playoff should be established utilizing the bowls, to crown a legitimate National Champion, but as long as "suits" run the show it will never happen.

In the subject of a rematch, Whomever is the #2 team in the BCS, they should play Ohio State at University of Phoenix Stadium. Though honestly if Boise State went to the title game. It would be in my opinion the worst blowout in bowl history. Could Boise stand up to the Buckeyes? I would like to see them do that, but I do not think so. Hense the BCS people will give Boise the Fiesta, or Sugar bowl to satisfy them. With either USC, Notre Dame, or Texas in the title game. Michigan will have to settle for the Rose and Cal (which will still be a great game!)


"Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc!:  "After this, therefore, because of this."


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But...in fairness to the system...

You don't seem to understand the system.

In the NFL and other sports, there is a bracketed or at least playoff system that determines who faces who, when, and for what.

In NCAA Division I football, there's rankings. And the Number 1 team plays the Number 2 team for the National Championship.

It doesn't matter if that is a rematch or whatever. 1 plays 2. And right now, Michigan should be number 2. And it shouldn't matter if another team finishes with the same amount of losses as Michigan, because Michigan is still a more deserving number 2. (And all credit to Boise State, but their schedule just shouldn't get them in.)

That's the system.

1 plays 2.

Ohio St. is 1. Michigan should be 2.

Ohio St. should play Michigan.

Michigan isn't even the best team in it's conference. Why should they get to play in a game that'll decide who's the best team in the nation, if there's other deserving teams?

Why shouldn't USC get to play Ohio State? If USC wins out, they will have won their conference outright, and in their 3 non-conference games (all ranked in the top-25 for a majority of the season, including two teams currently in the top 6), beating all three. Their schedule strength out-weighs Michigan's 3-point loss in a rivalry game.

Ohio State should play a 1-loss USC, a 1-loss Florida, or a 1-loss Arkansas before playing a 1-loss Michigan.

Why should Michigan be #2? Solely because they lost by 3 to Ohio State? Didn't Ohio State beat a 2-10 Illinois team by only 7 points? Name one Michigan signature victory besides Notre Dame.

The BCS will likely get it right in the end. If USC wins out, they'll jump Michigan in the computers.

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ummmm....... WISCONSIN. I think people are forgetting about them. They only have one loss, and that was to Michigan. They are ranked in the top ten, I am not sure exacttly how high, but they are up there. Michigan didn't win their conference, but this year the two best teams happened to both be in the big ten, so they should both go.


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ummmm....... WISCONSIN. I think people are forgetting about them. They only have one loss, and that was to Michigan. They are ranked in the top ten, I am not sure exacttly how high, but they are up there. Michigan didn't win their conference, but this year the two best teams happened to both be in the big ten, so they should both go.

The Badgers are currently No. 10 in the AP poll and No. 8 in the BCS. That kind of surprises me that Wisconsin would accept that spot in the Capital One Bowl when they are alive for a BCS Bowl. I really do wish that the Big 10 would get have everyone play everybody else so we could have a definitive conference champion.

As for the Ohio State-Michigan game, I've received enough hate mail at work over this one, but want to at least ask one more question.

Would one Wolverine fan tell me where they actually had a chance to win this game. Sure, you lost by three, but in Vegas that would be called a "backdoor cover" due to your touchdown being scored in the final three minutes of the game. I considered that score nothing more than window dressing.

The next three teams to have a shot at the Bucks now are the Trojans, Gators or the Razorbacks. If by some logistical nightmare they all lose prior to Dec. 2 then Michigan would deserve some thought of getting a rematch.

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I'm not a Wolverine fan. I'm an Illini guy. I can't stand Michigan. For that matter I can't stand Ohio St. (though I do have some family ties there).

But Michigan did have a chance. Ohio St. controlled the game, but Michigan never let it get out of hand, and I don't care if it was a sprint last gasp effort, I don't believe for a second Ohio St. fans felt it was all wrapped up at the end.

Three points, on the road, to the number one team in the nation.

Michigan should remain number 2, and number 2 should play number 1 for the National Championship.

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You don't seem to understand the system.

I understand the system. If USC wins out they'll move ahead of Michigan in the computer standings. USC is already number two in the USA Today poll. If USC beats Notre Dame and UCLA they are far more deserving of a shot at Ohio State than Michigan is. What did I miss?

There is still a lot of football to be played. What we know so far...

1. Michigan has already lost to Ohio State.

2. USC played a much tougher non-conference schedule than Michigan did.

3. Florida, Notre Dame, and Arkansas are on life support but they are still in the mix.

4. Ohio State will be in Glendale on Jan. 8th.

5. Boise State is the only other undefeated team in Division 1.

Why does any of that add up to a rematch?

Here's what I think...

1. If you beat Arkansas, Notre Dame, Nebraska, and Cal (all ranked teams) and your one loss is to a 7-4 team then you played a schedule worthy of a shot at the title.

2. There are just as many "experts" out there who feel that the Ohio State-Michigan game was not as close as it appeared as there are "experts" who somehow saw a close game. I think that's why you'll see someone besides Michigan playing Ohio State in Glendale unless Notre Dame is the only one loss team left.

3. The only arguments that I have heard for a rematch seem to fixate on Michigan losing a close game to the number one team. Tough loss (though a lot more one-sided than anyone wants to admit) but that's the way it goes. Why does losing a close game suddenly make Michigan better than USC or Florida? For all we know USC or Florida might stomp the :censored: out of Ohio State in the title game. The point being we know Michigan didn't do it. We have no idea if USC or Florida can beat the Buckeyes.

If at the end of the regular season Michigan is still standing at number two then they should go to the National Championship Game. But until then, it's USC's to lose. That's the system.

Stop trying to hand Michigan something they haven't earned yet.




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Michigan was one dumb penalty away from having a very good chance of winning the game.

And Miami was one dumb penalty away from the National Championship in 2002. What's your point?

What happens if Ohio State doesn't committ the three turnovers? What happens if Ohio State receivers don't drop three straight passes on the opening drive of the second half? What happens if Ohio State isn't nailed with an "either way" intererence call on a third and long that let's Michigan maintain a drive that led to a score? I can give you a ton of missed Buckeye opportunities too. Does that help my case at all?

Why is it that people only want to look at what Michigan might have done if not for...? What about what Ohio State might have done if not for...? Take away the stuff I mentioned and the game is probably, could have been, might have been 49-14 or something. It wasn't like Ohio State had to play the perfect game then hang on for dear life as Mighty Michigan kept tripping over themselves.

For the record, Michigan scored 39 points an still lost. They had three takeaways and still lost. Their highly touted defense was non-existent. They lost the game, and like it or not, it wasn't really that close.




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1. If you beat Arkansas, Notre Dame, Nebraska, and Cal (all ranked teams) and your one loss is to a 7-4 team then you played a schedule worthy of a shot at the title.

2. There are just as many "experts" out there who feel that the Ohio State-Michigan game was not as close as it appeared as there are "experts" who somehow saw a close game. I think that's why you'll see someone besides Michigan playing Ohio State in Glendale unless Notre Dame is the only one loss team left.

1. And that 7-4 team has the ability to be 9-4 before playing a bowl game. And it was a 2-point loss. Not as devastating a defeat as some think it is.

2. Yeah, it was a 3-point decision, but OSU held 10-14 point lead for a majority of the game. OSU also rolled up over 500 yards of offense on Michigan. If OSU can do that with one week's prep, what will they do to Michigan with 50 days of prep?

Another point: How fair would it be to Ohio State to tell them, "You beat Michigan for the Big Ten title. Now take a 7-week break, lose all that momentum you had during the regular season, and play Michigan again for the National Title."? It basically makes the game meaningless.

Last week's game was a great game to watch. I hope the National Championship game is just as exciting as the Michigan-OSU and USC-Texas games were. Michigan playing OSU doesn't mean we'll have as exciting a game. Remember Florida-FSU in 1996? The Championship Game's result was 52-20, hardly exciting.

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You don't seem to understand the system.

If at the end of the regular season Michigan is still standing at number two then they should go to the National Championship Game. But until then, it's USC's to lose. That's the system.

Okay, now I'm better understanding your reasoning.

It sounded to me like you were saying Michigan didn't deserve it because they already lost to OSU, period.

If you're acknowledging that if Michigan is the number two team, then they should play, that's fine.

Then my beef is simply with the people who do the rankings. I see no reason why USC should have surpassed Michigan in the rankings. A close (you can say it wasn't that close, but it was still close regardless) lose to the number one team on the road should not drop you behind a team that lost a close game at home to a very unranked team.

Why should USC be ahead of Michigan? That doesn't make any sense.

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Michigan was one dumb penalty away from having a very good chance of winning the game.

and Michigan was One Dumb penality from losing that game by 10 not 3. That Pass Interference was a pretty shotty call being that the DB was turning to find the ball as he was hit by it.

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