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Erik Christensen's comment after Pens/Isles


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"Sid's the type of player who can control a game whenever he wants to," teammate Erik Christensen said.

So I am curious what everyone's take on this is? To me he is basically telling fans, as well as the media where to put the blame when the pens lose. That is of course, squarely on Cindy's shoulders.

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I take it you are not fond of the hometown hero.

You are correct in that assumption Roger! As you are undoubtably aware, we are constantly bombarded with articles of Cind the kid, and it makes me physically sick to hear about him all the time. I know that if I were to go public with this (i.e. - burn his jersey in Cole Harbour's town square) I would be hanged or arrested, lol. So I save my hatred for the messageboards.

BTW, which team do you prefer from NS? Mooseheads or Screaming Eagles?

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I take it you are not fond of the hometown hero.

You are correct in that assumption Roger! As you are undoubtably aware, we are constantly bombarded with articles of Cind the kid, and it makes me physically sick to hear about him all the time. I know that if I were to go public with this (i.e. - burn his jersey in Cole Harbour's town square) I would be hanged or arrested, lol. So I save my hatred for the messageboards.

BTW, which team do you prefer from NS? Mooseheads or Screaming Eagles?

Huh? The kid's a class act and he's doing nothing but putting NS in a good light around the league.

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Typical Flyer fan. They always hate on the Pens (which is their right being a rival). The jealousy goes back from the 66 & 68 days. I say we take a statewide vote to sell Philly to New Jersey.

As far as the comments...I take it as a compliment to Sid and how he can dominate other grown men who've been playing the sport longer than he has...not as it's his fault for this and that.

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i guess he is a class act, if you include mouthin' off to the refs when things don't go his way!

Isn't that a trait possessed by most professional athletes nowadays?

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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Here's my take on Crosby. I used to hate him, mainly because I was in attendacne for his somewhat well-known run-in with Derian Hatcher's stick. Crosby clearly took a dive during that game and got visibly upset when the ref didn't make the call. I suppose I'll mention that I hate the Flyers more than any other team, so you can't really point the "homerism" finger at me.

This year, he seems to have matured. First off, he's within the top 5 players(well, I'll say forwards, rather than players because it's hard to place goalies and players together, and ) in the league, if not number one. From what I've seen, he's not such a crybaby. He still is the finesse player as opposed to someone like Ovechkin, who'll mix it up on occasion. (Note: I'm not saying finesse players are a bad thing, I'm just saying that's how he plays...I will, however, say that I like players who get physically involved). Crosby is also probably a better team player than Ovechkin, meaning, he'll give the puck up rather than doing everything by himself. Some of that may be who his teammates are in comparison to the Caps.

For the comment, I don't know that anyone can actually control a game single-handedly, except maybe a goalie. There are WAY too many factors going on that makes it just about impossible. Obviously, guys like Crosby can make a drastic change in a game(I mean, take a look at the Flyers, they haven't won a single game without Forsberg, although they haven't won many with him either).

I don't really think you can take Christensen's comment in context of them losing, since they won the game vs. the Isles. He was just talking about that game:

"Sid's the type of player who can control a game whenever he wants to," teammate Erik Christensen said. "It's sick. The way he just turned it on.

"He would come off (the ice) sometimes cursing at himself. But he turned on the switch and had a great third period."


"You just watch (Crosby), and once again he gets two more points," said Penguins defenseman Ryan Whitney, who had an assist. "It seems like that's kind of what you expect. It's truly unbelievable to see what he does. I'm sure he made a couple plays he'd like to take back, but then at the end of the night, he has two goals."


"I can't tell you how many times we've had good third-period efforts, coming from behind to get a point or two," Christensen said. "We have a lot of character, and it comes out when we down and playing desperately. We were lucky to be at 2-2 after the second, so we said, 'This isn't good enough. We have to play better.' Who else to step it up but Sid?"

On a side note, he was given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty last night, so perhaps he hasn't matured as much as I had thought.

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On a side note, he was given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty last night, so perhaps he hasn't matured as much as I had thought.

Just to be clear, Crosby got that Unsportsmanlike after getting Speared in the ribs by Jason Blake. There was real good video of it on SportsCenter this morning, and Crosby retaliated after the Spear. No one can blame him for that...


In fact, I just looked up the ESPN.com story on the game, and the lead is "Crosby reportedly speared at game's end," with the quote:

Crosby was at the center of controversy late when, with 33 seconds to play, he was speared in the abdomen by Jason Blake. No penalty was called but Crosby was assessed an unsportsmanlike conduct minor.

Crosby was seen jawing with Blake after the final horn sounded but downplayed the incident to reporters after the game.

"I wasn't too happy there, but it's good to get the win," Crosby said. "That stuff happens, but it's better to forget about it and move on."

Pittsburgh coach Michel Therrien wasn't ready to let it go.

"The spearing at the end of the game is unacceptable to us," he said. "We're really upset to see a cheap shot; on top of it, we're the ones that got penalized on it. I hope the NHL makes the right call [fine or suspension]. We are not going to accept our best player getting hurt."

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On a side note, he was given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty last night, so perhaps he hasn't matured as much as I had thought.

Just to be clear, Crosby got that Unsportsmanlike after getting Speared in the ribs by Jason Blake. There was real good video of it on SportsCenter this morning, and Crosby retaliated after the Spear. No one can blame him for that...


In fact, I just looked up the ESPN.com story on the game, and the lead is "Crosby reportedly speared at game's end," with the quote:

Crosby was at the center of controversy late when, with 33 seconds to play, he was speared in the abdomen by Jason Blake. No penalty was called but Crosby was assessed an unsportsmanlike conduct minor.

Crosby was seen jawing with Blake after the final horn sounded but downplayed the incident to reporters after the game.

"I wasn't too happy there, but it's good to get the win," Crosby said. "That stuff happens, but it's better to forget about it and move on."

Pittsburgh coach Michel Therrien wasn't ready to let it go.

"The spearing at the end of the game is unacceptable to us," he said. "We're really upset to see a cheap shot; on top of it, we're the ones that got penalized on it. I hope the NHL makes the right call [fine or suspension]. We are not going to accept our best player getting hurt."

Ah, i read it wrong. I thought the spear was in response to whatever Crosby said, not the other way around.

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Typical Flyer fan. They always hate on the Pens (which is their right being a rival). The jealousy goes back from the 66 & 68 days. I say we take a statewide vote to sell Philly to New Jersey.

My hatred for the Pens has nothing to do with Mario + Jagr. I actually enjoyed them while they played in Pittsburgh. Both made quite the dynamic dual w/ the Penguins. A reason for my big hate on for them are all the "closeted" fans who only came out this year and cheered on their team b/c they have a decent team. Where were the fans when they were losing? My team is losing, probably a good thing they are. Gives them a wake up call! I am still sticking with the Flyers!

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On a side note, he was given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty last night, so perhaps he hasn't matured as much as I had thought.

Just to be clear, Crosby got that Unsportsmanlike after getting Speared in the ribs by Jason Blake. There was real good video of it on SportsCenter this morning, and Crosby retaliated after the Spear. No one can blame him for that...

I just saw the footage...was that a spear or a love tap? Looked more like a tap to me

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On a side note, he was given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty last night, so perhaps he hasn't matured as much as I had thought.

Just to be clear, Crosby got that Unsportsmanlike after getting Speared in the ribs by Jason Blake. There was real good video of it on SportsCenter this morning, and Crosby retaliated after the Spear. No one can blame him for that...

I just saw the footage...was that a spear or a love tap? Looked more like a tap to me

Since you're the only one championing the anti-Crosby cause, why not post that footage (I tried to find it online and couldn't) and let us be the judge? Personally, I think you've never been speared between the shoulder pads and the breezers in that couple inches of exposed ribs/abdomen. I can tell you from personel experience that it doesn't take much force for it to hurt...


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http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story/?ID=192512&hubname=nhl you may have to highlight, copy, paste....anyhow here is Cindy's oscar winning performance!

I think I'd hunch over too if someone hit me in the side with a stick... :rolleyes:

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story/?ID=192512&hubname=nhl you may have to highlight, copy, paste....anyhow here is Cindy's oscar winning performance!

I think I'd hunch over too if someone hit me in the side with a stick... :rolleyes:

Yeah, FYI, fast forward the highlight to the :57 mark, and you see Blake with a pretty deliberate spear right under Crosby's armpit (as mentioned - the spot with absolutly no padding between the shoulder pads and breezers). I agree with Pittsburgh coach Michel Therrien. I'd sure be sending this clip into the NHL office, and would not be surprised to see Jason suspended/fined for this action.

And ShawnM, let's see your reaction then... No, wait, I already know what it will be. "Crosby gets preferential treatment from the league... Poor me, I'm from Nova Scotia and can't deal with someone from here making it, while my life apparently sucks." :rolleyes:


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