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Indianapolis Colts: Super Bowl Champions


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Somehow Payton won it, and he gets all the praise.

There's no way that Payton "won it" and I don't believe anyone has said that he did. Hell the Fridge had more TD runs than Payton did. I certainly don't believe anyone here is giving him any praise for that impressive 46-10 rout, and besides that, why are you bringing up a Super Bowl that was played over 21 years ago?


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For me, the best thing about the Colts and Fetus Head winning is that in a few years, when he's getting older, we won't be forced to hear that painful debate about whether he can be considered one of the best QBs ever without winning a Super Bowl. I remember the twilight of Marino's career, and it was goddamn painful how they would bring that up during every single freaking Dolphins game.

oh ,my god ,i strong recommend you to have a visit on the website ,or if i'm the president ,i would have an barceque with the anthor of the articel .
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Congratulations to the Colts and their fans.

Paton finally has the monkey off his back, and this Super Bowl was long over due for him. So congratulations to him, he's earned this one.

That said....

Paton Manning will go down as one of the all time greats, but definitely not THE greatest.

For the Brady is better than Manning people (aka Pats fans), what??

Manning does everything better than Brady. Brady QBed three championship teams. Manning finally has his.

Brady will forever be considered the QB of a dynasty (whether I like it or not), but Manning will go down as one of the best QBs ever, and unlike Marino, Manning will have at least one championship to his name.

If you're really all that hung up on championships fine, but I'd take Manning every chance I had over Brady.

Peyton Manning is the best QB in football today, and he's gonna make a case for himself as the best ever (a title that will ALWAYS be debatable).

No offense, but the "What??" should be reserved for you.

You're a homer. we all know that, you know that. It's not a knock, it's actually more of a positive. Having that kind of passion for your team is a great thing. Having that kind of passion (in the negative sense) for your team's rivals is a great thing.

Last time I checked, however, the Pats are not the Rams' rival. I get it, you're pissed about Super Bowl XXXVI. I would be to if I were a Rams fan. However you need to take off the navy-and-gold glasses and look at this Manning/Brady thing realistically. Manning has one Super Bowl, and multiple playoff choke jobs. Brady has 3 Super Bowls in four years and has only lost twice in the playoffs. On top of that in playoff head-to head battles Brady stills owns Manning, even after this season's AFC title game.

Like you said, Brady will forever be remembered as the quarterback of a dynasty, while Manning to date has one Super Bowl and many blown opportunities.

Yes, Brady had the better team. But so did every other quarterback great. Do you think Joe Montana would be considered one of, if not the, greatest quarterback of all time if he didn't have that great 49ers team around him? Tom Brady will be remembered as a modern day Jo Montana because their accomplishments mirror each other, and Brady has earned that comparison.

How will Manning be remembered? Obviously he will be ranked as one of the all time greats, he's got the numbers like Marino plus a Super Bowl. Will he be ranked higher then Brady? As of now, no he won't. Brady beats him in every category that matters. Maybe someday Manning will eclipse Brady, and if that happens I'll say he's the better QB.

Until then, Brady's the man, and I would pick him over Manning, because Brady has proven that he can win many mores games under pressure then Manning can.

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An encephalWHAT?!?!??!? says the confused Minnesotan!

Complete removal of the brain. A lobotomy is just a removal of part of a brain lobe.

Thanks a bunch. OBTW..... :woot:


The CCSLC's resident Geelong Cats fan.

Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends. Sounds like something from a Rocky & Bullwinkle story arc.

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Manning has one Super Bowl, and multiple playoff choke jobs.

Can you please name these multiple choke jobs? The only one I can think of is against Pittsburgh last year. In case you forgot all those games were played in New England which means the Patriots came in with the better record and better team. The Patriots were supposed to win those games. Considering what happened in the games (I don't think the Colts ever lead) and the fact that the Colts weren't supposed to win the games I would hardly consider them a choke job. And if you want to talk about Choke jobs Brady has a massive one that happened this year. Not that it was Brady's fault but you see how that works. You can maybe knock Manning for not winning those games he wasn't supposed to but I wouldn't call them a choke job.

I think you can make an argument about Manning being better than Brady. Much like John Elway (although Manning has a bit better offense surrounding him than Elway did), Manning as pretty much had to carry the Colts by himself up until this postseason when the defense decided to finally show up. Brady has the Pats defense which has really never put him in the situation to where the Patriots had to just pass the ball to get back into the game.

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May I offer an opinion here for a moment?

For all the Manning vs. Brady talk...figuring out who's better...who played on a better team...better system...may I propose the following question...

Who the :censored: cares?

Both Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are fantastic players. They'll both be in the Hall of Fame someday. Let us honor them for their individual strengths and weaknesses, and stop all this comparison stuff. Let's feel lucky that we're alive in a time where we get to watch two of the best in the prime of their careers. Stop all the arguing, and try to sit back and watch two outstanding quarterbacks.

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May I offer an opinion here for a moment?

For all the Manning vs. Brady talk...figuring out who's better...who played on a better team...better system...may I propose the following question...

Who the :censored: cares?

Both Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are fantastic players. They'll both be in the Hall of Fame someday. Let us honor them for their individual strengths and weaknesses, and stop all this comparison stuff. Let's feel lucky that we're alive in a time where we get to watch two of the best in the prime of their careers. Stop all the arguing, and try to sit back and watch two outstanding quarterbacks.



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Did fan voting actually decide the MVP this year with the whole texting garbage? That's the only logical way that Peyton actually earned the MVP. Honestly, Grossman had the biggest impact on the game, albeit for the other team's benefit. He truly played awful. I was expecting Dominic Rhodes to get the MVP.

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Did fan voting actually decide the MVP this year with the whole texting garbage? That's the only logical way that Peyton actually earned the MVP. Honestly, Grossman had the biggest impact on the game, albeit for the other team's benefit. He truly played awful. I was expecting Dominic Rhodes to get the MVP.

Fan voting acconts for 20% the media the rest. It might have decided it because Rhodes and Addai might have split the media vote.

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So it was ALL Adam Vinatieri who drove the Patriots into field goal territory in with only 1:30 left Super Bowl XXXVI? And it was ALL Vinatieri again who completed a Super Bowl record 32 completions in Super Bowl XXXVIII as well?

On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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So it was ALL Adam Vinatieri who drove the Patriots into field goal territory in with only 1:30 left Super Bowl XXXVI? And it was ALL Vinatieri again who completed a Super Bowl record 32 completions in Super Bowl XXXVIII as well?

Of course not, moron. If you could get off of Tom Brady's :censored:'n'balls for a second, you'd realize that no one ever said it was ALL Vinatieri. But to put it ALL on Tom Brady when the Pats win and ALL on Peyton Manning when the Colts lose, yet NONE on Manning when the Colts win is asinine, but just about expected from a Boston fan...other than Unwind and JP of course...

Like Unwind said, they're both :censored:in outstanding and I would love for my sorry ass team to have either one of them.

So can all you Brady cocksniffers let Manning have his one goddamn moment please without you guys tainting it with Patriots talk? I mean damn, did Bill Simmons become a member here or something?

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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Congrats to the Colts.

I must say, I thought this was a team game where everyone gives 100% and does their bit to win it. Somehow Payton won it, and he gets all the praise. Team game I thought. Is he captain? That's another story then.

Well, it also wasn't fair that he got all the blame when the Colts lost. Shouldn't really happen either way.

Looks guys, Trent Dilfer has more Super Bowls to his name than Dan Marino. Gun to your head -- who's the better QB? Super Bowl's are a team accomplishment. The Patriots were a better team than the Colts were everyone of those years. That's why they have more rings... not because Brady himself is better.

Besides, in head to head matchups, Brady can't even beat Manning anymore.

And why, again I ask, are Patriots fans so willing to talk about how great the rest of their team and their coach is until it's time to say that they are a huge reason why Brady has three rings?

May I offer an opinion here for a moment?

For all the Manning vs. Brady talk...figuring out who's better...who played on a better team...better system...may I propose the following question...

Who the censored.gif cares?

I would think you do, since you are the one who has basically started this debate in all of these threads. Something to the effect of "Peyton is not Brady, and never will be." Right?

When Peyton retires -- and remember, he doesn't get hit much so he will be around for a while, he will be thought of as the greatest of all time.

Manning has one Super Bowl, and multiple playoff choke jobs.

Can you please name these multiple choke jobs?

The biggest one that comes to mind is a lose to the Jets by a score of 41-0.

Was he playing on the defense that gave up 41 points, too?


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Congratulations to Peyton Manning, now do it two more times without relying on Adam Vinatieri's foot or else you're still Brady's bitch.

Brady has NEVER done it without relying on Vinatieri's foot his damn self...so who's bitch is Brady?

Do you realize that without ANY of Mr. Clutch's points, the Colts still outscored the Bears 18-17? Does a frontal lobotomy come with induction to Boston sports fanhood? You, sir, are a moron.

Manning won without relying on a field goal. All I meant was that if he does that two more times he's better than Brady.



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May I offer an opinion here for a moment?

For all the Manning vs. Brady talk...figuring out who's better...who played on a better team...better system...may I propose the following question...

Who the censored.gif cares?

I would think you do, since you are the one who has basically started this debate in all of these threads. Something to the effect of "Peyton is not Brady, and never will be." Right?

You completely misinterpreted my comment, then. I didn't say Brady is better than Manning. I said Brady is not Manning, and Manning is not Brady. They're completely different quarterbacks. Never did I say that one was better than the other. I meant that they have different styles of play, and different types of offenses. That's all.

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Congratulations to Peyton Manning, now do it two more times without relying on Adam Vinatieri's foot or else you're still Brady's bitch.

Brady has NEVER done it without relying on Vinatieri's foot his damn self...so who's bitch is Brady?

Do you realize that without ANY of Mr. Clutch's points, the Colts still outscored the Bears 18-17? Does a frontal lobotomy come with induction to Boston sports fanhood? You, sir, are a moron.

Manning won without relying on a field goal. All I meant was that if he does that two more times he's better than Brady.

Still, Brady has never won without relying on a field goal.

On January 16, 2013 at 3:49 PM, NJTank said:

Btw this is old hat for Notre Dame. Knits Rockne made up George Tip's death bed speech.


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May I offer an opinion here for a moment?

For all the Manning vs. Brady talk...figuring out who's better...who played on a better team...better system...may I propose the following question...

Who the censored.gif cares?

I would think you do, since you are the one who has basically started this debate in all of these threads. Something to the effect of "Peyton is not Brady, and never will be." Right?

You completely misinterpreted my comment, then. I didn't say Brady is better than Manning. I said Brady is not Manning, and Manning is not Brady. They're completely different quarterbacks. Never did I say that one was better than the other. I meant that they have different styles of play, and different types of offenses. That's all.

Fair enough... how'd I misinterpret this gem?

"The Pats are still amazing and Brady is still the best QB in the league. (Yes, still ahead of Peyton, even if he wins in two weeks. Brady has three rings, not just one.)"


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Congratulations to Peyton Manning, now do it two more times without relying on Adam Vinatieri's foot or else you're still Brady's bitch.

Brady has NEVER done it without relying on Vinatieri's foot his damn self...so who's bitch is Brady?

Do you realize that without ANY of Mr. Clutch's points, the Colts still outscored the Bears 18-17? Does a frontal lobotomy come with induction to Boston sports fanhood? You, sir, are a moron.

Manning won without relying on a field goal. All I meant was that if he does that two more times he's better than Brady.

Super Bowl XXXVI. Patriots 20, Rams17-Patriots need a Figgie to win.

Super Bowl XXXVIII. Patriots 32, Panthers 29-Patriots need a figgie to win.

Super Bowl XXXIX. Patriots 24, Eagles 21. Final and Game-winning score for the Patriots? You guessed it -Vinatieri figgie.

So that makes it 3 for 3 on Patriots Super Bowls that they wouldn't have won without Vinatieri's scoring. Manning's already won one without a Vinatieri point Game, Set, Match.

On 8/1/2010 at 4:01 PM, winters in buffalo said:
You manage to balance agitation with just enough salient points to keep things interesting. Kind of a low-rent DG_Now.
On 1/2/2011 at 9:07 PM, Sodboy13 said:
Today, we are all otaku.

"The city of Peoria was once the site of the largest distillery in the world and later became the site for mass production of penicillin. So it is safe to assume that present-day Peorians are descended from syphilitic boozehounds."-Stephen Colbert

POTD: February 15, 2010, June 20, 2010

The Glorious Bloom State Penguins (NCFAF) 2014: 2-9, 2015: 7-5 (L Pineapple Bowl), 2016: 1-0 (NCFAB) 2014-15: 10-8, 2015-16: 14-5 (SMC Champs, L 1st Round February Frenzy)

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So it was ALL Adam Vinatieri who drove the Patriots into field goal territory in with only 1:30 left Super Bowl XXXVI? And it was ALL Vinatieri again who completed a Super Bowl record 32 completions in Super Bowl XXXVIII as well?

Of course not, moron. If you could get off of Tom Brady's :censored:'n'balls for a second, you'd realize that no one ever said it was ALL Vinatieri. But to put it ALL on Tom Brady when the Pats win and ALL on Peyton Manning when the Colts lose, yet NONE on Manning when the Colts win is asinine, but just about expected from a Boston fan...other than Unwind and JP of course...

Like Unwind said, they're both :censored:in outstanding and I would love for my sorry ass team to have either one of them.

So can all you Brady cocksniffers let Manning have his one goddamn moment please without you guys tainting it with Patriots talk? I mean damn, did Bill Simmons become a member here or something?

Unless Tom Brady's balls are hundreds of miles long, then it is geographically impossible that I am "on his :censored:'n'balls". I highly doubt that at this moment in time, Tom Brady is in Connecticut.

I'm also confused by the fact that you think Brady has NEVER done it without relying on Vinatieri's foot. So let me just get this straight. Instead of giving props to Brady about driving the team into field goal range, you feel that it was Vinatieri who won it. So in your opinon to make it look like Brady won, you would have rather had him run down the clock and win it in overtime? Rather than, as I just stated, drive his team into field goal territory? The same goes for Super Bowl XXXVIII.


On 4/10/2017 at 3:05 PM, Rollins Man said:

what the hell is ccslc?



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