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Vancouver Canucks Concept

js °

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Amazing how many heads this logo is flying over on HF and the Canucks board.

I'm more amazed at the absurd size of the images that CanucksCentral board seems to let people put in their sigs. Thats got to be the ugliest looking forum thread I've ever seen.

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that would be correct to the majority on the Caps boards, ive never seen a more doom and gloom bunch.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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Wow. That one went RIGHT over their heads.

Anyway, js, great work on the logo. I like the "V", the hidden logo, and the overall design of the face is bold and iconic. Great work.

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that would be correct to the majority on the Caps boards, ive never seen a more doom and gloom bunch.

The fans who post on the Leafs boards are just boneheaded. The ones on the Blue Jays board are worse. Quite possibly the most paranoid bunch has to be the fans who post on the official Colts board though.

As a Chargers fan I was excited when the Bolts handed the Colts their first lost of the season in week 16 of the 2005-2006 season. I decided to take a look around the Colts board, and all I found were "It was a conspiracy!!!! The NFL wanted the Colts to lose!!!" posts.

In fairness though, Chargers fans on the Bolts' official forum are incapable of posting a thought that isn't "LT IS TEH GR8IST!!!!!1!1!!11one"

So yeah, generally speaking fans who frequent official team message boards are idiots.

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some people who post on the Caps boards are ok as far as intelligence, you dont get alot of the "OVIE RULZ!!!!1!!!!" crap cuz the mods weed out those morons well, but i swear, if the Caps ever won a Cup, they'd have something to complain about. they are a bunch of whiners on that board. i dont post there becuz i only have a hotmail address and they dont accept membership from people who have free accounts.

"I don't understand where you got this idea so deeply ingrained in your head (that this world) is something that you must impress, cause I couldn't care less"


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You guys are unbelievable.

Canucks Central is the intended market for this logo. A lot of them are actual season ticket holders. They don't like the logo and somehow they are idiots because THEY don't get it?

It's YOU that doesn't get it.

A designers job is create a logo that resonates with the fan base period. If the fans don't "get it" then YOU haven't done your job well.

This logo obviously works as a mark for members of this board but fails miserably as a logo for the Canucks faithful. Which do you think is more important in the grand scheme of things? Are you really arrogant enough to believe YOU are more important here?


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wow, take a chill pill there, buddy - design wise, this is an amazing logo, which is how we on this forum choose to view the design. your point is valid from the standpoint that the fans matter, but you needn't scream and lambast about it.

I never called anyone an idiot because they disagreed with me. Perhaps you need to take a chill pill.

This logo is not "amazing" design wise.

For starters two very similar logos have popped up on this board since it was introduced, so it's unoriginal. Secondly it's not resonating with actual Canuck's fans.

You guys all want to design logos. Don't you think adhering to principles of marketing would be appropriate? Do you want to someday design something that speaks to a market or is this just an appreciation board for members that you know and can draw well.

A lot of people on this board like the Islanders fisherman logo but the Islanders faithful and their management know better. I don't see any difference here with this logo.

A logo is supposed to do more than just look good. If the concept doesn't work you can't just beat the market into submission and call them idiots.


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Let's ALL "take a chill pill"... starting now.

Perhaps I'd subconsciously chosen to ignore the rise of overly-combative posting that other members of the community had been bemoaning, but since becoming a moderator I have to admit that I've noticed it much more.

That said, let's not allow a thread containing a logo concept to devolve into an acrimonious bout of finger-pointing and name-calling. Believe it or not, it's possible to debate the merits of a logo design - and whether or not said concept would actually work in the real-world marketplace - without personally attacking one another. Let's start doing so, shall we? That way we can avoid the Graveyard-ing of this thread.

Thank you.

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Hey man, I think this is one of the greatest logos I have ever seen. I dont care what any board says, that has greatness written all over it. It is extremely clever (the hidden "V" and hockey rink logo in the goggles), the shading and proportions seem perfect (he looks heroic), the colors fit like a glove, and the logo finally represents a real "Canuck" (i had never heard of Johnny Canuck until you brought it up -- and now I'm scrambling to find out how the word Canuck ever became associated with lumberjacks or orcas). Awesome, awesome, awesome work. Send that in pronto!

Jimmy Eat World



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" logo is supposed to do more than just look good. If the concept doesn't work you can't just beat the market into submission and call them idiots."

Tell that to the Sabres faithful. Their new logo was met with much disdain

and national ridicule. What did th Sabres and NHL do? they thumbed their noses at the "market" and beat them into submission. This was a logo that didn't even look good and they still said, tough it's here to stay and

beat into everyones brains.

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the colors fit like a glove, and the logo finally represents a real "Canuck" (i had never heard of Johnny Canuck until you brought it up -- and now I'm scrambling to find out how the word Canuck ever became associated with lumberjacks or orcas). Awesome, awesome, awesome work. Send that in pronto!

Well the lumberjack has always been one of the many personifications of Johnny Canuck, so a lumberjack makes sense.

The ora, however, was just the result of corporate narcissism on the part if Orca Bay.

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