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CONCEPT81: New Orleans Hornets


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First off I would like to say what's up to all of the people on the board since I've been gone and any fan's (if any) that I might have on here. I've been busy lately but still working on some concepts and this 1 has been in the back of my mind for a minute so here it is all final and done! C&C as usual and thank's for checking out my post!


I've never been a fan of the Hornets uniforms since they moved here. I didn't think that they had 2 add 'gold' as a third color 2 tie into the area but they did anyway however it could have been done farely better and that's where I've come in.....

> I completely ditched the 'gold' and went instead with a mix between white/blue/purple as the third color. This was done for two reasons. 1, because I think that it looks and goes better with the teal and purple and 2, is because the color that I've added was actually taken from the New Orleans Arena. The building on the outside has green (damn near teal) panels that it's constructed of and inside the seats are a combination of blue's which one can almost pass for purple and the other being the color that I added. I thought this tied in better with the team so I went with it and my opinion aside...I like it!

> "The stripes are back!" I always liked them on the old uni's so I brought them back for this set but just on the road's. I thought it was unique how the stripes were not just straight pin stripes on the old uni's but that was Charolette and this is New Orleans so just regular pin's fit better to me.

> 'Honeycomb' side panel designs were added to the jerseys and the shorts also tieing in with the 'Hornets' theme. Hugo there mascot was famous for having the print on the bottom of his kick's so why not try to incorporate that into the team somehow.

> The collar stripes were done in a 3 stripe combo but I set it off of the collar placing the secondary 'H' logo in the middle (This was done to resemble a mardi gras bead). The design also carries over to the outside of the side panels.

> The new 're-vamped' logo was placed at the bottom of the left leg in the front so as not to take away from the side panel design.

> Kept 'HORNETS' on the home jersey (Lord, it took them to get to Oklahoma to realize that it looked better?)

> Added a medium purple outline to the names on the back of the jersey for definition purposes


> Added and extra outline to the secondary 'H' logo and made the stroke of the text follow the contours of the 'honeycone' also giving it and edgier feel and look

Oh Mr. Hugo!....

> Made him more streamlined and muscular in the arms and legs so that he doesn't look so wimpy. I also made is stinger look like it would hurt rather than tickle! And he now only has 1 wing for each side rather than 2. This was done to make him look less bulky.

> Kept that original Hugo face but made him look a bit meaner by adding highlights to his eyes and curling his lip. I understand he has to be fan friendly so I think that the Hornets could get away with this. I also made him with one fist closed and the other clinching the basketball instead of it 'floating' like before. To me it just looks a little more intimidating that way.

> Took 'New Orleans' off of his chest inside the 'H' and just replaced it with the updated 'H' logo.

> Kept the trademark cone design at the bottom of his shoes and despite my best judgement, I left him with big feet so as not to loose too much of his traditional look.

> Replaced the 'gold' bball with an orange one. I would have done it with the blue but I needed something to 'pop' from the design and since the original was orange and I'm no longer using the gold, I thought that it would fit nicely.


* Edmonton Oilers, font used for the #'s

* Kept their current font and wordmarks

* He does have another wing and another shoe look just above his right eye for the wing and below his stinger for the other shoe. It's supposed to be behind him as if he was lunging towards a target.

I know i've talked too much but thanks til' the end.....Later


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Quick notes....

Yeah I brought back the purple alternate....I would buy one!

And the New Orleans Arena does have gold seats in the upper/cheaper levels but you wouldn't see them on TV anyway's so that makes my concept that much better ha ha!!

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I hate to throw this out there, but the first thing I thought of when I saw the hornet was wow does he have a huge member. Fixing the positioning of the stinger and the legs would turn this logo into something absolutely amazing.

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i agree that the logo needs some revisions, it has potential though. I will also say that the home is dying for pinstripes as well...

Great job so far


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I hate to throw this out there, but the first thing I thought of when I saw the hornet was wow does he have a huge member. Fixing the positioning of the stinger and the legs would turn this logo into something absolutely amazing.

Yeahhh that was my first thought as well. Gotta make it look more like a stinger. This concept is very, very close though. I like the effort thus far.

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It's well done, and certain aspects I love, but for the most part, I'm not digging this like I should.

The Honeycomb is genius, but pinstripes and basketball just do not mix. The wordmarks seem like, with the colors being darkened, that they'd be hard to read from any decent distance, and the colors themselves, I preferred the ligher look.

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I hate to throw this out there, but the first thing I thought of when I saw the hornet was wow does he have a huge member. Fixing the positioning of the stinger and the legs would turn this logo into something absolutely amazing.

Me too. However, with a little adaptation, this would be a great logo if Shawn Kemp ever buys a pro team...perhaps the Seattle Seedplanters?

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The angle of the stinger needs a little fine tuning, but the rest of the concept is pretty good. I'm not a big fan of the pinstripes, but that is just my personal preference. Although I would probably either: (a) give the pinstripes to the white or (B) lose the pinstripes on the teal and leave them on the alt. Just a thought.

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very nice concept youve got going on here, but i agree with the others, the logo needs a little tweak, i might even say a full facelift... i never really liked the hornet... great execution on the uniforms, love the honeycomb sidestriping, but id like to see what the purple alt would look like if you made the sidestripe teal like on the other unis...

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Ahah whew, i'm not the only one that thought that about the logo.

Now, overall comments. I do like this, seems very cool. I miss the gold, but silver is fine I guess. I actually made a jersey for nba live very similar to this, in the sense that I had the Honeycombs down the side.

It's very cool overall, however, I would make the home and away the same style. So, either home and away have pinstripes or just the alternate has pinstripes. Up to you, nice work!

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This is excellent so far. I think it would look better with gold instead of silver. The logo needs a little reworking, that's been pointed out already. The home jersey needs pinstripes to match the other two, if your opposed to pinstripes on the home you should take them off the road as well. I really like the honeycomb side panels, it adds something unique to the Hornets and away from what the rest of the NBA has.


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I hate to throw this out there, but the first thing I thought of when I saw the hornet was wow does he have a huge member. Fixing the positioning of the stinger and the legs would turn this logo into something absolutely amazing.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I thought the same thing...

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Ok, I took all of your suggestions and I honestly didn't intend for Hugo's, "stinger" to come off as another body part. I just streamlined it to go along with his new body and still keep that old Hugo feel! As far as the pinstripes go, I think that it goes well with the Hornets considering that it was a part of their previous identity and for whatever reason it was dropped once they moved here to New Orleans. From my knowledge I don't think that there have been too many teams to go the pinstripe route (i.e. Chicago and Indiana) but I believe that if it was 'you' from the get-go, then it's yours! If your curious, I did create an alternate based on the third color that I created but I scrapped it to go with the purple because it was more of a prominent color than the third and it was previously their third color jersey anyway. It also enables the team to have a dark third jersey without it being "black" for God's sake!! And it was mentioned that the colors were darkened...not true! Those are the colors that I got off of a vector image of the current Hornets logo. The only color that's not of the team now as stated before, is the color that I created to replace the Hornets gold. I'll take a minute and adjust it when I get a chance but for now here are some of the request that were asked of me. Any other request just let me know and thanks again!


Jersey 1: with teal side panels

Jersey 2: without pinstripes

Jersey 3: with teal side panels and no pinstripes

*My Opinion: I already had this jersey done up with the teal side panels but I wanted to go in a different route with the design so that's why I flipped the colors. I must admit that I do like it better with the teal panels and pinstripes though! The other two....ehh!!


Jersey 1: with current Hornets gold

Jersey 2: without pinstripes

*My Opinion: Jersey with the gold...not lovin' it! Not feeling the other one either, I guess the pinstripes just do it for me.


Jersey 1: with current Hornets gold and purple pinstripes

Jersey 2: with current Hornets gold and teal pinstripes

Jersey 3: with purple pinstripes

Jersey 4: with teal pinstripes

*My Opinion: I don't care for either of the jerseys with the gold and it's a toss up as far as the pinstripe color goes adding them to the home uni's but if I had to pick...I might go with the teal

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Personally, I actually liked it MORE when they added the gold and wish they would change the teal to green. All in all, I do like the unis that you designed with the current scheme. The pinstripes are a nice nod to the past. I'm not too sure I like the honeycomb sidepanels...but I could live with them.


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Very nicely done. I tried a while back to work up an alternate combining the old era pinstripe jerseys with their current colors... didn't work too well. But what you've done is rather nice. I especially like that you've extended the pinstripes down to the shorts, unlike the Hornets' old sets. As for the honeycomb side panels, I'm a fan of the outlined design rather than the filled-in ones... and while the yellow adds a certain pop to the uniforms, I'd welcome the return to the old colors that you seem to be just as fond of.

"The true New Yorker secretly believes that anyone living anywhere else has got to be, in some sense, kidding."

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It's an improvement, but if you really want the pinstripes, simplify the word and number marks... take the outer level off, to make them more legible. As it is, with pinstripes and the three layered numbers and letters, it's just way too much and although especially on the teal the gold helps a little, simplification in that department would likely be the biggest improvement.

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excellent work on all these... love em... i kinda like the gold on the teal jersey but for some strange reason, not so much on the white... heres my opinion, white jersey with teal pinstripes, teal jersey with pinstripes and purple jersey with pinstripes and teal sidestripes...

awesome work

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