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So it's been a while since I've posted a concept on here so I thought I'd make a comeback by doing a league wide series. I'll try to post a concept every few days and c&c would be appreciated. Some of the teams will be totally redesigned an others will have minor tweaks, I just want to show what I think the league should look like(in my opinion anyway).

So without further ado....


For the Stars I wanted to go in a more simple traditional direction and the uniforms are loosely based on Iowa. I kept the star pattern as a third jersey because I think it is a unique design and removed black from the colour scheme.


For Minny I prefer red as the home jersey, and I actually like the circle logo. Both the home and away are based on last years third, and the new alternate uses striping based on the North Stars uniforms in the mid 70's.

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So it's been a while since I've posted a concept on here so I thought I'd make a comeback by doing a league wide series. I'll try to post a concept every few days and c&c would be appreciated. Some of the teams will be totally redesigned an others will have minor tweaks, I just want to show what I think the league should look like(in my opinion anyway).

So without further ado....


For the Stars I wanted to go in a more simple traditional direction and the uniforms are loosely based on Iowa. I kept the star pattern as a third jersey because I think it is a unique design and removed black from the colour scheme.


For Minny I prefer red as the home jersey, and I actually like the circle logo. Both the home and away are based on last years third, and the new alternate uses striping based on the North Stars uniforms in the mid 70's.

Wow these jerseys are really impressive.

For the Stars: I think the black is needed. The green jersey is too green, and if you add black in the shoulders it would look better. I really like the white jersey as it is right now, but I think a small amount of black should be added. For the alt, it looks great and better than the real star pattern jerseys they had, but I've never really liked white alts, with the exception of the Leafs and Habs, so I think you should make the jersey either black or green.

For the Wild: Perfect. My only problem is the alts, just because they are too green, but I guess they are the 'Wild' so they should be really green! By the way, it's Boogaard, not Boogard. :P

Can't wait till you do the Flames, or any other team for that matter!


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Everytime I see a Wild concept, I can never seem to justify how a team with such a great logo package got stuck with such a crappy name. If it were up to me, they'd be called the Wildcats (it'd give the "animal head" in the main crest an added meaning).

Don't mind me, I'm just ranting. Anyway, the only beef I have with your concept is the redundancy of using the same basic logo as a crest and shoulder patches. Try using the state of Minnesota logo (with the trees/lake forming the "MW") as the shoulder patches (and maybe the crest on the alt). Otherwise, don't change a thing.

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Dallas: Tremendous. I don't like the all-star 3rd, but the primaries are great and an example of how black does not make all uniforms better.

Wild: Good. I'd wipe out the white stripes at home. I happen to hate the circle. It marginalizes a great logo. I'd go with no circle. I like the nod to the North Stars in the alt.

Disclaimer: If this comment is about an NBA uniform from 2017-2018 or later, do not constitute a lack of acknowledgement of the corporate logo to mean anything other than "the corporate logo is terrible and makes the uniform significantly worse."



POTD (Shared)

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I really like them. The only thing I would suggest is that on the wild road jersey you make it beige and not white. I amd not really feeling the two stripes on the wild alt jersey either. Great job overall though. MUCH better than what both teams have right now.


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Try using the state of Minnesota logo (with the trees/lake forming the "MW") as the shoulder patches (and maybe the crest on the alt). Otherwise, don't change a thing.

IIRC, that Wild patch was another member's concept (his name escapes me at the moment). But that was a helluva good idea, and deserves some more time in the spotlight.

As for these, I am going to be super nitpicky. Take that as a compliment, because you nailed 99.9% of it - so congrats on these!

STARS: When the star also forms the "A" in "STARS", it looks fine. Without the other letters around it, it looks like a star with a broken outline, as it does in the Texas alternate patch. I'd fill it in. Also, I'd consider a narrower font and not go double outline. "Modano" is only a 6 letter last last name and it runs nearly shoulder to shoulder. God help you if the Stars acquire Ryan Vandenbussche.

WILD: On the red jersey, consider white or wheat numbers (or toast, for that matter; I prefer rye). On the white jersey, the double outlining really stands out - dark (green) outlined light (wheat) outlined dark (red). But on the red, it's dark (green) outlined light (white) outlined light (wheat). The double outline effect really gets lost, and it throws off the overall consistency of the concept.

Those small remarks aside, you went 2-for-2. Nice job.

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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These look pretty sweet. My only peeve isn't so much with your work as with the Stars logo itself - it seems to me the star should be gold and the name/outline should be green (or white, when placed on a dark jersey). I've thought this ever since the logo was first released (it actually dates back to the team's last couple of years in Minnesota) although I haven't thought much of it since the team left town. It's Dallas's team now, and their mis-colored logo too. :P

CCSLC signature.png

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Not to nitpick, but where can i get that darn template? I want to put some ideas down on that template and i can't seem to find it.

If anyone can PM me that template i'd really appreciate it.


5x Stanley Cup Champions

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i'm starting to believe the owners hired designers that are patsox level to redesign the uniforms. I'm not sure if your a pro designer or not but these are a 98% upgrade to what both teams released. add black trim to the stars and you have a 100% upgrade. on the wild add the state of minnesota logo a user created and you have another 100% upgrade.

can't wait to see the other 28 teams.



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Thanks for all the comments, and sorry about the delay in posting.

Regarding the removal of black from the Stars, I don't really think it is necessary when they have dark green, and I think it is a cleaner look without it.

As for the Wild circle logo, I know a lot of people really like the original, but I never did. I didn't even realize it was supposed to be a bear or whatever for a couple years until someone pointed it out, I just thought it was a forest scene. I just think the circle looks better, but thats just me.

And sorry to Derek Boogaard for misspelling his name, I knew that looked weird, probably should have checked it. ^_^

Anyways, next up is Atlanta. This one may be controversial as I one of the few who liked the Atlanta blue third jersey. Even though it isn't symmetrical, I just think it is a cool and unique design so I kept it. I made the road jersey more consistent with the home, made powder blue the main color, and got rid of the red - aside from the logo. I also removed the hockey stick from the logo, because we know you're a hockey team, every logo doesn't' need a bloody stick.


Oh yeah, anyone who wants my template, pm me your email address and I can send you one, it's in psd form.

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